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In this chapter I'm gonna write it as 'you' instead of 'i' ok?

You were suddenly picked up bridal style and was being carried to your bedroom. It was the only one that was clean. You didn't know what to do, but your mind was blank. Jimin slowly set you on the bed, smirking. He knew that your body was still innocent, which made him feel proud and confident. He would be your first in the whole world. He pushed you down forcefully before putting his own on top of you. He admired your pretty face before smacking his soft plump lips onto your small pink ones. He roughly kissed them, but you on the other hand was struggling to breath, yet you enjoyed it. You began kissing back before he slipped his tongue onto yours, making you gasp lightly. Your tongues were fighting and battling with eachother. In the end you gave up, letting Jimin rule over you. He pulled away before standing up. He pulled his shirt of and ripped your clothes off, not wasting a second to state at your pure body. His eyes widened at all your scars.

You gasped before pulling your quilt over your eyes.
"Please, don't tell anyone..."

Jimin was still wide eyed before he shook his head. He put his shirt back on before sitting beside you. You turned away from him.

"How did those happen?"
His raspy voice filled your ears.

"I can't say..."
He sighed before putting his hand on your head.

"Y/n, you do realise that I still think of you as a friend, right? Not just any girl. Your more than that."
A tear dropped from your eye.
"Hey, don't cry. We promise eachother when we were smaller that we would be friends forever, so your not alone. You won't need Jisoo."

You whispered.

"I'll take my leave."

You heard the door shut before you could let the tears that were threatening to fall, fall. With a big sigh, you fell asleep, tired from crying.

Y/n Pov

It was Saturday today. Jungkook had asked me to come over. He wanted me to play on the play station with him since it had been ages. I agreed and got dressed into something comfortable and put my hair into a high ponytail. I smile once I saw myself in the mirror, but it faded once I saw the scars on my arm. I put on a jacket and headed out before shutting the door behind me. It was sunny today so I could see a lot of kids running around. I sighed once I saw Jungkook's large house. I knocked on the door only to be greeted by Jungkook's mum, my auntie.

"Hi auntie-"

"Y/n darling!!!"
She pulled me into a tight hug before kissing my cheek multiple times.
"How long has it been? 10 years?!"

"Actually...a year- OW!!"
She continued to hug me tighter and tighter before letting me go after she heard a bone click.

"Long enough. Jungkook's upstairs if you want to see him. I'll cook something special."
She clapped her hands.

"Thankyou auntie."
I laughed a bit before kissing her cheek.

I ran up the stairs and immediately recognised Jungkook's room. It was the one with a letter on his door saying J. This boy was always an attention seeker. I opened the door only to see Jungkook in his shorts and nothing on top, only to reveal his bare torso.

"Just like old times eh?"
He smirked.

"Ok then!"
I smirked before pulling my hair out and shaking it out.

Jungkook threw me a large shirt of his and turned around as I stripped. I quickly put the shirt on.

"Man that used to be like a dress and now it just looks like a shirt. Well a long one."
Jungkook laughed before we sat down together, side by side.

We began playing all kinds of games and even watched a couple of movies.

"Wanna eat? I'm sure mum made something now."
Jungkook stood up.

"Yeh but you might wanna put a shirt on. I remember she always shouts at you."
He shrugged his shoulders before putting the a shirt on just like mine.
"Give me a pair of shorts too."
He threw me a pair of black ones at my face.

After at I put them on, we began walking down the stairs. But my eyes widened at what I saw.

"Oh y/n and Jungkook! A friend of yours is here."
Auntie smiled.

There stood Taehyung.

True Lovers; Kim Taehyung (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now