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It was lunch. I was by myself so I went to the classroom, where Jisoo and I usually eat. When I walked inside, I sighed. I sat in my seat. As I looked at my lunch tray, I sighed. It was a sloppy burger that had day dripping by the sides of the meant. I almost gagged before throwing it in the bin. I took the ice cream and spoon out the tray first and began eating. After that, I put my feet on my desk and leaned back in my chair, texting Jisoo on my phone.

Guess what?


I'm having a shit


Want a pic? 😎

Fuck no.🖕

I put my phone away before laughing a bit. I then grabbed my bag, seeing if I had any sweets or something to eat. But I was interrupted by the door opening and shutting. I looked up to see Taehyung walking inside, him smirking.

I asked, sitting on my chair properly.

"Oh nothing. Just that Taeyeon and I had a really hot moment."
I sat up and looked at him.

"Your kidding."
He shook his head.
"Ew. That girl is a bitch."

"A sexy one."
He chuckled before walking to my desk.
"Do my homework."

"What? No."
I threw his papers on the floor.

"You better do them."

"And what if I don't?"
He stared at me intensely.
"That's what I thought. Get your little girlfriend to do them.

"Mhm whatever."

Taehyung Pov

"Mhm whatever."
I responded, turning my back to her.

I walked back outside the classroom. There stood Taeyeon. She was a mess. Her hair was messy but cute at the same time. Her lips were red and parted. Her cheeks were red.

"Give me more."
She ran to me before jumping onto me.

I fell on the stairs, her straddling onto my lap as I backed into the corner. Our lips moved roughly as I slipped my tongue into her mouth, her moans squeezing out.

But everything felt wrong.

I opened my eyes but I never saw Taeyeon. I saw Y/n. I pushed her off me before looking at her once more. It was Taeyeon.

"What the fuck was that for?!"
She stood up.

"I've had enough. I'm tired."

She groaned before sashaying her way out of the halls, her figure disappearing our my sight.

What was that?

It was the end of the school day and everyone was heading home.

"Hey Taehyung,"
I looked at Jimin.
"Jungkook and I are going to the arcade. Wanna come?"

"Oh yeh sure."
I smirked before putting my school shit in my locker.

As we were playing in the arcade, a figure caught my eye. I turned around from vs Jungkook and saw Y/n walking. Her smooth h/c hair flowed swiftly right behind her back. Her steps were jumpy as if she was skipping. She wore a smile on her face as she held an ice cream cone in her little hands, her tongue smothering the treat.

Jungkook slapped my back.

I demanded.

True Lovers; Kim Taehyung (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now