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This has got a bit of rude stuff that isn't good for all people. I've warned that it's not smut, but it's something like that.

Please don't comment shit about it cause I've already told you.

My eyes widened as Taehyung pressed his lips onto mine. He held my hands for a bit, but for the moment I let him do what he want. There was no point anymore of me trying to push him. He would just come back. One of his hands travelled to my waist and the other behind my head, pulling me closer, deepening the kiss. He somehow slipped his tongue into my mouth, exploring my mouth everywhere. I did the same, both of us moaning into the deep kiss. It felt so good. Taehyung then broke it, sitting on the sofa. I sat on his lap, straddling onto him. I went in for another kiss before even catching breath. I heard him chuckle before deepening the kiss again. But then I pulled away. I wanted to tease him. His eyes still closed, began sucking on his lips before tracing them with my tongue. Still holding him back down, I then twirled my tongue around his, making him a little suprised. He smirked before pushing me on my back, so that he was hovering over me. He brushed his lips against mine, before biting my bottom lip harshly. It made me groan before slapping my lips onto his. He couldn't stop smiling. But I soon gasped for air once his member began rubbing against my womanhood. He grinned at my expression before grabbing my ref face.

"I've been wanting you for a while y/n, but I'll wait till your ready."
He whispered before kissing me for the last time.

He pulled away. Both of us stopped moving and breathed for a while. Taehyung got off me before picking me up bridal style. He carried me to my room before setting me under my blankets, all warm. He slowly crept next to me, hugging my waist. I couldn't be bothered telling him off so I let him do what I want. I sighed before turning my face to him. His eyes were closed and his lips were parted. For the first time, I realised how handsome he was. His cheeks were a little chubby when he breathed out as well as his lips. He wasn't as bad as I thought.

 He wasn't as bad as I thought

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"I like you y/n..."
Taehyung whispered before pulling me to his chest.

I gasped from being a little startled when my head hit his chest, but I couldn't stop staring at his face.

"Go to sleep y/n. I'm tired."
I groaned, his tight grip tightening onto my shirt.
"And don't leave me."

I smiled at the last sentence, slightly blushing.

"Ok. I'll sleep."


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