582 19 12

Y/n Pov

I wanted to cry once Jimin was chosen to be my partner. I'd rather be partners with the table. And the assignment was due in 3 days, so I would've had to try my best to do everything, knowing Jimin won't do anything.

I looked up.
"Class is over you know? Come on."
Jimin put both of his hands on my shoulder.

"Get your dirty hands off my shoulder and I'll decide where we can study."
I replied, making him back away.

"In my house."
I shook my head.
"Your house?"

"The donut shop down the street near the club."
I said before grabbing my bag and standing up.
"It's always empty. And it's got free WiFi."

"What's the assignment even about?"
He asked, already being stupid.

"Weren't you listening?!"
He shrugged.
"We have to the assignment based on business and all that money making stuff."

"Easy! My parents are all about it."
He flicked his fingers before grabbing my hand.
"LET'S GO!!!"

"Jimin wait!!!"
I grabbed my phone before he could pull my hand ant further.
"We're going to the donut shop, not your house and not mine! ? Ok?!"

He shouted back.

I sighed as we stopped outside the donut shop. I put my hands on my knees as a breathed heavily, catching my breath.

I said before pushing the door open.

Jimin picked a booth.

We sat down. I was expecting him to sit opposite me, but he sat right beside me. As I explained what we have to do, I felt Jimin coming closer to me. I watched as his leg occasionally bump into mine, but I didn't know weather he was doing it on purpose. I ignored it and proceeded to teach him on everything he missed out on.

"Wait, you didn't mention how the money is shared between everyone."
He said, but I smiled about the fact that he was actually listening.

As I began listening, I tingle on my shoulder filled my body.

I gulped once I saw Jimin's arm around my shoulders, His hand gripping onto my shoulder. I looked from the corner of my eye only to see him focusing on the sheet. I took a couple of heavy breaths before relaxing and carried on teaching him.

"Ok, let's do the actual work now."
I said before standing up.
"I'll get some drinks for us."

Was all he said before I walked away from him.

I walked to the till and got both of us the same drink. Hot Chocolate. It was quite windy so why not? As I sat back down, I began creating a poster while Jimin created the information sheet since his handwriting was much better than mine. Hate to admit it but yeh.

"Hey, it's 6pm. We should get going home."
Jimin suggested and I nodded while yawning.
"Want me to carry you home?"

"No thanks."
I smiled before picking my bag up and taking all the sheets of work.

"Well then let me at least walk home with you. We go the same way."
I nodded as he took his bits (a/n: take the 'i' away from bits).

We both walked out together as he blabbered on about how bad my handwriting was. As he was talking, I took the opportunity to walk faster. Thankfully he never noticed. But as he speed gradually grew, he began walking faster too. Soon enough, I stopped outside my house. As waved to Jimin before unlocking my door. As the key got stuck, I sighed and began tugging it out. I smiled once I did. But as I took a step back, I hit something hard.

"Your door's still locked. Here."

Jimin took the keys from my hand before trapping my body in his as his arms locked me inside. I was too flustered and let him do what he wanted for that moment. As he let me go, I turned to him, only to see a pure and innocent smile that showed his white teeth.

"Bye Y/n!"
Jimin said before turning around and walking away.

I sighed as I walked inside my empty house. There stood a face I didn't expect to see...

To Be Continued...


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