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I ran to the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was a red mess as my cheeks kept reddening from me replaying the memory in my head. I sighed before walking out, not even caring now. It was lunch break. I decided it was best to stay away from Taehyung for now or Taeyeon would suspect something, not that I care but I don't want any shit going on between us both. I sighed before sitting in my seat and pulling my phone out my bag. As I was playing Angry Birds, the bell rang already.

I screamed before slamming my head onto the table, hard enough that it could give a child a concussion.

The door flung open before Jimin entered. I hid my face behind my bag to hide my flustered expression. But as I did so, a hand lifted the bag away from my face. I looked up only to see Jimin looking miserably at me. He pulled a chair to sit opposite me.

I asked.

"What were those scars and wounds of yours made by?"
He asked me, his voice serious than ever.

"You don't need to know. Leave me alone."


"Jimin!! Come on! We're leaving school now."
Jisoo walked inside the classroom.
"Oh hi y/n!"
She smiled.

I put the finger up to her before going back on my phone.

"Tell the guys in staying in school."
He winked at her.


I groaned as she ran out, purposely showing her underwear.

I slammed my fist on the desk before looking at Jimin's smirking lips.

He caught me looking before putting a finger under my chin and rubbing it. I gasped before smacking his hand away.

"Aww, is y/n here flustered? Or do you think I'll do what Taehyung did earlier?"
I stood up before pushing his chair.

"Go away and leave me alone!"
I groaned.

He started chuckling as he watched me struggle. I looked at the boy before sitting back in my seat, still opposite me. I took my phone before carrying on playing with the game.

Jimin Pov

I watched her beautiful expression as she sat and carried on playing on her phone. I had this feeling for her that whenever I saw her, my heart would beat at a fast pace. I wanna know what this annoying feeling is.

"Ok kids, back in your seats."
Stupid annoying idiot ass teacher had to say that.

As everyone entered, we all shifted to our seats. I sat quite far from Y/n, so it would've been hard to see her. I wanted to see her painful expression once she finds out that I sneaked her chocolate milk from her bag.

"Ok, we're gonna need partners for the assignment. I will choose."
I closed my eyes as I couldn't partner with any of my friends.
"Taeyeon and Taehyung, Jungkook and Jisoo..."
I sighed every time she read a girl and boys name out.
"Jimin and....Y/n."

I heard Y/n's panicked voice.

I looked in her direction only to see her glaring at me. I returned the expression with a smirk and blew a kiss before she shook her head and turned away.


Ding dong the witch is dead (the witch for me is someone in my school :()

True Lovers; Kim Taehyung (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now