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It was just another school day, except I was lonely. Jisoo had moved to a different seat away from me. So I was practically by myself.

Sad times...

I looked up only to see the teacher.
"Are you ok? You were on the news."
I shook my head.

"I'm ok now, but thanks for asking."
He smiled at me before walking away.

I saw Taehyung walking in with a grin plastered on his face. He looked at me and smirked before sitting next to me. I sighed and moved a chair away, but he moved again towards me.

"Whoever broke into your house did a good job."
I stood up before looking at him in the eyes.

"Shut the fuck up before I kick your waste of space ass."
He smirked before standing up and leaving towards my face.

"I dare you."
I smirked before throwing my foot between his legs sending him into straight agony.

The teacher shouted.

I giggled before grabbing my bag before skipping out the classroom hearing Taehyung curse. As I was walking, I ran into the girls bathroom. I quickly took of my shoes and tipped them upside down.

"Good thing I put metal inside this time."
I chuckled before throwing the metal in my bag.

In the Principle's office :(

"L/n Y/n, you do realise the more you keep up with this act you will get kicked out."
She sighed before putting her hand out.
"I'll tell Taehyung to stop too."

"Thankyou miss."
We shook hands before I left the room.

But when I was a few metres away from the classroom, Taeyeon stood there. I smirked at her before pushing past her. I heard her groan before feeling a hard push on my back.

"Hope you burn in hell."
She spat.

"You wouldn't want me in your home Taeyeon."
She gasped once I said that.

As I walked into the class, Taehyung's eyes were on me. A face of anger was blatantly placed on him. His blonde hair covered his eyes while he glared at me as if he was staring into my soul. I smiled at him before taking my seat which was now next to him.

 I smiled at him before taking my seat which was now next to him

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He didn't say anything but rather carried on staring at me. I gulped from the tension I was feeling. Then all of a sudden when the bell rang, everyone stood up except for me and Taehyung. Jungkook looked at me and Taehyung before rolling his eyes and dragging Jimin out the room. I watched how Jisoo linked arms with Taeyeon.


When the teacher went out, I stood up and picked my bag up. When turned around my head hit something. Taehyung's chest.

"Why are you such an annoying person?"
He asked me, staying in that position.

"Erm, I don't know?"
I put some distance between us but the boy kept coming closer.

As I kept walking back, my back hit the wall and it wasn't until Taehyung pinned both of my arms onto the wall. He stared into my eyes before putting his lips near mine. My eyes widened once I felt a soft brush of his lips against mine. He looked back into my eyes before letting go. He smirked once he saw me like a red tomato.

"Guessing that was your first kiss, huh?"
He smirked before ruffling my hair and walking out.

"W-what just happened...?"


True Lovers; Kim Taehyung (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now