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My mind fled to the thought of grabbing a knife and stabbing the person in front of me.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?!?!!"
I screamed.

"You left your keys in the flower pot. Just wanted to return them."

"Taehyung get out."
He smirked before walking to my smaller figure.
"Hurry up."

"What if I don't want to leave?"
He asked, a smug smirk on his lips.

"If you don't, I'll call childline."
He began laughing as he dropped my keys on the table.
"Get out now."

"Nah ah. What do you say?"
I rolled my eyes.

I pushed him outside.

After locking my door, I smirked as Taehyung knocked on my door loudly, demanding for a proper apology. I sighed before opening the door once again only to see him annoyed. He let himself inside before shutting the door behind me.

"Remember I said I'll get my revenge?"
I scoffed.

"Boi if you think you can hurt me in my own house, your wrong."
He sighed before pulling me closer to him by my arms.

"Listen here."
Our hips roughly hit eachother.


"I don't wanna hurt a girl, but I already have. So I might as well do it again."
He smirked.

"Your disgusting. You know that?"
I rolled my eyes before pulling myself away from his grasp.
"Don't touch me with those filthy hands that have griping onto Taeyeon."

"Y/n, why are you so different?"

"Go away, I need to talk about the project with my partner."
He raised am eyebrow.
"The project was given out today while you decided to go wherever."

"Who's your partner?"

"Why does it occur you?"
He groaned before asking me once again.

"Oh so he's making progress?"
I turned to him.

"What progress?"
Taehyung chuckled before walking to my head.

"Nothing you need to worry about. But listen, why don't we be friends from now on?"
He put his hand on my head.


"I'll make sure only I can beat you up."
I scoffed before throwing his hand of my head.

"Oh be quiet. Now get out."
He chuckled before walking out.

"Bye y/n!"
He smiled.

I shouted as I slammed the door.

I sat down at my dining table after getting a carton of Strawberry and Chocolate ice cream out of the freezer. As I began eating, I noticed how lonely I was without Jisoo being here. But the little shit always betrayed me.

It's better to walk away than run with fake friends.

Sorry for the boring chapter...

True Lovers; Kim Taehyung (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now