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I demanded as he walked by my side.

"Nah, I think I'll pass. What about those bruises and cuts on your legs and arms?"
He pointed.

"Let's just say Taehyung has gotta check who he's dating."
Jungkook began laughing.

"Taeyeon? You lost to the new girl?!"
He began laughing even more.

"Oh shutup. She didn't even warn me."
I slapped his back before leaning on his shoulder.
"Wait there, my shoes falling off."

Jungkook held my arm for support so that I could fix my shoe. I stood back up and looked at him as we began walking again.

He looked back at me.

"Does your mum know your actual identity behind your innocent face?"
He shook his head.

"Dad does though. He always smirks at me whenever they talk about me getting a girlfriend. Jimin decided to tell him as revenge since I spilled juice over his xbox."

We began departing our ways, going to our houses. But as I began walking, I couldn't help myself but start crying. It made me upset that I was beaten over something small.

I walked inside the house, Jisoo looking suprised.

"Y/n? What are you doin- are you ok?!"
She ran up to me before pulling me on the sofa.
"What bitch did this?"

I sat quietly as Jisoo wiped my cuts and bruises. She looked a lot better after eating tteokboki with me (we had previously ordered it after I came home). She had asked me multiple times and begged me to tell her what Taeyeon did to me. And eventually I couldn't hold back on telling the truth. I knew I would soon regret telling Jisoo what happned to me, but I couldn't keep the damn beatings from a hoe a secret.

"I'm coming to school tomorrow with you."                                                                                                         Jisoo said, balling her fist.                                                                                                                                               "And don't try to stop me."

So...is Jisoo gonna be your protector or Taehyung? 😎

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