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I woke up around 6am. It was another school day. I sighed as I threw my legs over the bed. I giggled as the carpet tickled my feet. As I stretched and yawned loudly, I began clicking my bones before skipping to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth before getting changed into a simple outfit; loose pants and a hoodie with puma trainers. After applying a small amount of makeup, a grabbed and apple and headed out to go to school. Just as I was about to pass the coffee shop, I stopped.

Coffee won't do any harm.

I ordered my favourite; a chocolate cream latte with coco powder and strawberry slices put on top in an appetising and delightful way that made my stomach rumble. I smiled a warmness went down my throat, immediately quenching my thirst. I began walking once again, smiling lightly checking all my Wattpad feed. But all smiling stopped once I looked into the TV store to my side.

"Reporting bad news: 16 year old Kim Taeyeon found dead in her room at 6am this morning with a knife in her chest, directly hitting the heart. No fingerprints can be found so it's most likely that the murderer wore a glove. Police and detectives have not found a single trace [...]."

A/n: if you don't know what [...] means, it's basically another way of saying e.t.c.

The word spread quickly around the school. I found Jisoo crying on all of Taeyeon's friend's shoulders. I felt bad, but I never cried. I didn't want to seem rude, but I was happy that their wouldn't have to be trouble for me. I couldn't imagine how Taehyung would've felt. As soon as I tried to think what he would've reacted like, I saw him sitting in the classroom, him, Jungkook and Jimin deep in conversation. I decided to interrupt them and walk in, sitting in my desk. They never acknowledged my presence until I chocked on my juice.

I looked at Jungkook.
"Did you hear what happened?"
I nodded.

"It's sad."
Taehyung smiled.
"But she's in a better place."

I looked quite shocked at him. I was expecting him to be allover the place crying. He said a few words and smiled instead.

"Aren't you sad?"
I asked him.

"I little. She meant nothing to me though. We only fucked and that was that. It was like she didn't have a place in my heart."
He whispered the last sentence before looking at my in the eyes.

No. Looking into my soul.

I asked him before smiling at Jimin.
"Did you do the project? Sir will be angry if you never finished your part."

"Don't worry, I did it."
I nodded before looking back at Taehyung.

"Everyone go home. The school's security cameras are being investigated."
I was still looking at Taehyung only to see his eyes widen.

We all looked at his panicked expression.
He shouted replacing the expression with a smile.
"Let's go somewhere together."

We all nodded, suprisingly me. As we all stood up, Taehyung wanted to go to the bathroom. He was taking quite a while before we heard footsteps running down. We turned around only to see a panting Taehyung.

"Woah that must've been a rough shit to get you panting."
I joked, getting a glare in return.

"Whatever, let's go."
Taehyung smirked at me before slapping my back and walking.

I raised my eyebrows on suprise at his response.

So he did have a rough poo...

Everyone loves a bit of comedy.

Also, I mean this in no offence but...

Could you please stop telling me to release chapters everyday? I appreciate the love but it's starting to annoy me. You guys know I only release one chapter once a day.


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