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My eyes fluttered open, blurry outlines of people surrounding me. There stood the doctors looking at me.

"Where's Jisoo?!"
I sat up.

"She's perfectly fine, well in a physical way. However she has the flu, so I would recommend you stay away from her as it's contagious."
I shook my head.

"She lives with me."
He nodded.

"Then I guess that's an exception."

I got up and walked out, only to see Jisoo sneezing with a mask over her face, our bags in both of her hands.

"Y/n. The ambulance are offering us a drive home. It'll be quicker. You ok with t- ACHOO!! - that?"
She said, sneezing straight after.

I said, holding her up.

After we got in the ambulance, the whole ride to our house was silent as can be. No music, no talking, not even the sighing. That is until the ambulance driver parked right in front of our house.

"Ok, here you go. Make sure you both have at least 1 day off from school."
He said, waving bye.

"Will do."

It was already 9pm. For the whole day, Jisoo and I were on the sofa in the living room, cuddling while watching movies with buckets of cookies, sweets, popcorn and crisps along with bottles of coke, juice and water.

"Time to sleep now."
I said, making Jisoo groan.

"5 more hours.."

"Shutup and go upstairs. Come on."
I pulled her hand and we walked up the stairs after turning off the TV.

"Goodnight y/n."
She said before shutting the door.

I giggled before walking into my room.

The next morning, I decided to go to school even if I was sick. I didn't want to miss out on being someone in the future. I let Jisoo stay in bed though. She was still very sick. And just when I thought the day couldn't get any worse, a new girl had entered my school, and she wasn't the shy cute one everyone adored. She was a bitch.

"My name's Taeyeon. I hope to make friends."
She winked.

"Pick your seat."
She glared at me and smirked.

She said stopping before me after swaying her hips while walking.

"There's an empty seat over there you know."
I said in a lazy voice.
"Wouldn't want to attract too much hate on your first day, would you?"
I smirked at her.

"I don't mind actually. Now move."
She waited.

"Your welcome to stand there all day, just move a little to the right so I can actually see what the teacher is saying."
Everyone began giggling.

She pulled me up by my wrist and pushed me.
"Now I can sit."

But before her butt could touch my chair, I slid the chair, making her harshly land on the cold hard floor. I then pulled my desk and bag away and sat down, smiling at her.

"Now get your own fucking seat you fly."
I said, glaring at her.

"Who do you think your talking to?"
She stood up.

"A fly."

"Who do you think you are."
She asked.

"Oh um...let me see....y/n? Oh yeh I think I'm y/n."
The teacher then clapped his hands.

"Ok Taeyeon please sit down."
The teacher gave her an empty seat.

Thank God not Jisoo's. Taeyeon sat diagonal from me too, sitting a couple seats away from Taehyung. She smirked at him, only him to return the smirk.

New Fuck birds in town.

No hate on SNSD or Girls Generation. I call them SNSD. Taeyeon is my bias wrecker and my bias is Tiffany ❤❤

Anyways, this chapter was just based on the new girl that always gets in the way of everyone's OTP and yeh, that's kind of stuff.

Be prepared. There's gonna be a lot of moment where your gonna hate our little Taeyeon (just in the ff).


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