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"So then, have you watched the footage?"
I asked him.

"No! I'm too scared."
Jungkook said, his cheeks going red.
"I mean I didn't want to have all the excitement to myse-"

"Yeh Yeh whatever."
Jimin said before plugging the cables into his computer.

The video showed a man in a leather jacket with a balaclava on his face. He had the same type of  ear rings Taehyung wore and his groans when he pulled on the wires were like Taehyung's when I kicked him. Jimin shook his head at Jungkook and I.

"I don't think it's Taehyung."
Jimin said.
"Sure there's alot of evidence but still, Taehyung isn't the type to kill."

Taehyung Pov

I crept quietly in her room. I sighed only to see she wasn't home. Hope she isn't at some random boy I don't even know.

"Y/n, Y/n...come to me already..."
I laid on her bed, taking in the scent.

I soon heard her front door open. I smiled and ran down the stairs. I quickly sat in the living room, acting if I just arrived. I saw her hang her coat. I watched her as she turned to me, almost dropping her bag.

"W-what are you doing here? How did you get in my house?!"
I smirked before standing up.

"Hey, where we're you?"
She stood still before putting on an angered look.
"What's up?"
I walked up to her.

"Go away."
She whispered.

I smirked before bending down to her height, putting my face in front of hers. I stared into her eyes. She was scared and worried about something.

"What's are you scared?"
Her eyes widened before she pushed me harshly away.

"Go away Taeh-"

"Who the fuck said you could touch me?"
I looked at her, my eyebrows furrowed before I began gritting my teeth in anger.

Little bitch?

She gritted her teeth as well before pointing towards the door.

"Go away Taehyung. I can't de-"

Y/n Pov

Before I could finish my sentence, I felt something burning on my cheek. That damn boy had slapped me hard as ever. I looked shocked at him before running up to him and pushing him onto the floor. He groaned as I sat on him, throwing punches at his face.

I yelled before standing up.

He stood up as well before looking at me with sorrow in his eyes. For the first time I felt bad for him. He pulled his hood on before opening his mouth only to whisper two words that stuck needles into my heart.

"I'm sorry."

So guys, there are two types of me:

- The nice, funny and friendly one that can sometimes be a bit dirty minded. I have alot of strange but creative imaginations and I'm always in the mood for a good ff or book.

And then there is this one:

- The one who wants to kill someone in sadistic ways if I hate them. I have a seriously bad temper where I actually would break the wall (already done that and I got my phone taken off from me for a week). Don't mess with me when I'm in a terribly bad mood. Please, this is a warning.

Also, please read this!

My other account is GraceSingh05 and I've made a new book there. Please vote and read it and please follow.


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