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I slowly walked into the class. I sat in my seat, the teacher walking in a little later. I never spoke to Jisoo once. She never looked at me.

I heard a faint voice. I turned only to see Jisoo.
"I'm sorry..."
I shook my head.

"It's fine."
And then I looked back to the front.

I saw Taeyeon smirking in my direction. I tried not to look at her, and I succeeded as she turned away. But then I saw Taehyung and Jimin staring straight at me. I turned to them, only to see the both of them winking at me. I rolled my eyes but as Taehyung looked back to the front, Jimin did some dirty signs with his fingers.

I whisper shouted, attracting attention.

"Is there a problem Miss Y/n?"
I looked at the front.

"No sir. Sorry..."
I stood up and apologised.

"Make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Yes sir."

As I sat back down, I heard Jimin giggling.

Jimin Pov

I watched as she sat back down in her seat, her glaring digging holes into my head. After a while of knowing Y/n, things had gotten boring when we were smaller. We drifted apart and it kinda hurt me that she didn't give a care.

I heard Jungkook.
"Y/n is staring at you."

"Yeh that's cause I got her into trouble dummy."
He giggled a little before turning away.

I placed my feet on the desk before falling into a small nap.

My eyes opened to hear two loud screams in my ears.

I slapped the both of them before looking at y/n.

She was picking her bag up before looking at her phone. She sighed before sitting back down.

"Has Jimin got a crush?"
Jungkook teased.

"And what if I do?"
Taehyung and Jungkook smirked.

"Hey y/n!!"
She looked over. Before I could stop them,
"Jimin's got a crush on you!"
The whole class went quiet.

"Yeh as if. Tell him the answer's no. Don't even like him one bit."
She said while typing something in on her phone.
"Come on Jisoo. Let's go."
She picked her bag up before grabbing Jisoo's shoulder.

As everyone cleared, my mind went straight to Y/n. Her funny sarcasm and her adorable smile. She was so different. Probably why we were destined to be first friends.

"Hey Jimin, wanna go to the arcade?"
Jungkook asked me.

"Sure. What about you Taehyung?"

"I think I'll pass for today-"
He was suddenly jumped by a blonde haired Taeyeon.

"Taehyung! Your gonna come to my house, right?"
He lightly pushed away, but not in a rude manner.

"I can't, not today."
She pouted.

He shook his head once again.

"Like I said Taeyeon, I can't. Not today."
He sighed before picking his bag up.

Taehyung Pov

I was walking towards the ice cream shop, but that's where I saw Y/n. She was walking behind Jisoo as they held ice cream cartons with tiny spoons, eating while savouring the flavours. I smiled as I saw Y/n skip her way to Jisoo's side.

"Let's go home now. I'm tired."
She yawned.

"Me too. But we've got to watch pitch perfect 2."
They both nodded in agreement.


"But that means more ice cream and donuts!"
I heard Jisoo shout.

I quickly ran inside the ice cream shop and walked towards the till. I began ordering my chocolate cream vanilla ice cream expresso with strawberries on top. But as soon as I turned around, I faced Y/n.

I exclaimed acting as if I never saw her before.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Jungkook and Jimin?"
She asked me, her gorgeous hair covering one eye making her look like a anime princess.

"Don't have to be if I don't want to."
I replied, making the girl smile.

"By the way,"
She started.
"Tell your stupid girlfriend to stay the fuck away from me."

This FF may seem it's going fast but we've not even began the actual action.

Be prepared childrens.

True Lovers; Kim Taehyung (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now