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All the way home I was thinking of her. I've had crushes before but not like this. I have only just met her today and every time I get to see her my breath cuts short, and my heart starts racing faster than it should. What made me like her even more, was when she told me she loved helping people. I was ready to buy a ticket and jump straight onto the Lauren express. "No this is just a silly crush, it'll go away sooner or later."  With that thought I walked into my house and went up to my room. I couldn't sleep much at night so I crawled out my window and sat on the roof.Lauren's house was far but I could see that her lights were still on. It was rather late and I got a little curious.Way too curious. I jumped back into my room before I decided to do anything crazy and took a few pills to knock me out.

"Sandra, get up it's time to get ready for school,"my mom yelled up at me. Reluctantly I got out of bed and cursed at myself for not sleeping earlier. I dragged myself into my closet and chose another casual outfit. I was tired this morning and didn't feel like trying too much on my look. I had on a plain white shirt, jeans, my converse, and a flannel tied around my waist. Like I always do I slid down stairs and made sure to check the time. I had at least 20 minutes before I had to head off to school. Today I had a good breakfast with my mom and then took off.

"Bye mom, see ya later," I called out. Sitting in my car I decided to drive down Lauren's way to school just to see if she'd left already. I drove by a little slower than usual. "I know creepy."  Her car was still there and I was actually a little surprised since teachers always arrive early at school, and it's only the second day. Before I had completely passed by her house I saw her get out of the car and throw her hands up in frustration. She was wearing a plain navy blue shirt, and a black pencil skirt. I pulled over next to her and rolled down my window, honking at her. She looked over.

"Need some help there stranger?,"I asked throwing her a quick smile. She looked down as a smile crept onto her face. She nodded her head and grabbed her things from her car. Watching her do even normal things had my stomach doing back-flips. As she opened the passenger door I could already smell her sweet perfume fill the car.

"Thank you, you're a lifesaver." I smiled over at her and drove off to school. When we got there she went into her class but I still had a few minutes to chill and be with my friends. Mae ran up to me and tackled me onto the grass.

"Hey, slow your roll their kid we don't need a repeat of yesterday." She laughs and helps me back up.

"Right, how's your shoulder?," she asks. I tell her it's still a bit sore but I'll live. Her stomach grumbles and we walk over to our breakfast area where she grabs a little something to eat. After we finish there the bell rings and off we walk to class. There we take our seats and as we wait for Lauren to finish getting ready, Mae fills me in on what happened after I got sent to the nurse's office.

"Wait, so Amy got sent to the principle and got two weeks detention," I repeated excitedly. "Man I would have killed to see the look on her face when she received that news." We laughed at her consequences together until Lauren quieted us down. We were in the middle of the lesson and I was actually paying attention, writing notes when there was a knock at the door. Lauren stopped teaching and walked over to answer it. Standing there was a girl. She was really pretty, with long brown hair, chocolate eyes, and big framed glasses. She seemed shy and Lauren must have noticed because she gave her a nice smile and welcomed her.

"What's your name?," she asked the girl. She look up at her.

"Esme," she said rather quietly.

"Ah yes Esme Green, you were added to my roll call this morning. Please take a seat wherever you want." Esme looked over at me and I gave her a smile. As she made her way to the desk behind me, she dropped a pen that was on her binder. I bent over quickly to grab it for her. We met eyes as I handed her back her pen.

"Here you go," I said smiling at her. She looked down at me to where I was sitting. I saw as a smile ran across her face and she picked her glasses up with a single finger.

"Thanks." After she kept walking I was met with Lauren. She hadn't started teaching yet, she was instead watching everything that had just happened. Her face looked a little flushed. I shot her a quick smile and she looked away clearing her throat. Continuing with the lesson she had began earlier she again left us with a simple worksheet. I was turned to the side because Mae and I were making funny faces at each other. We had both finished the worksheet and were left with nothing to do for the rest of class. Mae was called over to the back of the class where some of her other friends sat. There was a small tap on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry could you explain this to me I don't really get it." I turned around and saw Esme.

"Yeah, sure." I kindly explained everything to her but was interrupted before I could finish.

"Esme, if you need help with the lesson you could pull up a chair to my desk and I'll walk you through it,"Lauren said from her desk eyes glued on her computer. Esme shook her head.

"It's ok Ms, Sandra walked me through just fine I'll be ok." With that I turned to look at Lauren. She was now looking up at me and I watched as she motioned for me to go over to her.

"Please stay after class," she said.

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