Show it to me

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"What do you see?" Kara asked.

"They're just talking right now.The lady is sitting on the couch but I can't see Lauren from this angle." She slowly made her way in through the window .

"If you get caught Im go- MAE WHAT ARE YOU DOING"I whispered angrily.

"Would you shut up I'm trying to Spy here" she whispers loudly while crawling back quickly. Chris looked at her watch.

"I think it's safe to make our way in."

"Right behind you guys,"Mae said crawling towards us.  I nodded and we all stood up and made our way to the front door.

"Wait wait where's Mae?" Kara asked. I looked around and shrugged before knocking. It didn't take long for Lauren to open the door. We all piled in.

"Hey guys I thought you'd be dropping by later on today" She said normally.

"Yes we planned to but then we decided we wanted to meet with your agent too." Lauren looked at the three of us and made a face.

"Where's your twisted sister?" She whispered. I laughed at her nickname and shrugged. The woman sitting on the couch stood up with a smiled and shook our hands. There was a knock on the door. I opened it and found Mae. She walked in focused on the tear in her sweatshirt.

"Sorry I got caught trying to get out of the-" She looked up and met eyes with the woman. "the car. I got caught in the car." She saved herself.

"Hello ladies my name is Breanna Hack," Mae made a funny face at her name and Kara had to elbow her "it's great to meet you." she finished with a smile.

"Hello Breanna. I'm Sandra, this is Kara,Christen,and Mae" I said introducing us.

"Ah yes Sandra. Miss James' partner." I smiled and looked at Lauren. "And you all are the friends she talked so highly about."

"Yes, they're the best,"Lauren mentioned. We all took a seat and we talked more about the environment in the house and the people who would be around. After a while of talking with Breanna she mentioned she got all the information she needed.

"It has been amazing having you here Breanna. Would you like to stay for dinner?" I asked her. She thought about it for a minute.

"I wouldn't want to intrude," she said politely.

"I saw the beef and noodles in the kitchen earlier while I was snooping and I don't think you want to miss the master piece that is Lauren's cooking Breanna," Mae said trying to convince her to stay. The woman smiled obviously defeated.

"Well, who could say no to that."

"In that case I'll go get started on the food."

"Why don't we go pick out a movie while we wait," Kara said leading Breanna out of the kitchen.

"I'm always up for movies," Mae called after them while making her way to the living room as well. I turned to Chris.

"I guess we're the designated helpers." She laughed and we turned to go help Lauren.

After a few hours the Lasagna is ready to be served. I walk into the living room with Lauren and Chris.

"Food's ready." Neither of them turned to look at me. Not even Breanna. "Guy's I said the food is ready." Mae waved us over.

"What are you guys watching that MAE herself suddenly wants to be late for dinner?" Lauren asked cleaning her hands off.

"The Age of Adaline"Mae said. As we went through the movie we joked around with Lauren because she resembled the lead actress.

"Whose to say you're not a secret actress and that's the real reason you're so rich Laur,"Mae joked.

"But seriously the resemblance is uncanny you really do look like her,"Breanna said

"HA HA guy very funny let's all pick on Lauren,"Lauren said Sarcastically.

"I'm gonna have to agree with them," Chris chimed in. Lauren shook her head and forced everyone into the kitchen. As reluctant as they were they followed her and served themselves. I quickly went over and handed Breanna a plate that was already prepared before she could serve herself.

"Guest have the privilege of being served Breanna." She smiled as she took the plate and thanked me. Dinner went quickly with the discussion of the movie and the adoption. Breanna also ended up telling us a bit about her past as well. Finally as she got up to leave we walked her to the door where she stopped in the doorway.

"You guys would be a perfect family for the child. I will see to it that you guys have my recommendation and back up. Thank you for having me and have a good night." Lauren closed the door after she drove off and we all plopped on the couch.

"Well damn, I sure kissed ass tonight" Mae joked. Everyone went home after the long day and I was last into our bedroom after cleaning the kitchen a bit more. Lauren was in bed already sitting up and taking her make-up off, with her hair in a bun. I stood in the door way and watched her. Her blue eyes looked up from the bed and into mine. Her head tilted a bit and a smile ran across her lips. I walked to the bed and crawled in next to her.

"I will never not be sorry about what I said or how I made you feel. It was a terrible decision and I never plan on making one like that again. You are my person and I will always love you. If I have to prove it to you everyday I will until the day I die Lauren. You are my everything, your laugh,your eyes,your voice, your smile, YOU. I want it forever." Lauren leaned over and kissed me.

"Marry me," she whispered against my lips. I couldn't help but smile against her.

"Absolutely," I said and leaned in for another kiss After pulling away she held me before getting up to open a small box on her desk. From there she pulled out the ring and walked over to place it on my finger. We shared a small moment before we broke apart and she went to the bathroom to shower. I immediately grabbed my phone to call Mae and Kara in a two way call.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Mae yelled from the other side. Her line went dead in seconds as well as Kara's. Not much later Lauren's front door flew open with a thud downstairs and the sound of footsteps echoed in the hall. Mae burst through the door and jumped into the bed next to me.

'What in the"

"Show it to me, I wanna see how it looks." I showed her the ring on my finger and she squealed. Kara walks into the room calmly.

"Well, don't angle it like that you'll make me go blind," She joked with a smile. They sat with me and admired the ring. Lauren walked out of the shower in a towel. She didn't notice they were in the room until she looked up.

"HEY! WOah what the heck," she said

"I had to see the ring dude," Mae responded. Lauren made a face.

"Oh shut it you were there when I bought it."

"Yeah, but it doesn't look the same in a box as it does on her finger."

"I hate to say it, but Mae is right" Kara said. We all laughed sarcastically.

"Well what do you know, a day where Mae is right," I joked. She pouted as we continued laughing.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I sprinkled some Grey's references in there see if you find them. Thank you all for reading let me know what you thought. Stay safe,healthy and please cote,comment, or share. 

P.S. Do you guys have any movie recommendations?

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