Fucking Hell

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"Heh yeah I guess you're right."I smiled. Together we walked over to a table with drinks and snacks. Esme reaches for the vodka bottle. "WTF ok you do you,secret party girl" She grabbed two cups and filled them halfway before adding juice and sugar. With that, she handed me a cup as she took a sip from hers. Not going to lie it tasted pretty good. Someone decided to crank the music up louder and everyone around us started dancing. Esme grabs my hand and drags me further into the group of dancers. We both start having a good night and dance for hours. By now people are already drunk and one of those drunks bump into Esme. She falls forwards onto me and wraps her arms around my neck. She's also been going pretty hard on the alcohol but I still didn't expect what happened next.

"My hero," she says. It took me a few seconds to actually hear her through the noise but in those few seconds Esme leaned in quick and our lips came together. She was soft and tasted like chap-stick mixed with vodka. I started kissing her back and it felt like my body was on autopilot. Still kissing we fell onto a couch and she climbed on top of me. In the background I could hear people whistling and cheering us on.

"I'm thirsty,"I said as I put an end to our make out session. I'm glad I got out of it I couldn't hold it any longer. Every time I opened my eyes I wanted to see Lauren but it wasn't her. Esme's hand was in mine and don't get me wrong she's extremely hot but she's no Lauren James. I decided I would get shitfaced and ignore all the feelings I don't and do have. BAD IDEA. The rest of the night was some kind of blurr and all I remember is Mae driving back to my house.

"Wake up sleepy head." My eyes slowly opened and I tried to adjust to the bright lights. A headache so far was one of the things that felt off. I saw a bottle of water and a few pills next to it. I took them and sat up straight in bed. Mae was standing at the doorway shaking her head smiling.

"You dirty bitch I can't believe you and Esme went down on each other." Those words exactly got me out of my hangover right away. Throwing the covers off me I turned to see Esme on the other side of my bed in nothing but her panties. "Oh no what have I done".

"Mae please tell me this didn't happen." She starts laughing.

"Oh it happened, trust me I heard her yelling your name all night," she said in an annoyed tone. Esme stirred in bed and her eyes fluttered open.

"Why don't you get dressed I'll meet you guys down stairs," Mae said slapping my ass. I was still in my underwear. Esme got up and started putting her clothes on. I noticed she accidentally grabbed my shirt instead of her's but I didn't have the heart to tell her. Instead I put my jeans on and a tank top. After Esme finished getting dressed we walked down stairs where Mae was playing a game on her phone. She looks up.

"Come on you freak of a girl I have to get you home,"She said to Esme. A small blush ran onto her face and she buried her face in my shoulder. We all walked out to Mae's car and said goodbye. Esme kissed me before she left and I hugged Mae goodbye. I watched as her car drove eyes but instead met eyes with Lauren. She looked away and went inside. "Oh no did she see all that. Did she just see Esme kiss me?" I felt my stomach fall right out of my ass. Of course she saw, now she'll hate me.

"Fucking Hell" I said out loud to myself. I ran down the street to her door. I began knocking on it.

"Lauren please open the door I can explain what just happened." There was no response. "Lauren please."

"You made a decision that's what happened, now please leave." That's all she said. I waited on her steps for a few more minutes hoping she'd step out. When it was clear she wouldn't be I went home and took a shower. Afterwards I went to bed thinking of what tomorrow would bring.

BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! I grabbed my alarm and threw it across the room. "Just great" I got out of bed and threw on a white T-shirt and jeans. Making my way down stairs I slipped on a lipstick Mae must have dropped, and twisted my ankle. "This is my karma and I'm not complaining I deserve it." I got back up and limped my way over to my kitchen. There I ate a bit of cereal and then got up to get my keys. Locking the door behind my I went to my car and sat down.

"Fucking Hell my ankle hurts," I said out loud. I took my pain all the way to school, a sharp pain would run up my leg with my foot on the gas pedal but I had to get to school. Once there I took a quick breather before I got out of the car. I was still early and when I got to the cafeteria Mae was sitting there with Esme. I didn't make it halfway to them though.

Another update early in the morning I just felt bad for taking long. I hope you're enjoying this story. Please like comment and vote.

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