Saved It

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I escaped the death grip of Cyrus and made my way back to Mae.

"That girl sure as hell isn't over you yet,"she joked. I shook my head and we walked into the gym.

"OK CLASS," everyone turned to the sound of Mr. Aiden's voice. "Today we will be fitness testing, starting with push-ups. Separate and then start counting each other's progress. GO!" The test was easy Mae and I took turns, before switching to sit-ups. I was pushing myself over my limits to do better and it felt great.

"Get up we're almost done," I panted. Mae looked up at me from the floor where she lay. She tried to catch her breath.

"You're....some sort....of robot, now let me die here in peace," she panted back. After we finished with that, we did our final part. Jumping Jacks. Mae and I finished quickly before starting to mess around. Before we knew it Mr.Aiden was blowing his whistle. Everyone stopped and turned. He pulled a ball from behind his back.

"Separate evenly, you're playing dodge ball." The class cheered and the game began. Mae and I were the last ones on the court on opposite sides. She threw the ball and missed then I ducked down to dodge another. As I went for the ball I saw two people standing there. It was Lauren and oh my god. My eyes widened with horror as I realized I knew who the second woman was. I hadn't seen Kalie in a full year, why is she here. We made eye contact as she looked up, the same face expression crept onto her face as she too came into realization. I don't know how long we started at each other, I turned quickly. Someone threw the ball, and by someone I mean Mae. It came straight at my face and I felt the hard impact of the full blown ball. I went down with a thud holding my face while I listened to Mae chanting her victory against me.

"TELL ME EVERYONE SAW ME NAIL HER, IT WAS AMAZING!!" she yelled. "Oh shit babe are you ok?" she finally asked. I nodded my head and looked down to my hand. It was covered in blood. Great, this is what I get for knocking her out. She helped me up and walked me towards the gym restrooms. After cleaning up and waiting for Mae to stop laughing at me I pulled her into a stall.

"WHOOOOOAH, are you saying that the new teacher is your EX!!!"

"Keep your voice down Mae no one else knows, not even Lauren. She made a motion of sealing her lips and we walked out of the restroom. Kalie and Lauren were waiting outside. As soon as she saw me Kalie got up from where she was leaning and rushed me.

"Oh god, Sandra are you ok?" she asked reaching fro my face and examining it. I quickly looked over at Lauren whos frustration seemed to grow quickly.

"I'm ok," I said pulling her hands from my face. With that the whistle fro PE blew and class was dismissed. Lauren and Kalie left, while Mae and I went to go change. This is soo going to be a pain in the ass to explain. After class I made my way to my next one, Lauren's. Walking in I saw a few students were already there and talking to.....KALIE!!! Why is she here.

"Sandra, can you stay after class today," Lauren asked. I gave her a thumbs up and took my seat. Throughout the class Kalie kept making eye contact with me and it must have been impossible to tell nothing happened between us. She was handing out assignments to us because her classes don't start till next week. As she handed me mine, she gave me a certain look before excusing herself from the classroom. Flipping my paper over, I saw a note. 'Meet me in the restroom.' Lauren gave me permission and I made my way to her. Kalie was waiting by the door.

"Kalie what the heck are you doing here?" I almost screamed. She smiled. I gave her a small shove.

"Ow," she rubbed her arm. "I'm here because I couldn't stand being in that town any longer without you. There were too many memories. I swear I didn't know you would be going here, it's a big misunderstanding." I brought my hands to my face as I took it all in.

"I know it's not your fault Kalie, and I'm sorry for everything. Let's just start everything over as if we never met." I could tell she was mauling over my suggestion. She nodded calmly and we made our way back to class. Once we got there I pulled the door open and let her walk in first, before closing it behind me. Taking my seat for another good fifteen minutes I did my work and kept quiet. The bell rang and I waited as everyone packed their stuff up to leave. Once it was only Lauren,Kallie and I, I politely asked to talk to my 'teacher' in private.

"Ok Hart, spill it." I looked at Lauren in confusion. "How do you know the new teacher?" she asked pointing in the direction of the door. In that moment, I don't know what came over me. I should have told her the truth but I was afraid of how she would take it.

"She's just an old friend from my old town, I hardly know her." The words came out before I could stop myself. She nodded slowly and I got a text from Mae. She's waiting outside. From there Lauren grabbed her bag and we made our way out the door.

"I'll walk you to your car," she said. Mae better keep her mouth shut.

"You really don't have to, you must be tired." She shook her head.

"I'm alright, honest." As we came closer to my car I saw Mae leaning against it. She must have heard foot steps because she started walking towards us without looking up from her phone.

"Hey, so did you tell Lauren about your Ex...," she looked up to my horrified face and Lauren next to me. Mae you really did it this time dumbass. Lauren looked at Mae then at me.

"I'm sorry her what?" she looked unhappy now. I turned to Mae.

"Yeah her Ex," Lauren turned to face her with a questioning expression. "That's what Sandie and I call exercise, I was wondering if she had told you because we're going to hit the gym right now." Mae smiled. A relieved expression hit Lauren

"Oh, ok. I'm sorry when you said Ex I started thinking about how she could have kept that from me but ok, go on to the gym babe I'll see you tomorrow." We kissed quickly and she walked away. I gave Mae a what the fuck face and she gave me an exaggerated wink, along with a thumbs up.

"WOOOOAH, fro a moment there I thought I fucked everything up but then I," she closed her eyes. "SAAAVED IIIT," she sang in a high pitched voice.

Hey guys thanks for reading. Close call right lol? Please comment what you thought of today's chapter and what has your favorite Mae moment has been so far. Remember to vote, share and comment. Let me know any suggestions you guys want to see, I'll definitely consider it. Also what do ya'll think of Kalie?

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