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"Oh my god this can't be happening, this is making me lose my mind." Mae made a sad face.

"Oh, it's been hours try calling bryan." She's right theres no way the police wouldn't have the situation handled by now. I looked around for my phone and found it in between the arm rest and the seat.

"Bryan, hey I heard about what happened is everyone ok?" He sighed deeply.

"It's been crazy, a lot of us thought we were gonna die, everyone is ok as far as I know except.." he trailed off.

"Except what?"

"I heard one teacher, got shot up pretty bad protecting their students." Oh no, someone got hurt. I couldn't help but to feel a deep pain in my stomach, almost nauseating.

"Do you know who it was that got shot, who was the shooter, were they caught?,"

"Slow down a bit, I have a headache. I don't know exactly who got shot, all I know is that it was on the east wing. The shooter was Mike, the kid from math class, he and his gang I guess were having fun. They were all stopped by the police thankfully. Listen my mom is here and wants to talk to me. I'll see you around."

"Ok," was all I could say. Mae looked at me expectantly.

"So, what happened?"

"Mike from math was the shooter, a teacher was brutally shot multiple times, and they were all stopped by police." I went to check the time on my phone, the screen turned black. I clicked the on button over and over. "What the hell, my phone died."

"Just grab your charger, the faster we find Kara, the faster we go back home." I looked frantically for my charger, Maes phone was also dead, and my charger was no where to be found.

"I know where it is." I said closing my eyes."


"On my nightstand at home. How am I supposed to check up on Lauren now." This whole day was a nightmare. We were currently sitting in a hotel room, we pulled over as soon as we found out what happened.

"Listen, let's just go find Kara its only 6 pm." I nodded. We got back into the car and started following the GPS to Kara's house. The hotel we were at was not a far distance away, I put the car in park in front of a homey looking house. "Let's go get our sister." Mae said getting out of the car.

"I don't know Mae. I mean what are we gonna say to her?"she shrugged at me. "I mean I have to tell her about mom and about me."

"Well then lets go introduce ourselves." We made our way back to the front door and knocked. A few seconds later I heard footsteps and the door opened. A girl my height with bright green eyes and ginger hair opened the door. She looked confused.

"Hi, my name is Sandra Hart. My mother adopted you....I'm your sister."

"Oh my god you're really her, but what are you doing here."I looked from her eyes to the floor. She noticed something was off. "Would you like to come in?" Mae and I stepped in. "Anything to eat or drink?" she offered.

"No thank you we're ok." We sat on her red couch that felt soft to the touch. I looked around, her house was a bright yellow inside with very little pictures and more decorative flowers all around. I clear my throat.

"Kara, I'm here because....well mom passed away and I wanted to find you." I could see the light in her eyes die down as the information I gave her began to sink in.

"Y-you mean she's gone?" she whispered. I got up and took a seat next to her. Placing an arm around her I speak softly.

"She died in a plane crash, I didn't know about you until a few days ago when looking at her will." She lifts her head to look at me. Her green eyes now red.

"She left me in her will?"

"Yeah she split a million dollars into three you got your half and a car." She turned to Mae.

"Are you also my sister?" Mae shook her head but smiled.

"Not by blood, but your mom treated me like her own. I grew up with sandra so I feel like we're all sisters here."

"Wow I've never had much of a family and now I do, thank you for coming to find me."

"We had to meet you and we knew you were here alone, which made us think of a crazy proposition." She looked at me curiously.

"What proposition?" Mae and I looked at eachother.

"We thought that since you were here all by your self you'd want to come live with us in well....Washington?"


I opened my eyes to bright lights. "Oh jesus i'm gonna go blind" I tried to lift my arm up to my eyes but stopped. A pain went through and I quickly put it back down. Eventually the room came into view and I realized I was in a hospital. Realization set in and everything came back into my mind.

"Hello? Any one out there?" I called out. A nurse made her way in.

"Oh god you're awake. Do you feel any pain?"

"My kids, are my kids ok?" I tried to get up but I felt pain again. She put a hand on my shoulder slowly.

"You're class is fine Ms.James, everyone is ok."I relaxed into the pillow. She brought a hand to my face feeling my temperature. "Do you feel any pain?" I nodded my head a bit groggily.

"Yeah, getting shot hurts like a bitch." She smiled at me.

"I'll change your bandages then get you your pain killers." She came back with bandages and began changing the one on my leg before moving onto my shoulder. "You're pretty brave you know, saving your class like that. It's heroic." I shook my head.

"No, I was just keeping my kids safe." She moved to the bandage on my face.Moving her fingers delicately over my skin she changed by bloody bandage.

"It's very admirable, shows how tough and caring you are." She pushed my fair out of my face and gave me my pain killers. Dabbing my forehead with a wet towel she smiled down at me.

"Would it be possible for me to make a call?"I asked.

Hey guys hope you're enjoying the story so far. Sandra finally met Kara and Lauren is safe and sound.  Please tell me what you think so far, comment vote and share. Thank you.

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