You stupid,idiot

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"Mae," she hmmed at me. "Mae, look at me." She hesitantly moved her head to meet my eyes. I smiled at her before rubbing her shoulder.

"I want to get that baby out of the orphanage too," Her face lit up.

"REALLY?" I laughed then nodded my head.

"Yes, but it's a long process. I can't get married just because you want that baby. I'll propose when I'm ready ok. For the mean time we have to talk, all of us. About this baby business. Once we reach a mutual agreement we'll see what we can do about adopting the baby." She hugged me.

"Thanks Laur. Now I really wish I didn't send all of them away, they'll be gone for hours. Now what are we gonna do." I stood up.

"Come on," I said walking to get my coat.

"Where are we going," she said reaching for her coat too.

"Let's go meet the girls in Seattle, we can go to a park and discuss this." Mae seemed so

excited, like a child who just got their favorite toy. We hopped into my car and half an hour later we were in Seattle.

"You text the girls and ask them to meet us at the park near the university and I'll go get us coffee." I got out of the car and walked into a small cafe where I placed an order. I waited patiently. Mae came running in and told me the girls were confused but agreed. We waited in silence until Mae let out a gasp.

"What's he doing back in Washington," she growled under her breath. I followed her gaze to a man whose hair was like pepper and had glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. He had a laptop in front of him and was wearing a nicely tailored brown suit. The man almost seemed familiar. My name was called and I practically had to drag Mae out of the Cafe. I handed her her coffee inside the car but didn't start it.

"Mae what the hell was with all that glaring," She met my eyes.

"It's not my story to tell."

"You can't act that way in front of me then with hold information Diaz. Spill it," I said using my teacher voice.

"That's Sandra's dad," She said.

"I-oh. Ok wow that's heavy." Mae nodded. "Are you gonna tell her?"

"I don't know."

"We'll think about it. For now we have to see if we can save that baby." She agreed and off to the park we went. We met the girls and Kara hit Mae.

"You stupid idiot"

"Calm down woman. I needed to talk to you guys quick." We found a nice place to sit in between tall trees.

"Lauren and I got to talking and we want to save the baby, but we're gonna need everyone on board." Sandra's brow rose as she looked to me.

"Babe is she for real, do you think we could do this." I nodded my head.

"If we do it all together we'll be ok," Sandra nodded.

"Ok well who would be adopting this baby?" Chris asked. I looked at the group.

"Me," I said. Sandra's eyes shot straight to me. "If Sandra's on board."

"Umm," she said.

"Hey no pressure, really we can always find another way. I just though since I have money to burn it'd be easier if I adopted her." A smile ran across Sandra's face.

"Yeah, let's do it. Let's adopt her. I want her to have a good life and all of us together can do just that." She kissed me and I felt my back hit the grass.

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