Sirens (Pt.2)

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Remember that disclaimer from the previous chapter well it applies here too.

"Students and teachers, we are under lock down, I repeat we are under lock down. Close all windows, lock all doors, Remain quiet." I still didn't know what was going on and decided to text Gregory. That's when I heard them. Shots going off. I ran to turn off the lights and told all students to hide as well as they could.


The plane ride over and we had landed at the airport. Mae was buying a pretzel and I was trying to get a car rented. In about half an hour we had a car and were on our way to a hotel. Mae was blasting her music in the car when suddenly it was cut off. We looked at each other for a second before a loud alarm started going off. The sound was so loud I swerved on the road but luckily got the car back under control. Mae checked her phone as well as mine.

"WHY ARE THEY GOING OFF LIKE THAT?" I yelled over to her. She had her phone in her hand, slowly she looked up and muted her phone. The alarm stopped.

"There's a code black at school." I furrowed my brows.

"What's a code black?" She shrugged her shoulders. I thought for a moment. "The school guide, it's in my bag. Check." She scrambled to get my bag and pull out my guide. "I'm gonna text Lauren." She grabbed my arm and I stopped. "What?"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Sandra." I was confused. Why couldn't I check on my girlfriend.

"What?Why not?Mae whats going on?" I stole a glance at her. Her face was pale. "Mae, what's a code black?" At this point I was shitting bricks.

"I-it stand for uh, it stands for....." I cut her off.


"School Shooting." That was all she said. My blood ran ice cold. I began shaking my head.

"No, no it doesn't. Why are you lying to me. Mae why are you lying."

"Sandra I'm not lying that's what it says. Look maybe it's a mistake,or its just a drill."

"Yeah, you're right. But what if it's not." I gulped. "I'm calling Lauren." She reached over and took my phone. "Hey!"

"If it's not a drill, this call you want to make so badly, might just get her killed." That sentence, it stopped my heart. I just lost my mother, I can't lose her too, I wouldn't be able to come back from that."


Everyone was silent. All the students were hidden in closets or small spaces. Then suddenly a closet door opened. Daven, a boy who does fairly well in my class starts walking towards me crying.

"Daven what's wrong, what happened, is everyone ok?" He shook his head. He comes over and I hug him. "Daven tell me what happened."

"My sister, she was in PE, she's stuck outside. Texted me saying she's ok but I can't leave her." I freeze not knowing what to say. He pulls away.

"Where are you going, Daven?"

"I have to go get her, I can't leave her out there." More kids started emerging from their hiding spots.

"Daven, you can't go out there you'll get hurt."

"I have to she's my sister, Ms. James, If I don't try, what kind of a big brother does that make me?" He starts walking again. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Stay here Daven," I say.

"But I have to go g-," I cut him off.

"I'll go get her, where is she." His bloodshot eyes meet mine.

"Under the bleachers on the west side, closest to the goal line." I nod my head. My whole body is shaking. I start heading for the door.

"Lauren,"I turn to face Kalie. She hands me a long pole that I use to turn on the objector. "Be safe." I turn to my class, then back to her.

"Please take care of them, keep them hidden, and lock the door behind me." I grab the knob.

"Ms.James," I turn to see Daven." Thank you, please bring her back to me." I smile and nod slowly. Taking my heels off I turn to head out. Once I hear the lock turn I run behind a pillar and look around. No one is around and I seem to have a clear opening towards the track. I run further, and stop to hide behind a trash can. I can hear things being knocked over and two people talking.

"You have to do this or you can't join us." The voice was unfamiliar.

"I'm sorry this is just hard," that voice sounded painfully familiar, I couldn't think on it too hard because they were headed straight for me. I scrambled to a near by closet and closed the door slowly. Shots were fired and I flinched at each one.

"You're doing this for your kids, Lauren, you can do this." I told myself. I watched as their shadows passed the closet door. Once they did, I opened the door a crack to make sure, now sure they were gone I made a run for the field. I am so glad I took the heels off. As I reached the field I saw a man, he was going through all the outdoor lockers. Please don't let there be kids in there.

"Psst." I turned my head. There she was, huddled into a ball. I made my way over to her and she hugged me tightly. I pressed a finger to my lips and she nodded.

"Are you Daven's sister?" She nodded. "I'm going to take you back to my class ok." She nodded again. She seemed a little spaced but I couldn't blame her. I crawled out a bit, enough to see the same pacing back and forth. He was facing in our direction which would make this harder. I was trying to come up with a plan when I heard a loud bang. It wasn't a gun shot but it was enough of a distraction that he left. Quickly we ran to a nearby storage room. I motioned for her to get inside before turning around.

"Where are you going," she whimpered. I moved the hair from her face gently.

"I'll be right back sweetie, I just need to know if someone else needs my help over there."

"Please be careful." I gave her half a smile and took a deep breath before running to the locker area. I slowed down at the sight of shadows and hid near a wall, peeking over I saw a boy. He was tall with messy hair and pale cheeks. He was frightened. The man who I saw earlier was making his way towards him. The boy turned and made eye contact with me. I brought a finger to my lips, he nodded. Slowly I reached into my pocket, and grabbed a random item. I turned to him and mouthed 'run'. I threw the object as hard as I could into a locker, once I saw the man get distracted and the boy run off. I did too.

"Oh thank god," I whispered to myself. I made my way back to the closet and got inside. At first the girl jumped but relaxed as she saw me. Quickly we ran to the same closet I had come from. Quietly I jammed the knob with the pole from the inside. We heard footsteps an voices, the girl next to me began sobbing. I put my hand over her mouth and used my other hand to signal her to quiet down. She was shaking under my hand, the knob started shaking and she began to hyperventilate.

Part 2 of three I believe. I know they took a dark turn, I do hope you guys are enjoying or at least hooked so far. Lauren is such a good person. Please comment your opinions, vote and share. I wanna hear what you guys think. Check out my other book HER NAME IS AURORA.

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