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Luckily there was no one around and I quickly put my shirt on.

"That's the last time I do that, all these fucking thorns hurt like a bitch," I thought out loud. Crawling away I made my way to and open space before standing up to dust myself off and walking to PE. Once there I saw Mae and dragged her into the locker room with me.

"Hey where the hell did you go?"

"Nevermind that, I'll tell you later but now, please help me take all these thorns out." She looked at me with a pained expression as the looked at the thorns before starting to pull them out.

"This one is very deep Sandie, It's gonna hurt me more to take it out than it's gonna hurt you." I screamed in pain when she pulled it out. "On second thought, I think it hurt you more."

After the thorns were removed, we changed clothes and I told her the whole story.

"And that's what happened."

"WOAH you were getting hot and steamy with Ms.James, good job," she joked while play-fully elbowing me. I laughed and we made our way out of the locker room.

"SANDIE BABY!!," I heard someone yell. Before I could even turn my head I was in a difficult to escape choke hold.


There was a knock on the door and we both froze. The look of terror crossed both our faces as the knob started turning. I was freaking out inside but on the outside I was a deer stuck in headlights. Sandra grabbed her shirt and before I knew what she was thinking she jumped out the window. What the f-. George the principle came in with a smile on his face.

"Lauren, good to see you. I hope I'm not interrupting your work." I got up with a smile on my face to greet him.

"George hi, no not at all I was just catching up on grading." Little does he freaking know. YES HE'S INTERRUPTING.

"Good to hear, well I came by to ask a favor of you... is that ok?"

"Yeah sure what is it?" He smiled.

"Well we currently have a new teacher here, and I'd love it if you showed her how to get around and such. I think It'd be nice for her to have a friend here."

"Sure I'd love to show her around,"I said.

"Well I happen to know that you have a free period right now and after your third period, maybe you could take those times to show her around." My mind automatically snaps back to Sandie but I know if I refuse this time he'll keep pressuring me about it.

"Of course just send her by." I guess I'll have to take her with me to the tests. I sat back down at my desk after George left and tried to focus on my grading but my mind kept going back to Sandie jumping out of the window. I walked over to the open window and saw the rose bushes, most of them were a little broken because of the impact. I let my mind wander until there was a small knock. I turned to meet a tall brunette with a pretty face. She had an innocent face with blue eyes and rosy cheeks. Stepping forwards she extended her hand.

"Hi, I'm Kalie Grayson. You must be Lauren." I shook her hand and nodded my head with a smile. "So, where are you taking me first?," she asked.

"Well I was actually going to head over and watch the PE class do their tests, would you like to come along?"

"I'd love too, this way I know where everything is." I draped my coat over my chair and we made our way out to the hall.

"Tell me Kalie, why did you choose to come here to Lakeview High?" I asked her curiously, trying to avoid awkward silence. She cleared her throat, I obviously caught her by surprise.

"Well, it's a whole new start here. Totally far away from my old life and it's what I need. I love helping the kids, they keep my mind off things." I nodded my head as we made our way into the gym. The class was separated into pairs for what seems like push-ups and sit-ups. My eyes immediately found Sandra and I couldn't help but watch her muscles tense as she pushed with all her effort to keep going. That's sure as hell sexy. Kalie made her way around the students then back. She leaned over to me.

"Have you ever felt that some of your students were attractive?" My body froze.

"W-what no, of course not," Lie. " I don't think I've felt that for any of them." Double Lie. I can feel my nose getting bigger.

"I have, some of them actually can be very sweet." I watched her as she spoke, she was biting her lip.

"And who in here do you think is your student crush?," I joked. She giggled a bit and looked into a certain location.

"Her," she pointed with her head. " She gets points for being cute from the back and double if shes cute from the front." I followed her gaze to the two girls in the corner doing jumping jacks. My cheeks became red hot and my hands started to sweat. She was staring at Mae and Sandra.

"W-which one exactly?" Maybe I was getting my nerves in a bundle for no reason she couldn't possibly be talking about Sandra.

"The taller one." When those words came out of her mouth my face fell. She WAS talking about Sandra, my girlfriend. Well this sure came to bite me in the ass. The whistle blew.

Thanks guys for reading I appreciate it. Remember to check out my other book and don't forget to comment, vote or share. Tell me what you think about the characters so far. Whose your favorite if you have one.

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