Pics and Folders

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"Kara is your adopted sister, I assumed this was she," he said making a motion towards Lauren. I turned to Mae, she had the same expression on her face.

"I'm sorry could you elaborate more on Kara, I actually have no idea who she is. I have no siblings." The man gives a small smile.

"According to some records not long after you were born, your mothers best friend died leaving behind a baby girl your age. Your mother agreed to provide for the child and has been visiting her every now and then." That explains her "work" trips. But why didn' t she tell me about her?

"Well that's a lot to take in, how do I contact this girl?"

"I am very sorry I can't provide you with that information." I signed the paper and the man went on his way. After Mae shut the door we all plopped down on the sofa.

"I need to find out more about Kara, and I know where to find it," I stood up and then looked back to the two still sitting. "You guys coming?" They both nodded and got up. Together we walked up stairs until we came face to face with my mothers bedroom door. I reached for the door knob but hesitated to turn it. I stayed like that until I felt someones warm hand take mine in theirs.

"I could do this for you if you'd like. It seems too soon for you." I looked at Lauren with a thankful look and I let the knob go and went back downstairs. Mae followed.


"It's ok if you can't walk in either," I said looking at Mae. Sandra's mom was like her own and I understood if this was just as hard on her. No longer having around one of the women you've known your whole life, who'd make you sandwiches when you were hungry or who treated you as their own child. Waiting till both of them were downstairs I opened the door. I felt like I was trespassing, regardless of the permission I had to be in the room. All the belongings and pictures left behind made me realize that moving on is going to be hard on both girls. I started wandering around looking for anything with the name Kara on it. This Lauren think. Then it hit me. I saw a small chest siting on her nightstand. I reached for it but, it was locked. I knew the key had to either be in the room or it's long gone.In the end I decided to take the chest downstairs to the girls.

"What's that in your hands?" asks Mae. I shrug at her. "Can we open it?"

"No I already tried, I thought maybe there'd be something in here." Sandra stretched out her arms.

"Give it here I can open it." I handed it to her and she got to work with a bobby pin that was in her hair. Meanwhile we sat in silence excluding the occasional grunt from Sandra. "I GOT IT!" Mae and I turned to see the chest wide open.

"What's inside?" I asked. Sandra reached in and pulled out a bundle of pictures, they were stained and yellow. The back had a date and subtitle. "Karen and I at Jane's Diner 2001."

The picture was of her mother standing next to another woman, they were both around 20 years old and so young. Both of them were pregnant, it was the year Sandra was born. That must be Karen pregnant with Kara.

"Wow you look so much like your mom,"said Mae grabbing the picture. I look at both of them studying the picture.

"Lauren is that all you found?" Sandra asked. I snapped my head up, blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Actually I saw this on the dresser and came straight here, you look through the chest I'll go back up." I made my way to the stairs when a hand caught my wrist. With on foot on the first step I looked back, only to see Sandra standing there. "Is everything ok?" She nodded her head.

"Yeah, yeah I just wanted to thank you. You've taken days off work and been here for Mae and I. I know we haven't been alone lately but I'm glad you're here." I smiled at her and she tugged me down the step. I towered over her, she reached her arms around my neck and pulled me close. Placing my hands around her waist I leaned in for a kiss. It was slow and passionate, nothing too hot. Just enough to get my heart pumping, it didn't last long and I instantly missed her warmth against me. She began walking back to Mae, only once turning back to wink at me.

"You're welcome." She smiled once more and left. I was back in her moms room looking around, the closet was clear and I had searched everywhere. Honestly I was losing hope, shutting the door I let myself slide down the wall to sit on the floor. I put my head back against the wall, AND MY HEAD FUCKING WENT THROUGH. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!?! Quickly I got up and looked at the hole. There is no reason it should be that hollow. Unless. I got to my knees and carefully reached in, feeling around until my fingers found something flat and rugged. Grabbing it slowly I pulled it out of the hole. A folder wrapped in a towel covered in wall dust. It was Labeled "Kara". "SANDRA,MAE" I got up running and forgot I had locked the door. With a huge force I hit the locked door and felt a pain in my nose but it didn't matter I had to show them.

"Babe are you ok? Why are you screaming and what was that noise?" I raced down stairs and gave the file to Mae. They looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Holy shit Laur, what happened to your face." Bringing my hand to my face I winced as they made contact with my nose. Pulling back, my hands were bloody.

"That's not important look," I said pointing. "Read the title."

"I'll go get a warm cloth, Mae you open that folder," Sandra said.

Hey guys. It's been a while, I apologize. I'm trying to get myself going again. I hope you've all been good and enjoyed the chapter. Who knew Lauren would head butt the wall. Please vote, comment and share this. Thanks for reading.

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