Sandra's Back

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"Do I have to stay in this or can I walk around, I'm getting kind of Iffy?" I motioned to the chair. She smiled.

"You can walk around with that stick by the couch, it'll help you with your weight on the bad leg." I thanked her and got up before staggering over to her. I sat on a kitchen chair and watched as she made a salad. "What was it like?"

"What do you mean?" It was quiet for a second. I felt I knew what she was asking.

"The shooting, weren't you scared?"

"I uh- I was shitting myself the entire time, but when you have kids watching you, and depending on you for protection you forget you are scared. All you want to do is show than you can protect them, as a teacher I knew this situation could happen at any time, except you never expect it to happen. You see it on the news, in videos, but when it actually happens.....You don't know what to do. I just gave myself a new mind set."

"What mind set?" she asked quietly. Christen had stopped making the salad and had pulled up a chair in front of me.

"To protect the kids at all costs. I did what I had to do, I got shot and cut in the process but it was worth it and I'm sure my kids appreciate what I did." By now she had taken my hand in hers as I relived the painful memory. We sat in silence for a few minutes, then my phone rang. I went to get up.

"Just leave it, let me finish the salad. You can call back whoever it is after you eat some real food." I agreed and went to the living room to watch a movie. A few hours passed and we had finished eating. She helped me upstairs and let me shower before helping me go back down for a movie. It was 8pm and Christen had decided to stay for a while longer since she wanted to make sure I was ok before leaving.


Lauren hadn't answered my call nor called back in hours and I was getting worried. Currently we were on our way to my house but I felt uneasy. I knew I'd see her in a few more minutes but I couldn't help feeling weird. Kara gave me a concerned look.

"You ok there Sandra?" Mae shot me a quick glance from the drivers seat.

"Yeah I'm just thinking."

"About Lauren?" Mae asked. I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I had missed calls from her but when I called back I got no answer."

"Who's Lauren?" Kara asked. I looked at her.

"Lauren's Sandra's girl toy." Mae said jokingly. Kara rose her brows.

"You had a Girlfriend this whole time and didn't tell me about her, Why?"

"There was an accident at school and I've been worried so I wanted to make myself mentally available to be able to talk with you, I'm sorry."

"Don't sweat it. Why not pass by her house to see if she's ok." Mae nodded.

"We'll do just that, I'm worried about her too." She shoots me a glance and I know she's thinking the same thing. Pulling into Lauren's drive way I see an unfamiliar car parked there. Getting out Mae sets a hand on the hood of the car.

"Whose is this?" I shrug and walk to the front door followed by Mae and Kara who is curious to meet Lauren. After ringing the doorbell I hear voices then the door swings open. Standing there is a tall attractive woman with light brown hair.

"Hello, how may I help you?" I stay quiet for a few minutes then speak.

"I-I'm here to see Lauren," Before she could let me in I hear a soft shuffling behind her.

"Chris who is it?" I hear Lauren call out.

"It's Sandra," the woman responds. The door opens wider and standing there with wet hair, resting on a single crutch wrapped around her arm was Lauren. She smiles softly at me and my eyes tear up.

"Sandra this is Christen, she's been my nurse this past week." I walk slowly towards her and wrap my arms around her. She lets out a small groan.

"Don't squeeze too hard kid, shes still needs pain killers." I turn to Christen then back to Lauren.

"Can you guys give us some privacy," I say to all of them. Mae has an off look on her face, and Christen simply nods before closing the door behind her. As I hear the door shut my tears start flowing like crazy.

"It was you, you were the one who got hurt." I said in between sobs. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't here for you baby, I left you alone in this." Lauren came closer and it pained me to see the way she had to walk.

"Sandra it's ok, I'm still here and I'm alive. I kept crying, thinking about her getting hurt. She walked me to the couch and sat carefully. "Come here" she said. Slowly she put her arm around me with a small groan.

"What happened to your arm, What happened to you?" She gave me a sad look.

"Baby it's best you don't know..." I met her eyes.

"Please?" She sighed. Then proceeded to tell me what happened. All I wanted to do was hold her so close but I didn't want to hurt her. Mae came in slowly and spoke.

"All of us are gonna get going, we'll come by tomorrow, ok." We nodded. Now we were alone. I didn't know what to do, I felt terrible. My girlfriend was shot and cut, and gosh did I miss her so much but I will follow her advice. What matters is that she's ok.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here Lauren I-" she brought her lips to mine.

"Lets go up starts I wanna lay down." I nodded before helping her up the stairs. Once in her room we laid down. I laid a bit far from her to give her space. "Why are you all the way over there?"

Thanks for reading guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please Comment,Vote and Share. What do y'all think of Christen cause she's going to be joining us. Up above is a picture of  Christen Diaz the nurse I think many of you ought to know Shay Mitchell.

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