It's very unlikely it'll happen again

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"It's mine, Miss Grayson." Esme said putting an arm around me in a friendly way. Kalie didn't look convinced but she didn't have time to question it before the bell rang and we all went off to class. I kept trying to get Esme's attention but she didn't turn. I knew she realized. She knew whose car it was. We walked into Lauren's class and she could tell I was uneasy.

Oh god, what if she tells, I knew I dumping her like that would bite me in the ass. I tried getting her attention all through class that Lauren even had to give me detention with a disappointed look. The bell rang and everyone was crowding around getting packed up that I couldn't reach Esme. Soooooo, I did what any rational person would do. I stood on my desks and ran over each one until I was on the ground thats one way to cross a crowded classroom. I caught Esme.

"Esme, please stop we have to talk about this," I said holding her arm. I turned back and saw Mae standing next to Lauren, they were both watching me. I heard Mae say something before I was being lead off by the hand somewhere into the school. I could see the look on Lauren's face, it was unreadable. But there was something in her eyes I also couldn't quite make out either. I found myself in a small storage closet with a very frustrated Esme. I smiled at her.

"Spit it out Hart."

"Esme, what you saw, it's not what it looks like." She raised a brow.

"REALLY, cause it looks like you got out of Ms.James' car, and it seems to me SHE'S the reason you finished with me." I flinched.

"OOOOOK so maybe it's exactly what it looks like, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you but you came on so strong and we never even established we were in a relationship and I hurt you, and you're mad, I'm sorry." She put her hands on my shoulder.

"Right now I'm only mad you didn't stop me, or tell me Sandra. Yes you hurt me and I hated you but I'm over it. I'm your friend above everything. I just can't believe all this lying and distancing, I can't believe you."I faced the floor.

"Please don't tell, I love her." I heard her sigh.

"I won't and I'm sorry for slapping you all that time ago." I smiled at her.

"You're ok."

"Also, I'm sorry about your mom. I would have approached you when I heard but I didn't know if you or Mae would let me, and then you guys went awol, the shooting happened, How's Ms.James by the way, and who's the new girl?" I sighed.

"There's so much we have to fill you in on," we walked together out of the closet. Mae was leaning against the wall and jumped on me when she saw me.


"Uuuuum good?"

"It's very unlikely It'll ever happen again," I smacked her.

"WHAT did you you do now Diaz?" After she told me what she did I didn't think twice before running to Lauren's class. I knocked on her door repeatedly. The sound of heels got louder as she approached. When she opened it she looked at me but looked quickly away. I went in and locked the door.

"Lauren listen Mae's a complete dumbass in case you didn't already know." She was jealous.

"Sandra, you haven't spoken to the girl in a long time because of what we did and suddenly you're running running across desks to catch her and being lead away by the hand into a small closet, together and alone might I add. Sandra that's our closet. That's where you took me the first time when I was still nervous about this" she said motioning between us. Aww she's adorable. I walked up to her, and slowly brought my hand to her face. I kissed her deeply, I showed here there was nothing to worry about. I pulled away to explain and she was still opening her eyes. There was a few knocks on the door. I opened it. Mae.

"Heeeeey, did y'all make up yet," she asked hopefully. I pinched her.

"Oooooow," she whined.

"Next time don't fill my girlfriend's head with stupid ideas." Now that I had them together I explained everything to them.

"Uh-oh, I may have just told Esme to bug off a moment ago."

"You freaking idiot."

"Well, it's situations like this I wish I'd listened to what my dad would say when I was younger." Lauren looked at her.

"What would he say?" she asked while leaning against her desk.

"I don't know I wasn't listening, Lauren aren't you paying attention," Lauren smacked the back of her head.

"Student abuser," she whined as she rubbed her head.

"You deserved it after today."

"You were right this morning, you definitely aren't shining." Lauren lifted her hand as if to hit her again. Mae flinched. "Sandra, control you demon spawn."

"What the hell am I going to do with you Mae," I laughed as I shook me head.

"We could get rid of her,"Lauren suggests.

"NO! But keep that in your back pocket in case she fucks up AGAIN," Mae looks at both of us.

"Well it's been lovely, but we have PE," and off to PE we went.

"All right class we don't have anything to do for today you can choose as a class an activity you'd like to do. Oh, and seniors you have a three day trip to I think they said Paris starting tomorrow. Get here by 6am the trip is paid for but if you'd like to buy your own things I suggest you bring money."

"DUUUUUUDE did you hear, we get to go to PARIIIIS," I laughed at Mae's reaction. Although inside I was also that Excited. Esme came over to us shyly. I looked at Mae as if to urge her to apologize. She sighed.

"Esme, I'm sorry the sight of you with my best friend pissed me off," I rolled my eyes. Esme smiled.

"I'm sorry for that too but I promise I wasn't going to cause any harm." Mae shook her hand.

"MR.AIDEN!!!!!" Mae yelled. He turned with a disappointed sigh.

"What is it Diaz?"

"I wanna play dodge ball." Mr.Aiden looked around to see the class' reaction. Everyone agreed and the game began. PE was great but I snuck out a little before everyone else and ran to Lauren's class. She was sitting in the quiet reading a book. She looked up and smiled.

"Hey, why so early?" I smiled and walked closer to her.

"I wanted to see you," I kissed her. She was sweaty.

"Dude it's freaking blazing in here, and I'm not just saying that cause you're attractive," I joked.

"Yeah the AC is down but the heater is at full blast, just broke a few minutes ago actually." She went to put her hair up and held it with one hand while looking through her drawers with the other. "Damn I can't find my pack of pencils, do you have an extra?" I was too into her to even hear what she said. She snapped her fingers in my face.

"Yes, I mean yeah of course. Ok," I stood there awkwardly.

"You didn't hear a word I said did you?" I shook my head. "A pencil do you have one?" I pulled my pencil from my pocket and handed it to her. She took it and inserted it into her hair before sighing in relief.

"Better?" I asked her. She smiled.

"Much," I was about to say something else before the bell rang.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter so far. What do you guys think of today's chapter? I hope ya'll are staying safe and healthy. Please remember to vote,comment,and share :)

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