Chapter 1: My Brother's Best friend

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Wheein POV

"Hi! Dimps" my world stops moving when I saw him in front of my house. He's smiling brightly and I almost die because of his good-looking visual. My embarrassment 3 years ago is still fresh in my mind and whenever I see him, I can't help myself but get shy and awkward.

I wasn't able to say a word because my brother suddenly widely open the door to welcome him.

"Taehyung-ah come in. I need to take a shower first but I'll hurry, promise" my brother said as he let him go inside our house.

Both of them went up to my brother's room and I heard them talk. I didn't expect that they're friends because he's the same age as mine while my brother is literally much older, but I guess age doesn't matter in a genuine friendship.

I am now in my last year in middle school and still can't forget how I started my 13 years with shamefulness. I regretted that time when my immaturity invaded my innocent feelings that made my middle school years somehow like a roller coaster ride. I still remember that day when I decided to be brave for the first time in my life but it turned out as a total epic fail.

That was the day when I was thinking if it is possible to be swallowed by the ground out of embarrassment and just disappear in that rowdy crowd afternoon.

-3 years ago-

My heart race rapidly the moment I saw the ethereal-looking faced male student walking towards the corridor in front of me.

I walked swiftly to shorten the distance between us and stop in the middle to wait for him to get closer. I nervously hold my love letter firmly and I promised myself to finally give it to him. No one can stop me now. This time, I'll make sure to give him this letter and confess my 3-year crush on him. Yes, I like this guy since 3rd grade and before we enter middle school, I want to tell him my feelings. I want to confess.

I clutched my love letter while holding it with fully extended arms as I wait for him to get nearer to me while keeping my head to the ground. I saw his shoes stopped in front of me and I can feel my knee shaking.

"T..t..this... this is... for you... I like you, Please accept my love letter" I stuttered while handing him my love letter, still looking at the ground, staring at his shoes.

"I LIKE YOU KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!" I loudly shouted. He stood still and I hear a laugh.

"Yah, Wheein-ah, since when did you like him? He went to the other side tho." A very familiar female voice spoke and I looked at my back to face her. I saw my best friend Hyejin then I faced the man in front of me and I almost have a heart attack when I saw one familiar face again.

"Yah, Jiminie, why are you here? Where's Taehyung?" I asked him while looking around.

"He didn't go straight, he went to the other side... to the east library" Jimin pointed his index finger to the right side and I saw Taehyung entered the building.

Then, I realized that people started looking at me and some are even loudly laughing.

"What? Does she like Taehyung? Is she crazy? Taehyung is mine"
"Yeah right and she confessed to someone else instead to him"
"She is crazy... love letter?"
"Eww... She's not even pretty, how dare she likes Taehyung"
"Omo, Isn't she the J Class girl and she likes Taehyung from A class? As in, the famous Kim Taehyung, the school ace and the most handsome boy on the campus...She's crazy"

I heard everyone whispering and I fucking realized that I shouted my confession earlier. I wanted to disappear right now because of embarrassment. Luckily, Jimin and Hyejin are here to save me from all those stares.

-End of flashback-

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am Jung Wheein and I'm finally reaching high school in just a few months. I'm living with my mother and older brother here in Seoul while my dad is in Japan handling our family business. I have two best of best that I've known since day 1. I'm not even exaggerating when I said Day 1 (literally fetus days) because all of us are born in the same year with a "BFF" (best friend forever) mothers. Hyejin and Jimin are whom I'm talking about. Our mothers are from the same hometown and they knew each other since primary school. They're neighborhood friends and are inseparable. They went on blind dates together, married in the same year, and even planned pregnancy together. They are also known as the 3 Jeonju Goddesses because of their beauty during their younger years and due to their good family background. Hence, the 3 of us became "The Trio" slash "INtrinity" as well. Crazy right?

I also want to share my one-sided love with my brother's best friend. Well, I already told you earlier that I fucking confessed to him during my last year in primary school (but not actually to him tho). He's my schoolmate in elementary but never became my classmate because he's always in the A-class while I? I'm always the lowest rank. I'm in the J class all my life (count from A to J... You'll understand the huge difference) and he's very famous. I started liking him the first time I saw him and I wanted to tell him my feelings. But after I did that, I was a hot topic in school because of my love letter. I think he already heard about what I did and whenever he sees me, he always ignores me. He's very cold and never really smiles with other people but that image of him be changed when he first visited our house as my brother's friend. He wasn't cold at all and he's always smiling at my mom. He also talks a lot when he's with my brother and he wasn't a snob at all compared to what he is in school. I asked my brother how the hell they knew each other and he said that he helped him one day and then, later on, they became a close friend. My brother suffers from social anxiety when he was young that's why he doesn't have or want a friend but because of Taehyung, he learned to trust people.

I saw Taehyung in my brother's room, sitting in front of the vanity table, waiting for him to finish his bath. I sneak closely from the door until I heard him say my name.

"Wheein-ssi, just come in," he said and I saw him looking at me through the mirror's reflection in front of him.

I was shy again and immediately hide but I know I'm late in hiding. He knows I'm here and I just surrender and went inside.

"I'm just, umm... wanna talk with my brother, but I think he's still in the shower. So, I'll just go back again... Bye" I said quickly and was about to leave the room when he stood up and swiftly grabbed my wrist.

"I wanted to give this to you first. I took this photo in 4th grade when you performed with your friend Hyejin in teacher's month" he said and handed me a picture. But what he said next made my heart jumped out of my rib cage and I almost fainted in front of him.

"I realized that you're so cute in our primary school uniform," he said and smiled sweetly.


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Ayiieee. I made it. The first chapter is out even tho I was busy these past few weeks. Taein is my favorite K-pop OTP BTW. 😂😘💜
I'll try to update again tomorrow.

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