Chapter 18: He's My Groom?

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Wheein POV

[1 month Later]

"Jimin-ah Pali help me, jebal!!!" I keep on asking my friend to help me with these insane projects since last week but the thing about this guy is, he never wants to help me for free.
"You know the next restaurant right?" He said mischievously and take my books.
"Ara, ara. I know the next restaurant. Are you really that hungry every day? You always want me to eat with you" I irritatedly said.
"Food is life my friend" we just both laugh while walking to the library.
"Actually, I wanted to tell you something Wheein-ah but let's just talk in that restaurant I sent to you," he said and I just nod.
"OK... and umm... There's something I also want to tell you. It's my secret Jimin-ah but I think I need to tell someone I trust to hear some advice" I said and I saw him got curious.
"Arasseo, let's talk about that later. I'll wait for you there at 7 pm"
"OK" and we proceed on making my project.

It's been a month since the last time I saw my Taehyung. We both became busy due to school works. He always sends sweet messages to me but sometimes I can't help but be sad. I really want to see him every day but I know it cannot be.

I am now in the cafeteria, waiting for the queen to arrive but instead of my friend Hyejin, I saw someone else.

"Jungkook-ssi!!!" I called the younger and he looked at me.
"Noona!!!" He shouted back at me
"Why are you here?" I asked him as I went near him.
"I transferred school noona. I will study here from now on"
"Wah, daebak. So, are you living here in Seoul with Yongsun unnie?"
"Nae noona. I don't know that you're studying in this high school"
"Yes, this is our school. Hyejin and Jimin are also here, speaking of Hyejin, she's here"
"Hyejin-ah!!!" I called my friend and she saw me. She waved at us and immediately went in our spot.
"Yah, aren't you the boy from Daegu? Taehyung's hoobae?" She said as soon as she comes near us.
"Ah, nae nae... I'm Jungkook"
"Yes, I remember now. Why are you here?" She query and I answered her questions.
"He's transferring now"
"Oh, I see. Welcome to our school" Hyejin said while tapping Kook's shoulder.
"Yah, you must be really happy now Jung Wheein because your Taehyung's hoobae is here," Hyejin said

I almost choked with what she said. Did she know about us? How?

"Be careful Jungkook-ah, that girl is crazy about that dude, she will ask you about him every day, I am now telling you" then she laughs.

Oh, I thought she knew. I exhaled deeply after knowing that she still doesn't know.

"Hahaha, Jungkook knew that I like Taehyung tho. He will expect that" I just said while smiling.

"I'm not really that close to him. I'm closer to your brother noona"
"Aye, don't call us noona, you make us look old. Just call us by the name" Hyejin said and I nod.
"Ah, arasseo... Anyway, I have to go now. I need to go to my class. Bye, see you around" Jungkook waved his goodbye and we left the cafeteria after him as well.

I am now walking here on the campus with Hyejin. She keeps on telling me random stories about what happened to her last month. Hyejinnie is happily telling me stories when suddenly my phone vibrates. I looked at my phone and I saw my messenger notifications.

" Oh, it's Taehyung" I mumbled

" Oh, it's Taehyung" I mumbled

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Interconnected Lovers Season 3: WheeTae Edition Where stories live. Discover now