Chapter 25: New Buddy

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Wheein POV

I wasn't expecting that the start of my college life would be this lonely. First, Jungkook suddenly left Korea last year. Second, Hyejin started to become busy for some unknown reasons. Third, Jimin is going out with this bad influence girl. Yeah, I call her B.I because Jimin is now skipping classes. He also starts to drink and party. I don't know why he's acting like this but I really don't like what happened to the three of us.

Hyejin and I were accepted in the music department when we auditioned. I literally camped outside her house just to see her because right after our highschool  graduation, we haven't seen each other. She said that she was actually planning to audition in the music dept in Seoul University too but because of the things she's doing (the thing that she still doesn't want to tell me), she wasn't able to practice anything. But because Hyejinie is talented and is a great singer, she was able to make it.  I did my best to get her to audition with me. 

 Actually, I asked Hyejin about what really happened to her but she insisted that it isn't the right time to tell me. She said to me that she will tell me everything when it's finally done. She wants me to help her by not asking for more details about it. I am just very concerned to hear that's why I always ask questions but when she said those to me, I decided to trust her. I know Hyejin will do what is right and I know she's strong. If she can't tell me anything for now then, I will try my best to support and stay by her side.

We started attending the music classes this month but sadly, Hyejin is absent most of the time that's why I am always alone in this university. Jimin and Taehyung are in the same department and their building is far from ours. They're both in business management, same with Byul unnie. I don't know why Jimin decided to tag along with my boyfriend but Taehyung said that Jimin likes to continue the competition that they had in school before. Weird, but yeah... I think he just doesn't want to pursue music anymore because of Hyejin. From what I remember, Jimin and Hyejin planned to pursue music together while I was still undecided during our middle school years but Jimin's sudden change of decision made me sad.

By the way, Byul unnie, Yongsun unnie and Jin oppa are our sunbaenim now. Byul unnie and Jin oppa are still together. I am so happy to see them together and they're both graduating this year while Yongsun unnie is still the student council president. They welcomed us to this university during the homecoming and sadly, that was also the last time when the INtrinity hangs out together at a party.


"Welcome to Seoul University!" Yongsun unnie greeted us. Hyejin and Jimin just gave unnie a smile while I tried to sound happy and energetic. Actually, Hyejin and Jimin's awkwardness and somewhat "hatred" feeling toward each other, affected our friendship now. I literally begged them to come with me to tonight's homecoming event.
"Waaaa, unnie it's really nice to see you again. I miss you." I said and hugged her.
"Where's Jin and Byulyi unnie?" Hyejin asked
"They will come later. I think they'll be late coz they went to Jin's family gathering. I think they're planning the wedding"
"WHAT WEDDING? JINJJA?" I shouted in surprise.
"Waaaaa, Wheein-ah, I think we are really a good love guru" Hyejin sudden laugh made me smile. It's been a while since the last time I saw her happy.
"Ahm, excuse me. I need to go now, I think my girlfriend is here. And by the way, nice to meet you Yongsun noona" Jimin coldly said and walked away.
"Yah! Jimin-ah, come back here later Ok?, I want to meet your girlfriend" I shouted to him but he didn't look back. I saw Hyejin and she's looking in Jimin's direction with a sad expression.

After Jimin left us, Jin and Byul unnie arrived at the place. I saw them holding each other's hand and they're both looking ethereal tonight.
"Here comes the future bride and groom"  Yongsun unnie shouted as soon as she saw them
"Waaaaaaa!!! JinByul Congratz in advance. I hope you'll invite us to your wedding" I excitedly said to them and I saw Jin oppa's wide smile.
"Of course, my love gurus need to come. But how did you guys know about our plan?" he asked and Yong unnie just smile.
"Sorry," she said cutely and we all laugh.
"Anyway, what department are you guys in?" Byulyi unnie asked and I told her that we're in the music dept.
"It's quite far from our building. I guess we can't see each other daily" she added.
"Are you going to stay in the school's dorm?"  Jin oppa asked us.
"Aniyo oppa. Dorm's rule is too much for me" Hyejin said and I agreed.
"Yes, so many rules that's why I'll just stay home" I laugh.
"Oh, guys I'll go now because the program is about to start," Yongsun unnie said and she bid her goodbye.
"See you later unnie" I said
"Nae" and she proceeds backstage.

Hyejin and I decided to give JinByul their moment for the slow dance. We roam around the venue and we took some photos together. I really miss Hyejin that's why I am taking this opportunity to spend more time with her. Taehyung is not coming here tonight because he said that girls in his department will just pest him. He told me that a bunch of girls is asking him out already and that is why I let him stay at home.

While walking to some different spots in the venue, Hyejin suddenly feels thirsty.
"Wheein-ah, chakkamanyo. I will get a drink"
"Ah, nae. strawberry for me" I said to her and she smiled.
While waiting for Hyejin, I looked around the place and I accidentally saw a couple making out.
"Boya... who's that..." but I stop myself from asking because I saw the man and it's our fucking friend Jimin.

What the fck. I want to go and kill Jimin but then I saw Hyejin coming back and I immediately run to stop her from walking in this spot to not let her see him.

"Hyejin-ah, Kaja. Let's go back inside" I said to her as soon I approached her
"Huh? I thought you want to stay here in the garden" she said unsure while giving the drink to me.
"No. I don't like to be here. There's a lot of couples kissing... eww" I just smiled awkwardly and clasped my hand to hers.

We went inside and start to dance crazily. After we dance and eat, we joined the sunbaes. The sunbaenims are all here now and we played Uno cards. We also talk about random things and Yongsun noona suddenly talked about her brother Jungkook.  We were shocked by what she spills to us.

"Mweorago?" Hyejin and I bawled in unison.
"Jungkook isn't your real brother?" I asked her and she smiled bitterly.
"So that's the reason why he suddenly left the country?" Hyejin said and Yong unnie looked so sad.
"I don't know where he went. I send him e-mails every day and also messages but he never read it" she sadly said while drinking her cocktail.
"Wheein-ah, I think I need your brother's help" she added
"Hoseok oppa? waeyo?"
"Isn't he the one who can easily look for people? He easily located my place before" Yongsun unnie said and I just nod.
"Arasseo unnie, I'll try to tell him"
"I miss my brother, I miss my Kook, I miss him very much" unnie started to cry out loud and we were surprised. Byul unnie said that Yongsun is already drunk. They helped her to stand up and get her bag.
"I'm sorry dongsaengs but this girl's alcohol tolerance is very low. We will send her home" Byul unnie said
"Ah nae unnie. We need to go home as well. See you around, bye"

[End of Flashback]

I am running really fast on the stairs because I am now 15 minutes late. I stride at the door of my first class and I saw that the professor is already starting the class. I shamelessly opened the door and silently go to my seat.

The whole class was boring as hell. I just drew on my notebook and didn't pay much attention. Today, Hyejin didn't go to school again. I contacted Jimin while sitting here on the floor in the rooftop but as usual, he's not picking up the phone. I am so sad right now. Where are my friends? I miss them.

"Hey, Dimps! why are you sad?"
"Dimps?" I mumbled and then suddenly, a smile formed on my face.
"Taehyung-ah..." I stood up and face the man but I am shocked when I saw a familiar-looking face.

"Mino...?" I mumbled
"...why are you here?" I asked him

"I'm a student in the music department. I will be in your class... and... It's my first day" he said and it left me speechless.

"I guess I'll be your new buddy," he said and smiled widely.

"I guess I'll be your new buddy," he said and smiled widely

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I miss the sunbaenims.
💜 Jin, Byul, and Solar 💜


Mino is here again 😂✌

Interconnected Lovers Season 3: WheeTae Edition Where stories live. Discover now