Chapter 24: INtrinity

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Taehyung POV


After I went out of the bathroom, I heard someone knocking at my apartment's door. I didn't bother to put on my top because I know who the guest would be.
"Hi Dimps, I thought you can't come tonight?" I greeted my girlfriend as soon as I opened my door.

"Taehyung-ah, annyeong..." she greeted me sadly.
" mom went to Japan to collect my dad. She said she needs to persuade him to attend my graduation next week and Hyejin canceled our overnight, that's why I'll stay here till she sets another date". she told everything without energy and with a sad face.
"waeyo? why are you sad?" I asked her while inviting her inside my place. I get her bag and she went directly to the sofa. She lied on it and was in a daze.
"Yah, Wheein-ah are you ok?"
"I'm not ok. I am concerned with Hyejin"
"why? what happened to Hyejin?"
"I saw her a few hours ago when I was at the bus stop. She was with a man and she looks terrified. I don't know what's going on." she looks really sad and worried.
I walk near to her and kneeled down. I'm looking at her but she is still in a daze. She's looking directly to the ceiling.
"Why don't you call and ask her?" I query.
"I think she doesn't want to tell anyone yet, but I'll ask her as soon as she calls me. She said and she finally looks at me.
"Yah! where's your t-shirt?" she blurted when she realized that I'm not wearing a shirt.
"I just took a shower and you came," I said innocently and I gave her a smile.
"Stop smiling and go... get dress," she said while pushing me slightly.
I just smiled at her and stood up. I walk directly to my room and I can see her looking at my back through the TV's reflection. She's so cute.

I am now living here in Seoul as a freelance model and of course as a college student. I am already accepted to Seoul University after I passed the entrance examination and the first semester will start in few weeks. I am pursuing business and to be honest, I don't know why. After what happened with Mino, I decided to leave our house. He's now living in Daegu with them and that's another reason why I will never stay in that place. I already accepted the fact that that house, that father, and that company would never be mine. Hoseok hyung said to me that I should claim my rights as the legitimate and firstborn son but I don't care anymore. I'm so tired of these shits. I'm tired of seeing the 3 of them happy. I just wanted to live on my own with my girlfriend.

Speaking of my girlfriend, I went out of my room after I put on my clothes and she's now sleeping peacefully on my sofa.
I looked at the clock and it's only 8 pm. She looks so tired that's why I let her sleep there for a while.

I go to the kitchen and start cooking coz I know Wheein will be hungry at midnight.
While preparing the ingredients, my phone suddenly vibrates. I saw one notification and it's from Yoongi hyung.

I was shocked by what he said that's why I immediately dialed his number after I read his message

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I was shocked by what he said that's why I immediately dialed his number after I read his message.

"Yah! Hyung how did you know?" I greeted him like this as soon as he answered his phone.
"I saw you guys at Namsan before but don't worry, I didn't tell anyone. You just need to help me"
"What is it hyung?" I asked him unsure.
"I am in trouble... I mean, Hyejin and I are in trouble. I don't want Wheein to get involved in this mess, so I want you to try your best to not let Wheein be with Hyejin. Stop her in hanging out with Hyejin for a while."
"What? hyung I'm sorry, but I don't understand. Why are you with Hyejin?"
"Long story, but please... just please protect Wheein. Namjoon will hate me and will probably kill me when he finds out what I did to her sister. I don't want Hoseok to hate me too. I'll do my best to fix this mess. All I want you to do now is to protect Wheein"
"Hyung, I can't protect Wheein if I don't know what's happening. You need to tell me everything so I will understand"
"I'm sorry Taehyung-ah, this is the only thing that I can tell you because... you'll... you will be in trouble too. No one should know what happened..." he said trembling.
"...I didn't know that this would turn out like this. If I just knew, I should've never invited Hyejin to that party. I should be more careful, I forgot how dangerous the music industry is" he said and I can hear that he's quietly crying to the other line.
"Hyung? Hyung are you ok? Yah! Where are you? Do you want to see me? I think you need someone to talk to"
"No, I can fix this alone. No one should be in danger. No one will get involved again. Hyejin and I will be alright. Just please, stay Wheein away from Hyejin until I find some solution" he said and ended the call.

I was shocked by our conversation. Yoongi hyung sounds weak and scared. What happened to them? I tried to call him again but he didn't answer my calls. I tried to call Hyejin too but she's not answering as well.
"Boya, I think Wheein is right. There's something wrong with Hyejin" I murmur.

But the real question is, Why do Yoongi hyung and Hyejin are together?

Wheein POV

I wake up this morning with a happy smile because I opened my eyes with Taehyung by my side. I didn't remember that I slept here last night. The only thing I remember from yesterday was Hyejin's terrified face.

I left Taehyung's apartment early in the morning because I wanted to see Hyejin. I am very concerned about her and I need to ask her many questions. I go to her house but Namjoon oppa said that she had an overnight with her classmates. So, that only means... she didn't come home last night when she goes together with that man?

I told Namjoon oppa that I just forgot about "that so-called" overnight so that he will not worry too much. But honestly, I wanted to tell him what I saw, but on the other hand, I also think about Hyejin. She will not like to make her brother worry.

After I went to her house. I go to school for our graduation practice and as I predicted, Hyejin is absent. I contacted Jimin but to my surprise, he doesn't care at all. He told me, he needs to go somewhere and that Hyejin is old enough to do what she wants. I wanted to punch and kill Jimin through the phone but I thought that he didn't know anything. Should I tell him? Should I? I kept on asking myself during our phone call but in the end, I decided to keep everything a secret.

I waited all day for her call or text and finally at exactly 3:20 pm, she contacted me.

I waited all day for her call or text and finally at exactly 3:20 pm, she contacted me

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My heart hurts when she said that. She can't attend our grad ball? why?
I am not convinced with her excuse this time that's why I went to my professor and asked if Hyejin really notified them about her absence and Mr. Shin said that her mom sent an e-mail and told them that she can't attend the graduation ceremony next week.

I am so sad about this news. This must be the saddest graduation day ever.

No Hyejin... No Jimin...

Is this the end of the Intrinity?

What is happening to the holy INtrinity?💜 WheeIN JimIN and HyejIN 💜STAY STRONG

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What is happening to the holy INtrinity?
💜 WheeIN JimIN and HyejIN 💜

Interconnected Lovers Season 3: WheeTae Edition Where stories live. Discover now