Chapter 26: First Time

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Wheein POV

"Wheein-ah, wait. Why are you so cold to me? Did I do something wrong?" Mino chased me while I am walking fast in the corridor of our classroom.
"Wheein-ah..." he holds my wrist and made me look at him.
"Mino, Yah! You're hurting me" I said feeling weak. Mino is holding my wrist tightly and I can see that my left hand is getting paler.
"I want you to tell me first why are you avoiding me. Did Taehyung tell you to stop hanging out with me?" he asked me and I can see the tears in his eyes.

Mino is my classmate here in the music department. He started late because he said that he had a hard time transferring here to Seoul. Actually, I tried my best to avoid him because I know Taehyung would not like it but the more I tried to avoid him, the more he comes to me. Mino is good and very cheerful that's why I can't hate him but my boyfriend doesn't like him. Avoiding Mino is also hard because we literally have the same schedules and professors. Also, Hyejin is always not with me. Yesterday, she was here but today, she's absent again. I am always alone and somehow, Mino is the only one I can hang out with. I am not good at making new friends especially without Hyejin and Jimin that's why I decided to just be with him during campus hours and not tell Tae. I was happy whenever we're together. I always appreciate all his effort in making me laugh whenever I'm sad. However, a bad thing happened yesterday afternoon. Taehyung saw both of us on the rooftop. And to be honest, I messed everything up.


"I am so tired today," I said as I yawn in front of my friend.
"Yah, you are so cute Wheein-ah. Do you want to rest on the rooftop?" he said and I agree.
"Oh, that's great. I think I can sleep there for a while"

We both go on the rooftop of our building. Taehyung and I used to hide here because this is the only place where we can have some alone time without those fangirls that he has. But Taehyung is busy now that's why we can't go here together. It's been a few weeks since the last time we've seen each other and he only texted me once a day. I think college is getting in our way and I hate it.

"Wheein-ah, you can lie down here" Mino pulled the Korean-styled table and put his jacket on it.
"Thanks" I just said as I lay down on the table.
The weather today is cloudy. I am looking at the sky when Mino decided to lay down beside me.
"So, what's happening to them now?" he asked and I sighed
"Not good. Still not talking"
"I think the beef between them would be so difficult to fix," he said and he looked at me. I told Mino that my friends are not on good terms right now. Ever since we started college, Jimin is acting really bad. I hate to see him like that but I also can't do anything. I'm just a friend, I am not his mom to dictate him.
"It's ok Wheein-ah, I'm here. I will not let you alone" he said and suddenly looked at me. I look at him as well and he cracked a smile. That beautiful smile always makes me smile as well. Then, he showed me some finger hearts and aegyo.
"Yah, Boya, what are you doing?" I laugh hard because of what he's doing.
"I'm making you laugh," he said and he continues moving like a worm while we're lying on the table. He keeps on doing random small dances and aegyo and the table is literally shaking. I laugh really loud because he's showing weird faces.
"Yah, Yah, stop moving. The table might.... aaaaaaaaahhhh!!!" I shouted when one of the table's feet suddenly collapsed. The next thing I knew when I opened my eyes is, I am on top of him.

I was shocked when I realized that Mino is hugging me. His hand is on my waist. I don't know why I didn't react and I found myself looking at him. Then, after few seconds, he cupped my face and said something.

"Why are you dating my stepbrother? Let's date instead?" I was taken aback by what he said. My eyes popped out and I saw him giving me teasing looks.
"Micheosseo" I don't know why I blushed. I hit him slightly on his chest and stood up from him. But I found my knees shaking when I saw Taehyung standing at the entrance, looking at me without expression.

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