Chapter 6: Sketch of Him

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Wheein POV

"YAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! JIMIN-SSSSSIIIIII" Hyejin loudly shouted while Jimin is on top of me.
I can't move an inch. I am laying straight while Jimin's lip is still on mine.
"YAHHHHHH!!!!" Hyejin immediately pushed Jimin out of me and he fell to my side.
"Wheein-ah... I'm. I'm sorry. I didn't... I didn't mean to" Jimin said while facing me. Still in the ground beside me.
"Yah, Wheein-ah, are you ok?" Jimin sit and then Hyejin kneeled down to ask me the same question
"Wheein-ah... Wheein-ah?" She put one hand in front of my face and sway it left and right to check my vision.

Then I snapped back and looked at Jimin

"YAH!!! YAH!!! YAH!!!" Jimin was startled at my shout. I sit down now and pulled Jimin's collar

"THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS. HOW DARE YOU STEAL IT!!!!!!!! I'M SAVING IT FOR MY HONEYBUNCH!!!!!" Then I hit my friend in his chest many times and he keeps on saying it's my fault

"If you just let me win and didn't fight back for that name tag, we will not fall," Jimin says while protecting his precious face. I should've not joined this name tag game with my classmates.

I pushed him again and I stood up but then, I saw Taehyung standing, looking at me. Oh my gosh... Did he, did he saw us? My whole body is freaking out right now. I don't know what to do.

Then some of my classmates who joined the game start to tease us.

"Destiny! Destiny! Destiny!"
"Ayiiieee, Jimin and Wheein... the new love team"
"BFF to BF"
"OMO OMO, eotteoke? How about Hyejin Jimin-ah"

Some students are laughing and I'm here, still standing. Still looking at Taehyung's face.

He's looking at me with his poker face again. Taehyung probably didn't care about what happened but I'm really ashamed right now. Jimin is my friend and I know it's just an accident but I don't want him to see my first kiss.

I know my face is burning red right now that's why I run fast to escape from all those teases.

"Shut up" I hear Jimin said to them while also leaving the place and he went directly to his class.

Hyejin and I went home together that afternoon. We leave Jimin on purpose because it's still awkward for me.

"Argh, my head is still hurting," Hyejin said while putting her hand over her nape
"It's OK now Hyejin-ah, it's an accident. Jimin didn't do it on purpose" I said to her. I patted her head and she gave me a weird look.

"Yah, why are you saying that to me? As if I care. FYI my head hurts not because of that" she said and eats her shaved ice.

Actually, Hyejin and Jimin are my ultimate OTP. Even though we are all childhood friends, I really feel something between them. I don't know if Hyejin feels it too but I know, Jimin likes her more than friends. Well, nothing is confirmed tho.

Later that night, I can't fall asleep because I still can't forget Jimin's shocked face when we fell to the ground.

"Ahhh, jinjja. I hate this feeling. How can I face Jimin tomorrow" I shouted in my room?

I get my phone and texted him while laying in my bed.

Me: Hey, Jimin-ah, let's not get awkward tomorrow OK? Just an accident.
Minmin: Of course. I'm just sorry coz you know...first kiss

"This dude, did you really need to remind that?" I said while typing my reply to him.

Me: We can't do anything bout that. Already happened.
Minmin: I'll treat you tomorrow for lunch
Me: ASA!!! Call. Apology accepted
Minmin: Yeokshi, food can solve anything 😂
Me: see you tomorrow 😁✌
Minmin: Good night 💞

After talking to him, I somehow felt at ease now. I tried to sleep after I turned off my phone but as soon I closed my eyes, another image was formed.


I stood up from my bed and get my sketch pad and pencil. Whenever I can't sleep because of thinking of him, I always sketch my favorite Taehyung side profile or any event I remember of him and paint it on my white canvas during my free time.

I went out of my room and went to the veranda near my brother's room. I set up my drawing tools and start sketching him. This time, the face I'm imagining is when he's on the library shelves. I feel so calm when I draw him and I always find happiness when I successfully finished my work.

I looked at the scenery outside and I saw the full moon. I looked at it and I suddenly remember his poker face again. I am hurt because I know he does not care and it only means one thing.

One of the greatest pain and agony is being in one-sided love with someone and nothing hurts more than realizing that he was everything to you but then... meant nothing to him...

you meant nothing to him

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Wheein's sketch of him. 💜

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