Chapter 10: Middleschool Graduation

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Wheein POV

"Yah!!! Yah!!! Taehyung-ah look, I solved everything in just 1 hour" I happily jumped around my room and gave my answer sheet to my tutor who's laying on my bed.
"You're done already? May I see?" Taehyung gets his red pen and started to check my solutions.
"Wheein-ah, I think you're ready for the exams tomorrow. 35/50, it's good" Taehyung gave me a shocked look. He's smiling and I gave him a high five.
"Thank you thank you, Taehyung! After our 3-day exam, let me treat you"
"No need, tutoring you is a school requirements tho" he said while piling up some scratched papers.
"But I wanna treat you. Just ... umm. like a thank you gift" I said and he just slowly nods.
"Hmm. Then just treat me when the final graduating lists are posted. I want to see you in Top 50" he said while giving a serious look.
"WHAT!!! ARE YOU CRAZY?!!!" I shouted. Then he suddenly pouts and tilted his head
"Yah, Taehyung-ah, you know that I'm always in 101st place right? You know I can't do that?"
"Why not? I tutored you for a week and I clearly saw your fast improvements. Actually, you're not that bad at studying, what I observed about you is that you just lack concentration. But when I gave you my annoyed look, you'll immediately understand the questions and it's good" Taehyung holds my shoulders to build my confidence up.
Actually, what he said is true. Taehyung's way of teaching me is very effective. I forced myself to understand everything once he started to get annoyed. I really don't like to see him frowned or angry that's why I'm suddenly being too focused and eventually, I'll solve everything.

Taehyung is staying here in our house since the incident. Hoseok oppa said that his mother is not answering his call. I overheard their conversation last night about Taehyung's mother and it seems like she's gone. Taehyung's family problem is insane, I mean how can a mother don't look for her missing son? Even his father in Daegu doesn't seem to care.

He's still holding my shoulder and we're looking at each other's eyes. His eyes are full of sadness and worries maybe because of his parents. I want to make him happy. I want to see him smile, at least for today. Can I cheer him up? Can I do it? No, I should do it.

"Arasseo" I finally spoke

"I'll do my very best tomorrow and will be in the top 50" I gave him a determined look and he finally smiles. The eye smile that I like.
"OK, If you succeeded to be in the Top 50 I'll let you treat me but if you fail, you will grant me a wish" then he walks away from me and get his camera.
"Deal" I just said and smiled. He looked at me and suddenly, he clicked his camera. He took a candid shot that made me dazzled a bit.

-2 Weeks Later-

I am walking alone here in the middle of the hallway. I'm very nervous right now because I want to make him proud. I wanna be in the Top 50.

I am already near the bulletin board but a lot of students are flocking at the graduating list ranking, mostly from higher sections. I tried to get in front but the crowd is too much. I also tried to jump to see who's the Top 1 but these students are tall. Then, I saw a chair from the other side. I get it and I climb the chair to see the lists. As expected, Taehyung is our Top 1 followed by my best friend Jimin. I'm so happy that they will lead us on our graduation that is 2 days from now. We will be turning high school in just a few more weeks and I am quite nervous but excited.

"Congratulations," I heard his voice from behind. I look back to see him but I stumbled and almost fell from the chair, but luckily Taehyung caught me. He seized me and we're now hugging each other. My eyes widened with what happened and I saw him smirk when he saw me blushed. He looked at me while I'm still in his arms and I looked at him as well. My heart is beating fast again. I thought my feelings have changed and that it is already overshadowed by my desire to be his friend but I guess it wasn't the case. I'm still in love with him.

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