Chapter 8: Tutor

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Wheein POV

I woke up this morning with a little pain in my neck. I don't know how long I slept on the veranda but luckily I have a reliable brother. Hoseok Oppa is always the one who put me back in bed whenever I sleepwalk or if I slept somewhere. He's the best brother that everyone wishes to have.

I ready myself for school because Hyejin and I are planning to study in the library again to get ready for the examination next week. This time we will make sure to really focus. I walked out of my room and I saw oppa still laying in his bed. I walked inside his half-opened door and I saw that he's still sleeping.

"Oppa, you're not going to school today? Don't have classes?" I asked my brother while shaking him gently.

Hoseok oppa opened his eyes and sit up after I wake him. He put both hands on the side of his head and he looks so much in pain.

"I think, I can't go to school. I drunk last night"
"Hungover is real" I teased him because oppa isn't a drunkard person. His alcohol tolerance is very low and he never really like drinking.
"Yah, stop teasing me and go to school. Taehyung said that you guys have an important examination for next week" oppa said while messing my bangs.
"Yes we have that's why we're planning to have a group study for today," I said smiling
"Group study? with whom?" Hoseok oppa asked
"Of course with Hyejin and Jimin. Jiminie said that he will try to teach us. Tho I know, it would be so hard" Hoseok oppa laugh loudly
"I better treat Jimin after you passed the exam" we both laugh and not long after, I left oppa and go to school.

I was walking here in the field where we planned to do the group study but Hyejin and Jimin aren't there. I get ready to put out my books when someone suddenly called my name.

"Wheein-ah" a familiar voice called me. I face him and he strides towards me. I was shocked for a moment but I still talked back to him.
"Ah, waeyo Taehyung-ah" I said while hiding my smile.
"From today onwards, you need to come with me to the library" he said without a reaction and I was confused for a while.
"I'm sorry but what?" I query because I'm unsure with what he said
"4 pm, after class at the library" he just said and quickly walked away.
"Huh?" I was left there hanging and don't even know what just happened. I didn't understand what he said but fortunately, Jimin and Hyejin arrived at our meeting place and explained to me everything.

"Wheein-ah did Taehyung already asked you out? Hyejin said while giving me a teasing look
"Asked to the library" Jimin corrected her and emphasized the word library.
I'm very confused right now but it looks like they knew something.
"How did you guys know? Taehyung just left"
"Taehyung is the one in charge of teaching you. He will be your tutor. Congratulations" Hyejin said and I was dumbfounded.
"Mweo? What?" I said in disbelief.
"Aren't you happy?" Jimin asked me.
"No, of course, I am. But I'm also worried... I am so stupid, what if I don't understand any of the lessons... Eotteoke?" Worries filled my whole body but my friends only laugh at me
"Not our fault anymore," Hyejin said and I gave her a strange look
"Wow, as if your tutor wouldn't get angry with you... You're also a slow learner Hyejin-ah" I jokingly said to her.
"As if I can get angry at her" Jimin finally spoke while reading a book. Hyejin just smiled at him but he just continues in reading.
"What a lucky wench," I said to her and Hyejin just gave me an arrogant look.

Apparently, all A to C class students are required to tutor those who are in the lower section for the upcoming examination. The faculty designated all the pairings and since Taehyung is the Top 1 or the first in the list while I am also the first (to the last) we were paired up.

Classes end and my mind is a mess now. It's already 4 pm but I'm still here in the classroom, finishing my art project.

"Taehyung must be furious right now," I said while trying my best to finish my abstract. I totally forgot that the deadline is today. I finished everything and passed my rushed project in the faculty room. Then I hurriedly run to the library only to see Taehyung standing at the entrance, looking at me seriously.
I stopped running and started to walk at a normal pace. I wipe my sweat on the forehead and tried to smile at him.

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