Chapter 17: First Date

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Wheein POV

"Yaaaaaaaahh!!! Taehyung-ah!!!!!" I shouted as I run fast towards the handsome-looking guy standing at the bus stop.
I throw myself at him as I go near and he just smiled.

"I miss you," he said and slightly lift me.
"I miss you more. Did you wait long? I got problems with my outfit today because you said to dress well" I said while looking at him. Today I wore a yellow skater skirt with a sleeveless fitted crop top and sandals. I don't know if Taehyung will like it but I want to look girly today for him.
"You're beautiful. I think I will ace this project" he said and hold my hand.

We went to the Namsan area and go to different cafés. At first, I was shy because people kept on looking at us for an obvious reason. I have a really handsome guy beside me that's why random girls are giving me this jealous looks but as time flies, I don't care about them anymore. I just enjoyed the day with my boyfriend.
Before going to other places, Taehyung decided to start his project. He took some photos of me in the garden because he said that my outfit is suitable for the place.
"Don't be shy Wheein-ah, just smile" he said while holding his big camera.
I'm actually shy in front of the camera but for him, of course, I will do anything. I continuously doing some poses and I am very relieved that no one is in this cafe at the moment.

"Waaa, my girlfriend is so pretty," he said while looking at the photo in his camera.
"May I see?"
"I'll send these to you later coz the battery is low," he said while checking his camera
"Arraseo" I said

Now, we are here at the Han river to try the paddle boat. Taehyung and I enjoy the scenery and I love how he is smiling on our whole date
"I should've brought my sketchbook, your side profile together with the background scenery here is so good," I said while looking at him.
"You'll draw me again?"

I was shocked for a moment. Did he know about my paintings?

"Huh? You know my drawings?" I asked
"Yes, I saw your paintings when your mom told me to carry you inside your room"
"When? Oh my gosh, I didn't know you knew my paintings" I shyly hide my face but I became shyer when he confessed something more.
"I also got to read your love letter" and he loudly laughs.
"I knew it... Coz I saw that stupid letter on your jacket and I was really curious why you have that. Where did you get my letter by the way?"
"Don't call it stupid, I like it and you should've given it to me. I read it when I entered your room"
"Omo? So you were entering my room the whole time?" I overly exaggerated myself to make him laugh.
"No, I just entered your room once coz you were hitting your head in the closet door and I carried you back in bed, then that's when I saw the letter." he laughs and looked at me
"Wheein-ah give that love letter to me and your paintings. I want to display it in my room" he said and I blushed.
"OK, I'm shy but since you liked it, I'll give it to you" and he smiles. The rectangular smile that I love the most.

We stop paddling for a while and we just stayed in the middle of the river while holding each other's hand. Then after few minutes, we decided to go back to the floating bridge to get out of the river. I stood up from the boat but then, I lost my balance and the paddle boat tilted. Taehyung tried to get my hand but we both separately fell on the water.

"Aaaaaaaahhhh" I shouted with my head voice and Taehyung immediately swim towards me and hold me instantly.

"Are you OK?" Taehyung asked while I'm holding on to his shoulder
"I can't swim," I said trembling
"Don't worry I'm here" then he holds me and swims back to the bridge.
"Taehyung-ah mianne, you're all wet" I apologized as soon as we get out of the water
"Boya, you're wet too... Why are you sorry?"
"I'm so clumsy"
"Let's just go somewhere and buy clothes"

I was so disappointed with myself. I just literally ruined our first date. My dress is soaked in water and Taehyung is also freezing. We are both walking while people are looking at us.

"Did it rain?"
"Why are they wet?"

I heard people whispering and I can't help but feel sorry.

"Yah, Wheein-ah looks there's a store. Kaja" Taehyung held my hand and we entered the store. We bought our clothes and Taehyung even get me a yellow jacket to wear temporarily.

"Wear this jacket Wheein-ah, your top is too thin. I can see your bra"

My mouth hung open with what he said and he just naughtily smiles while putting the jacket on me and to be honest, it made me feel some weird things.

"But Wheein-ah we have a problem now. Where can we change?
"Huh? Ahh... Meollaseo" shit. I don't know. I didn't think of that. Where can we take a bath? We still need to continue our date.

"Ttarawa" Taehyung holds my hand again and we start to walk around.

But then I was speechless when we stopped in front of a red building.

"Let's go" Taehyung walk inside the building leaving me behind and I don't know why I can't step my fucking feet. However, it left me no choice. I followed him inside and I saw him at the counter. The desk man gave him a key.

"This is the key, room 99"
"Thanks" Taehyung get the key and he went to me.
"We will just change clothes, nothing more" he teasingly said
"Ah, boyaa. Why are you saying that to me" I punched him slightly and I went on my own? I really hate this nervous feeling. Why are we in the motel on our first date? This is all because of my clumsiness.

I kept my head down as we went to our room. The awkwardness that I am feeling right now is on another level. Some people in the motel are giving the two of us weird looks and I am so embarrassed.

Taehyung is now opening our room's door when suddenly, a couple went out from the next room. They looked at us.

"Ahh, young people these days are on fire," the man said and the sexy dressed girl just laugh.

I looked at Taehyung and I can see that he became quite shy as well. I saw him blushed for the first time and it was cute.

We come inside the room and my heart almost popped out from my ribcage. Why am I feeling like this? Micheosseo Micheosseo. Jung Wheein stops this awkwardness. You need to joke or fool around to lighten this weird mood.

"Let's do rock-paper-scissor to know who's going to wash up first," I said while forcing myself to laugh to hide my uncomfortable feeling.
"Arasseo" he just said and we did it.
"Gawi-Bawi-Bo" then I won.
"I'll go in first" he just smiled and I immediately run inside the bathroom.

After I wash up, Taehyung hurriedly takes a bath as well. We left the motel as soon as we finished our business because I know he also felt uncomfortable. He's a man, I know what he feels.

We continued our date in Namsan tower and Taehyung took a lot of photos. I really enjoyed this day and I think he also likes it. We left a huge lock in the tower and my boyfriend can't even hide his adoration to me. He said I'm cute almost 100 times today.

After our date, Taehyung went back to Daegu. I don't know when we will see each other again but he said that he will try to come again next week.

And now, I'll face the whole week without him again.

And now, I'll face the whole week without him again

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Another Chapter. 💜

Interconnected Lovers Season 3: WheeTae Edition Where stories live. Discover now