Chapter 22: Step Brother

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Wheein POV

"Yah !!! Jimin-aaahhh!!!" I shouted my lungs out while running to my friend. He looked at me but he proceeds to text.
"Hey, why you look so serious? Who's that?"
"No one, just a date? ... I think so" he said and I opened my eyes widely.
"Date? really? WOW! Congrats my friend. To whom?" I asked him but he just smiled.
"I'll tell you some other time. Anyway, why are you so excited to see me? You literally shouted like crazy here"
"Jimin-ah, I kissed Taehyung"
"So? you guys already kissed before. Not new"
"No, this time it's for real... hmm, how should I say this... ahh, in my bed... I kissed him passionately while lying on the bed. Me on top" I said and Jimin choked himself and looked at me very surprised.
"Yah, You raped him?" he laugh loudly and I almost kill him.
"You crazy? Of course not" I punched him slightly and he looked at me again.
"Wheein-ah, I'm so happy that you and Taehyung are happy but... how about hyung?"
His sudden question makes my heart hurt. Omo, eotteoke? I can't answer him. I don't know what to say. But after a few seconds, he finally said something.
"But I think it's ok Wheein-ah. Life is short, so live it to the fullest" he said while smiling. But I know he just said that because I look so worried. Then his phone vibrates and he is texting again.
"Whee, I need to go. Let's just talk again next time. I need to fetch someone" he said while waving to me. He walked away and I also walk on my way but I heard him talked.
"And by the way before I go..." he looked back to me. I looked at him because I thought he's gonna tell me something important
"... be safe and use protection" then he run away while laughing.
"Boya? YAH!!! MICHEOSSEO?!!!!" I shouted at him and I saw people looking at me.
I hate you Jimin-ah... It's not like that.

It's 1:15 in the afternoon now but I still can't find Hyejin here in school. We need to do the final report together. Our graduation is next month and the submission of this project is next week. I looked around and even went to her classroom but she's not there. I called her a million times but she's not also answering. Actually, I didn't know what happen to them now. Jimin and Hyejin are avoiding each other these past days and I can feel the awkwardness in them when we're together. I don't know how to help them, but, Jimin is now moving on from Hyejin since he's planning to go on that date. I guess, my ship is sinking.

I decided to text Taehyung since Hyejin is nowhere to be found.

Taehyung said he's planning to go here to Seoul because he will move his things to his apartment

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Taehyung said he's planning to go here to Seoul because he will move his things to his apartment. Yes, Taehyung will now live on his own and he needs to do this today because next week is his examination week and he needs to get the highest grade to be accepted in Seoul University.

While waiting, I suddenly think of myself.
"Where should I study? I can't study at Seoul University. Only intellectuals are accepted in that school" I said to myself while looking at my handsome boyfriend in my wallpaper.
"Not in the music department? If you passed the audition, you can easily be accepted" a familiar voice sit next to me and I was so happy to see him again.
"Mino-ya! Annyeong, Long time no see"
"Hehe, Did you miss me?" he joked and I smiled at him.
"Where have you been? I didn't see you for a while?"
"Hay, busy running at some people" he sighed
"Yah, Mino... be honest to me. Did you do drugs?" I said seriously and he laughed loudly.
"Why? How did you say that?"
"I mean... you're living in a hotel and you're always running from some people..."
"Yah, Wheein-ahh, it's not like that" he interrupted me while laughing
"then what is it?" I asked but then a big black van stopped in front of us. Then, later on, 4 men in a suit walked out.
"I'm sorry, I need to bring you now sir," one of the men said and they grabbed Mino altogether. I saw him fight back from them.
"Yah!! what are you doing? I told you I don't like to go..." he shouted.
"Hey, who are you?... Mino-yah!" they put Mino inside the van and I don't know what to do.
"Oh my gosh. What is happening?" They drive away but I was able to capture the plate number of the van.

I am now panicking and I was about to call the police but Taehyung suddenly arrived.
"Wheewhee, why?" he immediately went out of his car and go to me.
"Why? why are you crying? What happened?" he cupped my cheeks and wipe my tears.
"My... my friend... the friend I'm talking about, he was taken away. I think he's... kidnapped"
"Really? When?"
"Just now," I said trembling
"Come on, let's try to follow them. There's a stoplight in the corner, I think they stop there"
We swiftly went inside the car and he drives really fast.
"That's... that is the van. Look Taehyung-ah, the black van with this plate no." I showed him the picture and he went to the left lane.

We followed the black van and Taehyung is looking at me.

"Why is your friend got kidnap?"
"I don't know. I think he was involved in something bad. He said he was always running from some people."

We kept on tailing the car for an hour now and Taehyung finally said something.

"Wheein-ah, I think it's getting too far now. I think we should call the police and let them look for him"
"No, Taehyung-ah, it will be too late. What if they harm him. Just follow them. Oh no, they turned right Taetae..." I said and he just turned right as well.

We are now leaving Seoul and I saw in the signage that we're heading North Gyeongsang Province.

"wait... are they bringing him in Daegu?" Taehyung said and I nod sidewards.
"I don't know... I'm sorry to trouble you Taehyung-ah, but I will be forever guilty if something happens with my friend. I need to do this. I'm sorry"
"No need to say sorry Wheein-ah, but you need to stay here inside the car ok? I'll go after them later on"
"No," I said firmly
"Yes," he said with authority.

It's been 3 hours straight since we are following the car and they are still not stopping. I looked at Taehyung but his expression is changed. He's now very stern and his worried face is long gone.

"Taehyung-ah, kwaenchana?" I asked him but he's not answering.
"Taehyung-ah" I said and he finally replied to me
"Is he the one you go to the club with Jimin? The guy from the performing arts? and the one who came back from the U.S?"
"ah, yes," I said while looking at him.
"I think I know this place Wheein-ah" I heard him say that and I am puzzled
"huh? what are you saying?" I looked around the place where the van entered and it's not an abandoned building or a scary-looking place just like in a cliche movie but instead, it is a big mansion.

Taehyung proceeds inside and I am also shocked when the guard let us entered the gate as well.
"Boya, what's going on?" I mumbled and I saw Taehyung's facial expression.
"Yah, Taehyung-ah waeyo? You look scary... why are you angry?" I asked him but he just unbuckled his seatbelt and slammed the car door.
"Yah!!! I shouted at him and I unbuckled my seatbelt too. I walked out of the car and followed my boyfriend.

"Taehyung-ah!" I called him but he's not looking at me. He just walks really fast to the parked van. I waited till the van opened and I saw Mino went out together with the 4 men. Taehyung stopped walking as soon as he saw Mino.

I looked around the place. The mansion is huge and this garden is luxurious. The fountain and flowers here are beyond words. Then I focus myself again on these men. I saw Taehyung and Mino looking eye to eye as if they knew each other for so long.

A few moments later, a woman in her mid-40s went out from the huge house.

"Mino !!! Mino-ya!!!" she said and run to him. The men release him from their grip and I saw Mino hugged the woman as soon as she hugged him.
"I miss you mom," Mino said then after a few seconds, a man run out from the house as well.
"Mino-yah! My son!. Where have you been? We're looking for you for so many months. You don't know how worried we are" he said while hugging Mino and the woman. They look like a family.

I walk calmly to my boyfriend who is now standing in front of them. I hold his hand and I looked at him. His face is so sad. I can see his tears are about to flow down.

"Taehyung-ah, who are they?"

"They're my family..."

"...and that friend of yours is my stepbrother"

and that friend of yours is my stepbrother"

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Mino and Taehyung are stepbrothers? 😱

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