Chapter 19: Who is that Boy?

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Taehyung POV

I miss my Wheein.

That's the only thing I know now. I've never had the chance to see her again after our Namsan date and I know she's sad. School is getting busier because we will graduate soon but I already talked with my dad and he agrees to send me to Seoul next year for college.

"Just a few more months Wheein-ah, and we'll be together again," I said while looking at my girlfriend's photo on my phone.

"Yah!!! Taehyung-ah!!!" I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I looked around and I saw Hoseok hyung running to me.
"Oh, hyung why are you here in school?"
"I want you to go with me somewhere. We need to hurry to catch the bus. And also, I want to tell you something" he said while he's smiling brightly
"Are you going home now?" He added
"Yes, hyung but I think I need to come with you?" I said and he smiled.
Hoseok hyung started to tell me a bunch of stories regarding Wheein's friend. Actually, wheewhee told me last month that they are helping someone and she said that they need hyung to locate a specific girl. Wheein told me that they helped that Jin dude to the girl he likes and apparently, Hoseok hyung got involved too.
"She's so pretty Tae, I can't seem to forget her. I don't know why she's very familiar but I swear I already saw  her before" Hoseok hyung said
"Eh, try to remember hyung. What if she's really meant for you and that Jin dude is just the second lead" I laughs and Hoseok hyung laughed too.
"Yah, are you writing a novel, Micheosseo?" Hoseok hyung is cracking while we both cross the road.
"It's because you keep on talking about her since 2 hours ago..." I stopped talking when I saw someone run to us and put his arms on Hoseok hyung's shoulder.
"Uri Jungkook, wah. Long time no see" Hoseok greeted him. Then he put his arms around him.
"What are you guys talking about?" Jungkook asked.
"Hoseok hyung is in love," I said then smiled
"Wahh, Really? So, who's the lucky girl?"
"Your sister's friend"
"WHAT? ... WAIT... You know my sister?" He was so dumbfounded.
"Long story but to make it short, I kinda stalked her without knowing she's your sister," Hoseok hyung said
"Mweorago? What the... Why are you stalking her" Jungkook was just so shocked..
"Chill, wheewhee told her brother to do the job," I said while eating some bread. But then, I feel hyung's look at me. He suddenly gave me an intense gaze.
"Yah! How dare you call my sister like that? It sounds like a call sign". Hoseok hyung glared at me and I almost choke with my own words.
"Ah, sorry... I mean Wheein" I corrected myself. Shit, I'm so used to call her wheewhee on our text.

Fortunately, the bus came.

"Yah, hyung pali, here comes the bus" I just said then we both run fast as soon as it stopped.
"Bye Kook we need to go. See you around" Hoseok hyung said while running
"Wait .. Hyung! You need to answer me. Why are you stalking my sister!!! Yah!!! DON'T STALK MY SISTER!!!" I can hear Jungkook shouting and I just laugh at him.

At Home

I got home very late tonight because of hyung's business. He literally bought everything in that computer accessories store. He looks like he will do something bad again. Nah, just kidding. He's good and I know it.

I went directly to the second floor and I saw the luggage again. This luggage was sent to our house one month ago and I still don't know who's the owner of this but as usual, I decided to not mind it and went inside my room.

A moment after, I heard my stepmom shouting in her room. She's talking to someone and it seems like she's very angry again.

"What? What did you say? You still can't find my son? You need to do your job well. I am not paying you to slack off OK?" She shouted and throw money at the 4 men in suits.
"I need you to find him tomorrow. Bring him home or you all will get a punishment" she stood up like a madam she is and walked out angrily. She saw me but she snob me... as usual. Then, I saw my dad walking upstairs.

"She's angry again. Can you please tell your wife to shut up at least for tonight?" I irritatedly told him
"Stop being rude Taehyung. She's just worried about our son, he's not in the U.S anymore. The dean told us he went back to Korea last month" he said with worries. I somehow, get irritated with my dad. He really likes him more than me.
"I don't care about your son, just talk to your wife and tell her to stop treating our people here like trash" I frowned and went to my room.

I slum the door really hard and I dive into my bed. I was so happy today because I was able to hang out with hyung but that family ruined my day again. Yes, that family because I'm not part of it and will never be part of it. Ever since I was young, I can feel that my dad has another family aside from us.  He always comes home thrice a week and he always buys toys that weren't meant for me. I was 8 when I saw their son personally. I saw him now in pictures and I think we're the same age but they decided to bring him to the states because he gets bullied here in Korea. I still can remember the time where we fought in the garden before I went to Seoul with my mom. I still can fucking remember how my dad defended him. He was so happy that my dad chose them and I was hurt with all he said that's why I punched him. I will never forget that day... that's why I hate him and his mother so much.

I grabbed my phone to talk with my Wheein, but she's offline. I tried calling her but she's not answering too.

A few minutes later, someone answered the phone.

"At last. Yah Wheein-ah what took you so long?" I asked my girlfriend on the phone but she's not talking.
"Yah, Wheein-ah? Wheein-ssi?" I called her name many times but she's not answering.
"Baby where are you?" I said but the phone suddenly hangs up.

I am so worried about her right now that's why I decided to call Jimin. I don't know who to contact. I can't ring Hyejin because she will definitely kill me as soon as she finds out that I am dating her friend. I think I need to tell Jimin about our relationship now.

Then, finally, after hundreds of missed calls, Jimin finally answered his phone.

"YAH!!! WHERE'S WHEEIN?" I shouted to him
"Ahh, yah, Taehyung-ah mianne. We partied tonight and I don't know where Wheein is. I think she's with our friend" he sounds so drunk and I can tell he's from sleep.
"Party? What? Where?" I'm losing my temper now.
"Aissh, can you just ask your girlfriend tomorrow? Let me sleep" I was taken aback when he said that. Did Wheein already tell him?
"Arasseo... but where did you go?" I asked because I need to know where they went.
"A boy from our childhood school visited Wheein and we decided to party together in Gangnam,"
"Ahh a boy... visited her.., is that so? Did Hyejin come too?" I query
"Hyejin is angry with me that's why she's not with us"
"WHAT? So, you mean, you left her with that boy?" I will kill you Park Jimin when I go there tomorrow. I said to myself.
"Don't worry he's nice. And I think he sends Wheein home" he said and hung up.

My girlfriend is together with another man?

My head is in chaos right now...

Then I went to sleep thinking, who the hell is that boy?

Then I went to sleep thinking, who the hell is that boy?

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Omo, it's starting now 😱
But there is a revelation soon.
Stay tuned 💜

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