Episode 13: Her

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Taehyung POV

Coming from a broken family is so stressful especially when both of your parents started to build their own families,- leaving you in the middle without knowing where to go. At first, I chose my mom but my years in Seoul makes my childhood somewhat scary. I was always beaten by my stepfather and my mom wasn't always around. She became busy in her work that she even forgot her responsibilities as a mother. That's when my father decided to take me back to Daegu. I don't really like my father because he's so authoritative and strict to me. I remember him as a serious businessman when I was still a child and that's the reason why I preferred mom before. My dad also remarried and they have 1 son, my stepbrother. I still don't like him though. I met him when we were 8 and we never see each other again because he is studying in the U.S. Just like him, I also don't like his mother because she's so annoying. I met both of them when they decided to live with my father in Daegu and that was also the time when my mom brought me to Seoul.

Now, It has been 2 years since I started to live with my father and stepmother again. Every morning, they always talk to their son via video call, leaving me alone at the breakfast table. I am used to it that I don't even care anymore. My father is so busy with his business and all he's doing for me is to fill my atm card with lots of money.
Many things already happened during my 2 years here in Daegu. My mom never contacted me, my father never talks to me, my stepmom is still angry with me but despite all of that family problems, my social life is good. I have a good reputation in school as a captain and as a handsome honor student.

I am now a senior high school student and the captain of the basketball team. Hoseok hyung is now also living here in Daegu because of his work and that makes me alive from my boring and stressful life. He's my only friend and I really respect him. We often go out and hang out together with my hoobae, Jungkook.

Speaking of Jungkook, he's a freshman student and the new model of our school. We weren't close because he's quite intimidated by me, Yes I know and I can feel it. We just started to hang out because he likes Hoseok hyung. Ever since that day when hyung helped him to enter that club, he started talking to him. Hoseok hyung becomes more friendly and he also started to socialize with others.

In terms of dating, I dated a girl last year, just to forget about my middle school infatuation. Yes, her. I don't want to say her name because I might miss her again. But that girlfriend of mine only lasted for a month, guess I don't really like her. After that girl, I never dated anyone again.

I am here in a café to kill some time while waiting for hyung to arrive when suddenly he entered and waved in my direction.

"Taehyung-ah!!!" He shouted
"Hyung" I stand up and we did a fist bump.
"I wanted to see you tell you to come to my house later tonight at 7," he said
"Waeyo hyung?" I asked
"It's my sister's 18th birthday and they're coming to celebrate here" 
I was shocked for a moment. His sister? Am I gonna see her again?
I don't know why I was shocked and actually I don't understand what I'm feeling right now.
"Yo? Taehyung-ah kwaenchana?" He asked me while looking at my face. Then, I immediately snapped back.
"Ah, yeah... I'll come" I just said and smiled
"Okidokie, please tell Kook to come too. I'll go now coz I still need to prepare some things for the party and Joon and Yoongi are waiting for me now. See you later" he just said and go out of the café real quick.

I'm walking inside our campus now. I left the café right after hyung rushed out and now, I saw Kook., fake smiling to all of his fangirls again.

Jungkook-ssi" I called him and I walked towards him.
"Why?" He asked with irritation. He's acting like this again but I found it cute tho.
"You're in bad mood again. Anyway, Hoseok wants you to come to the party tonight. 7 pm to his house" I told him.
"OK, by the way, what's the occasion?" He asked
"He said it's his sister's birthday. Hoseok said that his sister and her friends are coming to his house and wanted to celebrate her birthday here in Daegu" I explained
"So, he has a sister... Is she pretty" he asked me and I was surprised. I don't like the way he asked about her.
"I don't know, haven't seen her but don't you dare coz Hoseok is very protective to his sister" I just said that to stop him from unnecessary ideas. I don't know why I lied that I haven't seen her. She's pretty and will always remain that way to me.
"Well, if it's me, I think Hoseok will agree" he grinned and I can't hide my irritation now.
"You really have so much confidence. I can't even reach it. Anyway, see you later. Don't be late or else they will let you drink until you got wasted" I quickly run after I said that and I went directly to my class.

The class ended so fast and to be honest, I wasn't able to concentrate in my class because of the idea that in just a few hours, I will see her again. Actually, I tried my best to forget her because I know Hoseok hyung would never allow us but every time I'm feeling sad, I always remember her. I always remember our interactions, the tutoring sessions, and when I kissed her. That moment in the west garden always crawls in my head when I'm sad because of my family. Somehow, she became my medicine to my family problems and that's why I can't erase her in my memory. 

Time flies fast and it's already quarter to 8. I know I'm late, but I'm trying my best to act calm. I'm scared that I might kiss her again the moment I see her. I am now, here outside of hyung's house, and still can't fucking step my feet inside. I opened the door slightly and peep inside the house. I was shocked when I saw her. She's still beautiful and even prettier. But what made me more surprised is that she's talking with Jungkook. They're both alone near the entrance talking and smiling at each other.

"Ahh, this dude jinjja..." I mumbled to myself then after, I decided to make my entrance. I make sure that I'm still cool. Tho I don't really like what I saw.
I opened the door and walked inside. I saw both of them look at me. I saw her... She's looking at me.

"Jungkook-ssi where's Hoseok?" I just asked him upon entering
"I don't know" is all he said. Then, later on, he looked at her and asked if where is her brother.
At first, she's not answering, she's just blankly staring at me then I build my courage, I looked at her as well.
"Wheein-ssi? Jungkook called for her attention and she finally speaks.
" Ahh, yeah... umm... in the kitchen" she smiled shyly and I didn't control my expression, I slightly smiled. She's still so cute.
"OK, thank you for telling, and umm... "

"...Happy Birthday Wheein-ah"

Happy Birthday Wheein-ah"

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Yey!!! They see each other again. Waaaaaa. And surprise, I'm still alive. Haha.
I have a free time today so yah, I wrote this 💜😂

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