Chapter 31: She's Not

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Wheein POV

My mind, my heart, my body... I don't know what to do... Is this... for real? What should I do? My mind is not working right now as I sit here on the school's toilet. The school nurse gave everyone a pregnancy test as part of the sex education program in school and I don't know why I tried this stick as soon as I got one from Hyejin. Actually, I am feeling sick these past few weeks. I frequently had nausea and I vomit every night. Sometimes, I also felt some weird pain in my stomach which's why I decided to try. But... but I never imagine it to be like this.

"Eotteoke?" I said while pulling my hair back.

How will I tell him... How will I look at oppa's eyes... and how about my college?
I wasn't expecting this positive result because Taehyung has been so careful and we always use protection. This would be the hardest situation I've ever been and to be honest, I don't know what to do. I'm so clueless right now.

"Wheein-ah, are you ok? Why are you taking so long? The P.E instructor is in the gym... pali" Hyejin called me from the outside of the cubicle.
"Ahh, nae, Hyejin-ah you go first. I'll go after you" I just said, trying to sound Ok.
"Arasseo, hurry up," she said and went out of the female comfort room.

I tried to stand up but I feel some headache again. What is happening to me? My dizziness and weak self make me so irritated because I can't focus on my audition. It's been 3 days since I practiced my audition song. I hope I still know the lyrics.

I went out of the toilet room after I rest my head for a minute. I always space out for 1 minute whenever my head hurts like this. Then, I decided to ditch PE because I'm not ok to run, knowing that I'm pregnant. I still can't believe this... should I call Tae now? No, I'm still not a hundred percent sure... should I ask the nurse?

After a million thoughts, I decided to go to the nurse's office. I saw no one in the room and I look at some flyers on the table. I read some pregnancy leaflets. I saw different babies... Oh my gosh, mini-me and mini Taehyung... I suddenly feel excited. This is the first time I felt something like this today... the feeling of excitement over fear.

"May I help you, young lady?" I looked at the door and I saw the school nurse smiling at me.
"Ahm... I just want to know... uhm, is it hundred percent sure if it says positive" I said as looked at the boxes of a pregnancy test on the side table.
"It depends, Wanna have a chat?" she said while walking to her working station.
"Yes, but you can't tell anyone," I said and sit on the chair in front of her.
"Look, Ms. Jung, it's better to seek professional advice than with anyone else"
"Ya, I know but wait ... why do you know me? it's my first time here"
"It isn't your first time here. Remember when your friend brought you here a few weeks ago?"
"Ah, yeah right... 2 weeks ago."
"It looks like you often forgot things, Ms. Jung. I suggest you go to the hospital. You need treatment"
"Thank you for your concern but there's nothing wrong with me. I have to go, thanks for the time" I stood up and was about to go out of the room when she said something for the last time.
"If you're pregnant, you should go to the hospital asap" I just gave her a smile and went out of the nurse's room.

This whole day was so tiring. I can't focus on my lessons and I still feel sick. Hyejin looks worried but I told her I'm fine- even though I am not.

The day passed by so fast and now, I could see my boyfriend again, waiting for me. He's smiling widely as he decreases the distance between us in the parking lot.

"Wheein-ah!!!" he shouted excitedly and run to me as soon as he saw me outside his car.
"You're early baby, you should've texted me. Is Hoseok hyung in your house? We should go and talk to him now." he said and kissed me. I don't know how to tell him. What if he wouldn't like it... what if he... No, Jung Wheein you should tell him. He has the right to know and besides, you can't face this on your own.

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