Chapter 9: His Weakness

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Wheein POV

"Appa, How did you find me?" Taehyung said while laying on the ground. I immediately run to him and helped Taehyung to stand up.

"Yah, you punk, do you know that your mother is blaming me right now?" He said and he was about to kick Taehyung again but I shielded him. I got kicked in the knee instead.

"OUCH!!!" I cried in pain while holding my knees. I fell down and Taehyung was shocked. I saw how scared he was but he tried his best to talked back to his father.

"Don't hurt my friend, Just me... just beat me" he pleaded while crying.
"You rotten bastard, how dare you to run away and make your mother hate me" then he went to Taehyung and kick him many times. Then, he lifts him holding his collar, and punches Taehyung's face until he bleeds.

I was shocked at the moment. Seeing Taehyung hurt and crying makes my blood boil. I held all my courage and stood up, I didn't care about my swollen knees because I just want to save Taehyung from this drunk dude. I stood up and look for a weapon. He's still beating Taehyung when I saw the flower vase from the table. I get it and hit his father in the head. His father fell from the ground because he outbalanced himself and suddenly, he's unconscious.

I begin to get scared and I can't move my feet. My knees start shaking so hard and I nervously stare at his unconscious father. I fell down the floor and I started crying.

Taehyung crawl over to his father to check if he's still breathing then after, he slowly went to me and hold my hand.

"Wheein-ah, mianae... I'm so sorry" he kneeled and starts crying. He looked at me in the eyes and he hugged me

I can feel his sadness right now and I hugged him back to comfort him.

"Is your father Ok? He's not dead right?" I nervously asked him because I don't want to be a murderer.
"Yes, yes, I think he's just sleeping. But we need to go now. We can't stay here. He will kill me the moment he wakes up" he chilled while saying everything. He forced himself to stand but his injuries are very serious. He fell back to the ground. I helped him to get up. My knees hurt a lot but I can't afford to be weak now, we need to escape from here. I put Taehyung's arm to my shoulder and I assisted him in walking. I get my bag and we left the place.

I decided to bring Taehyung to the nearest hospital because he's suffering from different pain due to his wounds and bruise.

They hurriedly bring him to the emergency room but because we're still underage, they want me to call for his guardian. I don't know anything about his family that's why I called Hoseok oppa instead.

"Wheein-ah" Hoseok oppa called me with a worried voice. He's here after an hour and he looks at me carefully. I know he's aware of everything. He wouldn't be this worried if he doesn't know anything about his violent father.

"Taehyung is in the emergency room" I just said
"Let's go, I want to see him" he just also said. I tried my best not to show my injured knees and walked as if nothing happens. I don't want oppa to worry about me.

We came to his bed number and we saw Taehyung sleeping. He's peacefully laying in the bed and it shows like he's in so much pain.

"Wheein-ah, I'll go to the nurse station first. I'll talk to them. You stay here" Hoseok oppa left and I decided to sit beside Taehyung's bed.

I looked at him with a concerned expression. I tried my best not to cry but my tears are clouding my eyes until they finally went down to my cheeks. I am sobbing quietly and I gently rub his head.

"Kwaenchanna, everything's gonna be alright. Please be strong Taehyung-ah" I mumbled the words then he suddenly holds my hand. I was startled by his sudden action, I'm waiting for him to open his eyes but he just keeps it shut while holding my hand tightly.

I hold his hand tightly too because I know he's still not ready to show me his weakness. I know he's having a big problem. I somehow felt guilty because I always fantasized about him and only focusing on making him my lover when in fact, I should've befriended him so that he can share his problem with someone else. I know he has my brother but Hoseok oppa is always busy in college and I know they can't be together 24/7 just to talk about his family problems. Taehyung needs a friend. A friend with who he can share his worries and who can help him when he's in need.

Hoseok oppa handled his dischargement from the hospital and he decided to bring Taehyung into the house for the meantime. My mom was so worried when he saw Taehyung with a bandage all over his body. Oppa carries Taehyung to his room and I let them talk privately.

I went to my room as well. I lay down to my bed just to take a rest before I change my uniform but I suddenly fell into a deep sleep. Later on, I opened my eyes just to find out that it's already morning.

I stand up from my bed and was shocked when I saw my clock says it's 10 in the morning now. I walked out of my room and I hurriedly prepared myself to go to school when suddenly, I realized that it's too late. I'm just getting a punishment when I enter the class at this time. I decided not to go to school today and then I remember that Taehyung is here in the house.

I slowly open oppa's room and I saw Taehyung already up. He's looking outside the window, taking photos of the beautiful sceneries.

"You can stand now. Are you fine?" I asked while entering the room. He smiled at me and he put down his camera to the side table.

"Ah, yes... I'm used to it. These injuries are nothing compared to what I received before" he smiles bitterly and I saw him avoiding my eyes.
"Why did your father assaulting you" I finally asked him.
"I just wanna know... As a friend." I added and he just gave me a half-smile.
"He's not my biological father. He's just my stepfather. My mother remarried when I was in sixth grade and my real father is in Daegu"

I can clearly see his disappointment and sadness but he continued his story.

"I decided to come with my mother here in Seoul because I don't like my father's business in Daegu and he's always dictating me. I love my mom more than my dad but not until she married that drunkard man. He always beat me when my mother isn't around. Luckily, I met your brother and he helped me look for a place. I don't know how my stepfather knew about my apartment" he looked down and he deeply sighs
"I'm sorry Wheein-ah, you saw his violence. By the way, are your knees alright? I saw that you got kicked there"
"Umm, to be honest, my knees are still aching. But don't worry, I can feel that it's not that serious"
"Are you sure?"

I smiled at him and he returned the smile. We decided to go down and eat our breakfast after I took a bath. My mom and my brother are already gone home. Our maids prepared our breakfast and then we decided to continue our tutoring session for today since we're both absent from school.

Taehyung taught me my most hated subject which is history. I don't know why, but I actually understand everything when he teaches it to me but when I'm in school. I can't comprehend any single thing.

The whole day was filled with knowledge and happiness. He started to talk to me comfortably and I also started to act casually. It feels like my awkwardness to him all these years are finally gone

and I'm loving it.

and I'm loving it

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Yes, I did it. Haha. Another chapter 💜

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