Chapter 23: Too Late

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Wheein POV

It's been a month since I met Taehyung's family. He said that he wasn't expecting that I am friends with his stepbrother. Taehyung was so sad that day. It hunts me whenever I recall that look in his eyes. The sadness, the emptiness, and the jealousness that he felt. I don't want him to be sad that's why I told them that I'm his girlfriend. Yes, I didn't lie about our relationship at that time. I confidently told them that I am Taehyung's girlfriend.

[1 month ago]

"Taehyung-ah, who are they?"
"They're my family..."
"...and that friend of yours is my stepbrother"
"What? Mino is your..." I was cut down when Mino spoke and his parents looked at me.
"Wheein-ah, why are you here?" He asked me as he freed himself from his parent's hug.
Mino walks forward and was about to hold my wrist but Taehyung stopped him.
"What do you think are you doing?" Taehyung asked and Mino just smirked and looked back at his parents.
"Mom, dad ... She's the girl I'm talking about for the past years. The reason why I came back here in Seoul and my friend from the performing arts school, Jung Wheein" Mino introduced me happily to his parents and I looked at him. He just smiled at me and then I looked at Taehyung. I got confused when Tae suddenly looked down and release my hand.
I frowned at him when he did that.
"Yah, why ..." I mumbled to him but he just continued looking down.
"Welcome to our house, Ms. Jung. It's really nice to meet you" Mino's mom comes forward and holds my hand.
"Come inside, let's talk for a while" she smiles at me and I am quite confused with what is happening right now. I saw their father's eyes on Taehyung but when he saw me looking at him, he immediately smiled.
"Hello, I am Mino's dad and he really told me a lot of stories about you. Actually, I am so curious about you Ms. Jung. Come inside and let's have dinner" He politely invited me. Mino's mom forcefully clasped my right arm and lead me in front of their house's door but as I looked back, my heart broke. I saw Taehyung step back and sadly walk away.
"wait..." I said to the woman beside me.
"Can't you guys see Taehyung?" I said to them
"He would never want to eat with us anyway, so let's just go," Mino's mom said while smiling but I swiftly remove her hand to my arms. I hate what she said.
"It's because you didn't even invite him to come inside. And you..." I looked at his dad
"... aren't Taehyung is your son too."  I glared at him. I hate how they treat my boyfriend.
I looked in Tae's direction and I saw he entered the car.
"I'm sorry but I think I can't have dinner here." I was about to walk away when Mino called me.
"Yah, Wheein-ah, Please. Just a dinner" he said
"I'm sorry Mino but Taehyung is my boyfriend" I looked at them. I saw how irritated his mom becomes. While his dad just looked at me blankly.
After I said that, I run away from them. I don't know if what I did is correct or I just made the whole situation worst but one thing is I am sure about. Taehyung is forgotten by his family.

I go inside his car and I saw him listening to music on the car's radio while resting his head on the neck pillow that I gave him.  I sit next to him but he didn't move an inch.
"Taehyung-ah..." I said his name but he didn't care.
I turned off the radio and he opened his eyes.
"Kim Taehyung..."
"Waeyo Ms. Jung?"
"Yah" I irritatedly said.
"I didn't know that you're close to that..." he frowned and stops talking while shaking his head
"I didn't know too" I just said. Silence suddenly occupied the whole car but after few minutes, Taehyung finally spoke.
"Go inside, they want to know you. I think Mino wants to officially introduce you to them"
"Yah! why would he? It should be you who will introduce me... at least to your father. But no need for introduction because I already told them that I'm your girlfriend"
He looked at me with surprised eyes. I know what he's thinking right now. We talked about our secret relationship before and we decided to keep it this way until we graduate college or until we got oppa's approval. But now that I told them this, I don't know what will happen soon.
"...but anyway, Taehyung-ah..." I said to stop the awkward silence again.
"... you should talk with your dad. Why are you always running away?" I wasn't able to finish my words when he decided to cut me.
"Wheein-ah, I'm sorry but I can't for now. I am still angry with my dad and I do not want to see them ... Mino is here now, I don't wanna see them together again." I saw how hard it is for Tae to open up to me but his expression changed when I hold his hand.
"It's alright, baby I'm here," I said and he finally smiles.
"Let's just go. I don't want to be in this place" he said and starts the engine.

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