Chapter 12: Forget Him Plan

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Wheein POV

"YAAAAAAHHH, HYEJINNNAAAAA!!!!!!! KWAENCHANA?" I shouted as soon as I spotted her in the emergency room. Hyejin is sitting in the hospital bed while talking to 2 unfamiliar people. I run to her and I immediately hug her.

"It's been an hour since you left the karaoke bar and you didn't come back that's why I called your brother and he said that he's on the way to the hospital coz you were bitten by a snake". I explained to her as fast as I could while hugging her then Jimin finally spoke.

"Yah, Hyejin-ah, are you OK? Why did you go to Han River anyway?" Jimin looks agitated. I broke my hug to her and I drifted my attention to the 2 people standing next to Hyejin's bed.

"Nuguseyo? (who are you?)" I asked them. I'm looking at the man beside the female because he looks familiar. I can't remember where I saw him but I'm sure, I saw him somewhere else.
"They helped me chinguya, they heard my scream and they immediately came for me" Hyejin explained to us.
"Waa, you're so lucky that someone is there. Thank you for helping my best friend" I bow to them to show some respect because they look older than us.
"By the way, my name is Jung Wheein and this guy beside me is Park Jimin, we are Hyejin's friend" I introduced myself to them

"Ah, nae, annyeong hasseyo, I'm Byulyi and this is my friend Jin" the boyish girl introduced herself and the man beside him greeted us with a smile. I saw Hyejin looking at him and I know that kind of look. Well, to be honest, this guy is so handsome but he looks so weak and feminine. Hyejin looked at me and I can't help but silently laugh because of her face. We can communicate without talking and she's telling me that Jin is so handsome. We're talking eye to eye when Jimin clears his throat.

"It's already late, the two of you can go now. Thank you very much for helping our friend" Jimin said to them and they agreed to him. They left the hospital after Hyejin's brother came back from the nurse station and we all went home after Namjoon oppa scolded us for skipping the class.

*I am running with a man in the middle of a cold rainy night. He's holding my hand while we are both being chased by someone. I can't see the guy's face because he's wearing a hooded jacket and a black mask. I saw our linked fingers together and we're both wearing the same wedding ring.
Is he my husband? I asked myself. Then, after a while, we stopped running.
"Wheein-ah, you stay here," he said while hiding me behind the huge trash bin. He's looking at the back to see if someone is coming and I suddenly realized that the voice sounds familiar. He looked back at me after inspecting the place and I saw his eyes. We're looking at each other's eyes when I saw someone behind him holding a gun and getting ready to pull the trigger.
"No!!!!" I shouted as I went in front of him. I shielded him from the bullet. The next thing I knew is that I'm laying on the floor, covered with blood.
"Wheein-ah!!!!!!" I hear his cries. He went to me and lift me up. I touched his face and looked at his very familiar eyes. He removed his mask and I saw him. I saw Kim Taehyung*

Ileona!!!! Ileona!!!! Ileona!!!! Then my alarm clock interrupted my nightmare

I woke up this morning with so much sweat. My heart is beating fast and my eyes are watery. I stood up from my bed and get my pink box.

"Taehyung-ah" I said his name while looking at my drawings. My emotions are still at a high rate. That was the most vivid dream I've ever had and Taehyung's appearance in my dream makes me so sad. I'm still waiting for him. I miss him so much.

I told Hyejin about my dream as soon as I saw her in the classroom. She finally went back to school after the snake bite incident and she shouted at me in disbelief.

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