Chapter 21: Break Up?

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Wheein POV

"Who's that boy? The one you spent the night with?"

I looked at him. I don't know why that sounds so wrong but I get irritated with what he said. I removed my arms around him and walk back slightly.

"Yah, can you re-phrase what you said? It's not like that" I said angrily
"Yes, it's not like that, you lied to hyung, you lied to me..." he said without any expression.
"So who's he?" Tae added. This time he looks sad
"He's our friend from the performing art school. He invited us and we agreed. I'm with Jimin, it's true.. but Hyejin... she's not with us"
"Where did you sleep? Don't tell me in Jimin's house because I know you're not with him"
"I'm sorry" I looked down
"He didn't know where I live, so he brought me in his place"

Shit, I hate this feeling. I should've called him.

"Why didn't you tell me? Do you have a phone? I can immediately go here in Seoul just to collect you"

Now, he's getting angry.

"It's ok, be angry, shout at me... It's better to show your angry self than your emotionless face" I sadly said.

"I'm sorry Taehyung-ah, next time I..." I am
interrupted when Hoseok oppa called Taehyung's name.

"YAH KIM TAEHYUNG PALI!!!, let's go"

"Let's talk again later Wheein-ssi" he said and strode to the door.

"Wheein-ssi?" I mumbled

OH MY GOSH. He's really angry.

Taehyung POV

So my intuition is right. She's really with that friend. I'm not angry any more because I trust and believe my girlfriend. But of course, I am still a little concerned.

"What did you do to the computer?" hyung asked as soon as I entered his car
"I printed my college application. I'm attending Seoul University" I said and hyung smiled.
"Really? You're going back here in Seoul?"
"Nae hyung. I can't live with my dad anymore. I'm now at the right age to live on my own"
"Well, I think it's better to live alone than to be with stressful people" Hyung laughs a little.
"So, anyway thank you for ringing me a lot last night. I was alarm when I saw your calls then dad told me my sister didn't come home"

Actually, I phoned hyung a lot last night because I don't know who to call. I can't sleep and can't even think straight because of what Jimin did. So, earlier this morning, hyung saw all my messages and missed calls and asked me what happened. I said that Jimin called last night and said Wheein is wasted when they go clubbing. That's why hyung was so angry. Luckily, hyung has a meeting in Incheon today and I said I'm planning to submit my application that's why I go with him. Eventhough the real reason why I want to go here to Seoul is to see Wheein.

"It's nothing hyung. Jimin told me to say it to you" I lied.

I lied again to Hoseok hyung. How long should I keep on lying? Miannae hyung.

"Those kids are troublesome. I know how dangerous clubs are that's why I don't want them to go there. I don't even like Wheein to have a boyfriend yet she keeps on making troubles"

"Hyung, why don't you like Wheein to have a boyfriend? I mean, she's now at the right age, it's normal... and she's pretty"

Silence occupied the whole car

Hyung looked at me then continue on driving.

"I mean.. she's the prettiest among the ugliest" I joke and he just half-smiled

"Taehyung-ah, you know, why I don't like you to date, my sister? ..."

"'s because I don't want to lose you"

Interconnected Lovers Season 3: WheeTae Edition Where stories live. Discover now