Chapter 7: Talented Puppy

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Taehyung POV

"Hoseok hyung!" I shouted to my older friend when I saw him outside my apartment. It's very late now and the corridor is dark. I wasn't home for the whole day and just got here when I saw him leaning in my door. I spent my whole day in the library to finish some of my projects and to study for the upcoming final examinations for middle school students. This examination is important to pass because this will be the basis for the graduating students. If we can proceed to high school or will need to retake a certain subject. A very stressful one. 

"Yah! Yah!!! Hyung, are you alright?" I shake him but he's unconscious then I smelled some liquor in him. Is he drunk?
I helped hyung to stand up and I heard his phone ringing. I took his phone from his pocket and answered it.
"Hello? This is Taehyung. Hoseok hyung's friend" I said to the caller
"Taehyung-ah, is he alright?" I heard his mom's voice and it seems like she's very worried.
"Mrs. Jung, hyung is very drunk, I don't know why he's in my apartment but he looks fine," I said to his mom
"Can you bring him home?"
"Ahh, yes. I'll assist hyung"
"Thank you Taehyung-ah. I'll be waiting here. Take care and I'll pay for the cab"
"Nae. " I hung up hyung's phone then suddenly my phone vibrates.

Yoongi hyung: Taehyung-ah. Hoseok said he doesn't wanna go home. He said he had a fight with his mom. Let him stay there until tomorrow.

What should I do? I already talked to her mother.

But then, I decided to bring him to his house because I know his mother is waiting and must be worried about him now.

We arrived at his house and his mom immediately opened the door for us. She helped me to bring hyung to his room and she lay him on his bed. Mrs. Jung already prepared a wet towel to wipe Hoseok hyung's body. I saw his mother and she's very caring. I wish my mom is also the same.

Then suddenly, Mrs. Jung looks at me. It seems like she notices my stare.
"Taehyung-ah, thank you very much for taking him home. Please stay for a while, I'll prepare you a dinner"
"No, no need, I ate already. Thank you but I need to go home. There's a curfew in our neighborhood" I said while smiling at her.
"Ah, ok... But can I ask you one more favor?"
"Sure Mrs. Jung, what is it?"
"Can you also carry wheein to her room, she slept in the veranda while sketching something and you know that she has sleeping problems right? I'm sorry to bother you like this" Mrs. Jung said while giving me an apologetic expression.
"It's ok, I can carry Wheein to her room. She's so small" I said and I gave her a smile.
"Thank you Taehyung" she said and went back in wiping hyung's arms.

I went out of his room and I go directly to the veranda. I saw Wheein sleeping with her head on the table and I saw all her drawing tools scattered on the table. I get her sketch pad from her head and I saw myself in it. I know it sounds that I'm assuming but her drawing skill is excellent that I can easily determine that it is me in her drawing.

I carefully looked at her "Why is she so talented?" I mumbled while looking at her.
Then I lift her up and carry her in bridal style. I went inside her room and put her on her bed. After I covered her with her blanket, I went out again to get all her drawing tools and her sketch pad. I brought it back to her room and placed it on her study table but my attention suddenly drifted to a half-opened pink box beside the table. I saw a painting but I can only see the nose from it. Then, I decided to look at it in full size by removing the cover. I was amazed by what I saw... It's me, painted beautifully on a canvas.

Is this me?  Yes, this is me during our training camp in Daegu Highlands

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Is this me?  Yes, this is me during our training camp in Daegu Highlands.

Then, I saw more paintings and sketches...

Then, I saw more paintings and sketches

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I was out of words and I immediately looked at the sleeping Wheein, She looks so cute, cute as a puppy

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I was out of words and I immediately looked at the sleeping Wheein, She looks so cute, cute as a puppy... Then I mumbled my sudden affection to her.

"What a talented puppy"

"What a talented puppy"

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Interconnected Lovers Season 3: WheeTae Edition Where stories live. Discover now