Chapter 34: Jinbyul's Wedding?

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Taehyung POV


"WHEEIN-AH!!!" I shouted loudly outside the Jung residence.
"Mrs. Jung!!! Hoseok hyung, Please let me speak with Wheein!!!" I shouted again but no one is opening the door for me.

I pulled out my phone and tried to contact Wheein but she's not answering. Then, I tried to call Hoseok hyung again, and finally, after 10 missed calls, he answered.

"Hyung! are you at home?" I said as soon as he's on the line.
"No, I'm here in Incheon, I have meetings, why"
"It's because Whee..." but I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Hoseok hyung interrupted me.
"... Oh wait Tae I need to go and by the way, don't bring Wheein home too late. She can't stay out for so long. So, you guys should be at home by 7pm Ok? Bye." then he end the call.

Hyung didn't know that Wheein run away from our date today and it seems like no one is really at home. But, where is she? Where did she go?

I kept on calling her phone but she's not answering. I can't let Hoseok hyung finds out that I let Wheein go alone. Hyung will never forgive me this time if something bad happens to his sister.

I suddenly remember the look in her eyes, when she said the word 'goodbye'. My heart hurts a lot whenever I think about the possibility of her going somewhere. That look, that tears, that goodbye, it sounds so hurtful and real. I will never let it happen. I will stay by her side no matter what.

My mind is in chaos right now because I don't know where she went. I called Jimin, Hyejin, and Yongsun noona but they all told me the same answers " I don't know".

I've been driving for hours without knowing where to go. Crying over the fact that my girlfriend who's suffering from a brain injury is all alone and maybe flooded with tears because of all the sufferings that she had to endure.

I stopped driving for a while and tried to catch my breath as I started to have difficulty in breathing. I wipe my tears and clear my throat. I pulled my hair back with my hands and get my phone again.
"Where are you Wheein-ah?" I asked while looking at my cellphone's wallpaper.

Then just like a miracle, in one single call from Jin sunbaenim, I found Wheein.

"Sunbae? Where is she?"
"Taehyung-ah Wheein fell asleep here in Byul's house while they're having a chat. I think you need to get her... eventhough she asked to never call you," he said and suddenly I felt at peace.
"Nae komowo sunbaenim. I'm on my way"

After a minute of drive, I arrived noona's apartment. There I saw Wheein sleeping peacefully on the couch.

"I'm so sorry for the trouble sunbaenim, I never thought that Wheein would be here" I apologetically said to the newly graduated seniors in front of me.
"What are you talking about? Wheein is like our younger sister. She's the reason why Byul and I are together" Jin sunbae said to me.
"Yes Taehyung-ah, don't be shy to us. We're not in school, no need to pay full respect. Just call us noona and hyung" Byulyi sunbae said while tapping my head.
"Wheein is such a great woman. She's so selfless and she only thinks about you" Byul noona said, looking at Wheein.
"Taehyung-ah, you need to do something if you want her to stay," Jin hyung said.

I don't have any idea about what they're saying but my feeling is telling me that my intuition is correct. Is she trying to leave?

Then they told me something about what happened to her and after a long story, they suggested something.

"This time, it's our turn to help" Jin hyung and Byul noona said in unison.

Wheein POV

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