Chapter 20: Friends

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Wheein POV

"WHAT!!! MINO-YAH!!!" I hugged him and shouted enthusiastically. Then I remember the memories of us from that academy. I remember how I defended him from Hyejin and Jimin.
I broke the hug and I see him flustered. I was shocked when he finally introduced himself to me. Mino is the talented kid from that performing art school and he's also the reason why I started to paint.
"Waaa, You look so cool Mino-yah. I can't believe it's you" he just smile and scratch his nape.
"I was afraid that you wont remember me even after I tell you my name. That's why I'm hesitating to introduce myself" he shyly said
"I thought you were in U.S?" I query
"Yes, I came back last month... When I visited you at the art academy to be exact" he said.
"Oh, really? that's why you have a luggage"
"Yeah, you are the one I want to see first. That's why I went there"
"Waa, it's been so long Mino-yah but you still remember me. Anyway, how did you know my school?"
"You're a Twitter star Wheein-ah" he said and I laugh aloud. Am I that active on Twitter?
"By the way Where are you going?" he said and we started walking. I answered him and said that Jimin and I were going to meet.
"Jimin? I'm curious how he looks like in person now. I always see you guys on the picture that's why I'm so excited to go back here in Korea".
"I think Jiminie will be glad to see you too"
"So, can I tag along? or is it a date?" he asked and I gave him a huge eye
"Date? No, we're just going to talk about some things. And I just promised him for a treat"
"Ahh, so can I come?"
"Sure. Let's go"
We rode the bus and went directly to the restaurant that Jimin sent to me. He was already there and as soon as we sit on the chair, he asks his name.
"Who are you and What's your name? Why are you with Wheein" Jimin asked continuously and I tapped him to the shoulder
"It's alright ... This is just Mino" and he was more shocked than I am.
"Mino? As in Mino from that performing art school? Wah, daebak. Hyejin will not be happy to see you"
"huh? why?" Mino asked
"Because you grew up handsomely," he said and grab Mino's hand for a shake.
"How are you?" Jimin added and smiled at him
"I'm fine. I'm staying here in Seoul for a while before some people find me" he chuckled
"Are you in hiding?" I joked and he just smirked
"Hmm. not really, just slight?" he laughs
"Ok, so much for talking. I'm famished, let's order now" Jimin said while scanning the menu.
We enjoyed the meal tonight and Mino shared so many stories with us. Mino is still great but the innocent-looking boy from before is already gone. I observed that he is now so different, maybe because he was in the U.S for so long and he leaves differently that's why he wasn't able to enjoy the cow intestine that we ate.
"Mino-ya, kwaenchanna?" I asked him and he just nods. Then, after a while, his phone rang.
"Yes, I'm fine... Ah, may I excuse myself, I'll just take this call"
"Ah, nae"
Mino went outside, leaving me and Jimin alone.
"Yah, Wheein-ah I don't think I can tell you my Hyejin problems now" he suddenly sadly said.
Oh shocks, I almost forgot why we're here. He was supposed to be talking about Hyejin and I need to tell him something about my relationship with Taehyung.
"Jimin-ah, I think you need to stop on Hyejin... it's not because I didn't support you or anything but... you know Hyejin, we both know Hyejin. When it's a No, it's a No"

Silence occurs and I can clearly see how sad my friend is.

"Guess, I should stop now. To save this friendship" Jimin smiled bitterly and it broke my heart.
"So, anyway. Let's change the topic. What is it that you want to tell me?"
"I'm dating Taehyung"
"KIM FCKING TAEHYUNG?" Jimin laugh like crazy
"Wa, Wheein-ah, you're really something else. You like him for so long. Congratz. Since when?"
"Since my 18th birthday"
"WHAT? and you just tell me now?"
"You're the first one to know Jimin-ah. I can't tell Hyejin coz I'm afraid Namjoon oppa might know then there's a big possibility that my brother will know too... I wanted to tell you because I need some advice."
"So, you guys are keeping your relationship from your brother? Your brother, and His best friend... You're dating your brother's best friend... And as what I remember, there is this promise that they made to each other that they date anyone but not their sisters... I think hiding it isn't good..."
I nod and he changed his expression.
"Wheein-ah, what do you think will hyung feel if he found out? Have you think about it?"
I shake my head sideward and was about to reply to Jimin when Mino came back from outside and sit next to me again.

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