Chapter 30: Moving On?

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Wheein POV

"Arasseo, let's end this" my voice echoed in the room and no one said anything after those words came out of my mouth.
"It seems like you chose my brother" I added. Then, later on, I got all my things in his room, like my dresses and other clothes in his closet. I also took my uniform because apparently, I stack my other clothes here because I occasionally sleep with him. I saw him looking at me with so much pain. When I saw his cries, that's when I became sure about a thing. He still loves me. That look in his eyes... it isn't the eyes of a man who doesn't love you anymore. I know that he's having a hard time making decisions right now because of my brother that's why I said that. But I trust him. He will be back. He will come back to me and I'll make sure of that. Then I moved out of his room. The last thing I saw is him looking at the floor while crying.

I went home at exactly 8 pm that night and my mother was there. I couldn't afford to act fine because I know it was all visible through my face.

"Honey, what's wrong?" my mom said as soon as I entered our house.
"Nothing mom, I'm just tired" I lied.
"No, I think you have a problem," she said and hugged me. That's it... that's when I started crying again. This time, I'm having doubts about myself. Did I do the right decision? What if he will never come back to me? What if it's really the end? I suddenly regretted what I did that's why I cried to my mom. My mom just tapped my shoulder gently then after I cried, she smiled"
"Are you done crying? Mind if you share something?" but I didn't give her a response.
"It's ok, you can just tell me if you're already fine," she said and smiled.
"Go to your room and just take a rest. I am also busy because of that investor in Japan. We're having problems dealing with some investors because of President Kim who's now in jail. It shouldn't be like this. It's all their fault" my mom said while doing something on her laptop.
"President Kim?" I asked.
"Yes, the father of your brother's friend"
"What?" I shouted
"We're filing a case against them because of the damage that they did to our company. That's why your dad and I were quite busy"
"You said, he's already in jail, why are you still filing a case?"
"It's different honey. We need to get back the money that we lost because of them. Like a monetary compensation"
"I don't know why Taehyung was related to that family. That boy is so good. It's a shame that he has that kind of family... and also, as I remember his mom married a thug dude right?"
"EOMMA!!!" I shouted
"kkamjakiya... why are you shouting?" my mom said surprised.
"Why are you talking bad about him?" I said. I feel hurt for my boyfriend... oh no. To my ex-boyfriend.
"Why? I'm only stating the truth, honey. Your dad said to me to stop your brother from seeing Taehyung but I know, your brother will never do that, so that's why I just let him. But I told your brother to not let him go in the house because your dad will surely get angry with me. You know your dad. He's furious right now"
"So, what if they paid the monetary compensation? Would it be better?" I asked my mom. Because if it is, I will do everything to help pay that money.
"Yeah, it will be better for the company," she said while typing something.
"Alright, so when they give that money, Taehyung is welcome again here?"
"I don't think so, honey. We need to remain our good reputation here. Your father will not like to see a son of a criminal stay near our childr..."
"EOMMA!!! WHY ARE YOU TALKING LIKE THAT TO MY FRIEND?" I saw Hoseok oppa open the door with his luggage in his hand.
"OMONA! my son. Why are you here?"
"I'm moving back here again mom because I want to be with my friends. So, you can't say those words to Taehyung. Arasseo?"
"Mom, I think you forgot how Taehyung helped me to become a normal person..." he seriously said to my mom.
"...don't ever forget that mom. Because of the reputation that you guys kept on holding, you were so afraid to let people know about my disability... that your eldest son is a psycho."
"Yah, Hoseok-ah. It's not like that..." mom said while holding oppa's hand.
"Oppa..." I called my brother sadly and he looks at me.
"Dimps can you help me move my things to my room. I'm staying here again," he said and hugged me.
"Nae oppa"

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