It's Not the END

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Chapter 12: Forget Him Plan
Wheein's Dream

*I am running with a man in the middle of a cold rainy night. He's holding my hand while we are both being chased by someone. I can't see the guy's face because he's wearing a hooded jacket and a black mask. I saw our fingers linked together and we're both wearing a same wedding ring.
Is he my husband? I asked myself. Then, after a while we stopped running.
"Wheein-ah, you stay here," he said while hiding me behind the huge trash bin. He's looking at the back to see if someone is coming and I suddenly realised that the voice sounds familiar. He looked back at me after inspecting the place and I saw his eyes. We're looking at each others eyes when I saw someone behind him holding a gun and getting ready to pull the trigger.
"No!!!!" I shouted as I went in front of him. I shielded him from the bullet. The next thing I knew is that I'm laying on the floor, covered with blood.
"Wheein-ah!!!!!!" I hear him cries. He went to me and lift me up. I touched his face and looked at his very familiar eyes. He removed his mask and I saw him. I saw Kim Taehyung*

 I saw Kim Taehyung*

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Interconnected Lovers Season 3: WheeTae Edition Where stories live. Discover now