Chapter 4: Her Confession

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Taehyung POV

Fuck... What should I do? I think Wheein saw the letter from my jacket. I should've kept it inside my bag or bring it back under her pillow last night when I saw it. Actually. I went inside her room when I visited hyung last night. Well, I didn't mean to invade her privacy but I heard a loud smack and I just wanted to help her. Wheein is a sleepwalker and what happened last night was just another sleepwalking moment but the unusual thing was... I saw her love letter to me under her pillow when I helped her back on her bed. That letter moved my heart. I don't know why she likes me that much but I found myself a bit happy when I read her whole confession.

-Last Night

"Hyung, can I go today? I really need that tuxedo next week and I don't have time this week to pick it up. Are you at home?" I sent a voice message to Hoseok hyung because he's not answering my phone call. Hyung didn't reply but I decided to just visit him in their house.
His mother opened the door for me and she said that I can just wait for him in his room (like I always did).
I went inside to Hoseok hyung's room and lay down in his bed when I heard a loud female voice screaming from the other side of the room.

Deonggideok kungdeoreoreo
Deonggideok kungdeoreoreo

"Oh, she's crazily singing again. I thought she's screaming" I said and went back to the bed. I've known Wheein since primary school. She's quite famous as the happy pill of her class and many teachers said that eventhough she's not that smart, she really has a good interpersonal relationship. She's also a talented dancer and singer that's why she was cast in a school performance with her best friend. She is a nice girl but the only thing I can criticize to her is her clumsiness and stupidity.

Wheein is someone who's very vocal when she likes someone. She's very open to everyone that she likes me. Sometimes I heard her calling me 'honey bunch' in her room but when I'm in front of her, she can't even say a single word. I am so used to different girls liking me but Wheein is someone special because she's Hoseok's lil sister. Hoseok hyung helped me a lot that's why I always do what he wants. Without his help, I can't continue my whole middle school here in Seoul. He's very good and he's someone that I can be friends forever. He always helps me whenever I'm in trouble and thank you is an understatement to everything he has done for me.

I've waited for Hoseok hyung until 10 pm but he's still not at home. I stayed there and played in his desktop. Then, after I got bored, I lay down on his bed but I suddenly heard a loud noise in Wheein's room.

I walked out from hyung's room and I slightly opened Wheein's door to see what the noise is all about. I saw her sleepwalking again and she's hitting her head in the closet. This isn't the first time I saw her like this that's why I'm not shocked anymore. Hoseok hyung once said that you must only need to bring her back to the bed and she will be fine. I walked into her room and I tapped her shoulder, just to make sure if she's really asleep, and then she stopped hitting her head. Later on, I lift her up with her tummy in my shoulder and I carefully lay her on the bed.

"Why is she so light weighted? Is she even eating?" I looked at her sleeping state when suddenly I saw a piece of paper under her pillow.
I carefully pulled it underneath to avoid tearing it and when I got it, my curiosity strikes when I read the envelope

To my Honeybunch Kim Taehyung 💜

"Oh so, this is her love letter for me" I half-smiled while looking at her.

Dear to my beloved Kim Taehyung,

The moment I saw you, I know you're the one for me. At first. I don't believe in love at first sight but when I saw you entered the classroom in 3rd grade, I deeply fell in love. I thought, I just wanted you to be my frend but I realised that I really liked you romantically in 5th grade. You're so cool and handsome. Your smile brighten my days but I suddenly observed that you stopped smiling and became cold to people these past few days. I hope everything is alright. I will prey for your happiness... I know you might not know me but I am your no.1 fan and supporter. I will be your guardian angel forever.
And oh, by the way, I wanted to ask what club would you want to join when we are in middle school? I'll support you in everything you do becasue I beliieve in you.



"Support... Believe" I mumbled the words and a smile formed on my face. I looked at her and she looks so innocent. She's indeed an angel. I went closer to her and move a strand of hair in her forehead to the side. I tapped her head lightly and kneeled down to have our face at the same level.

"Thank you, these are the words that I wanted to hear from people," I said and smiled but the momentum was interrupted when I hear footsteps. I hurriedly stand up and forget to bring back the letter under her pillow. I leave her room together with the love letter and hide it inside my jacket. I bumped into Hoseok hyung in the corridor and I saw him looked at me strangely.

"Where did you come from? Did you just came out from my sister's room?"
"No, no... I used the shared toilet. I think yours is clogged" I don't know why I lied but I was nervous when hyung asked me that.
"Ahh, really? I will tell mom to call someone to fix it. Anyway, I'm sorry, it's so late now. I was at my classmate's house. Graduating students are busy you know... Did you see the tuxedo?"
"No, not yet hyung. I only played using your computer while waiting on you"
"Wait here, I'll give it to you now so you can go home." Hoseok hyung prepared the tuxedo and I went home after.


I hope Wheein didn't see the letter in my jacket. I don't want her to know that I read it without her permission. But wait? Why am I getting stressed out? She wrote it for me, so I have the rights to read it. Right? I didn't do anything bad.

"Is anything wrong Taehyung-ah?' Hoseok hyung asked me than I realized that I'm not paying attention to him.
"No, nothing..."
"Then why are you not answering my question?" He said and turned right. Hyung is focusing on driving while also looking at me.
"Ah, sorry but what did you say again hyung?"
"I said, why did you join the tennis club last year? I thought you wanted to be part of a basketball team?" .
"Ahh. Well... I just wanna explore other sports and tennis is so interesting hyung" I gave him a wide smile.
"Taehyung, I think I can helped you in moving out next month. I'm free to go with you"
"Jinjja? Kamsahamnida hyung!"
"I hope good things will happen to you in Daegu... If ever you need help, don't forget to contact me"
"Nae hyung. Thank you very much. You're the best"
"No problem, you're my first ever friend and I will help you in anything. Because of you, I learned to make friends"

We reached our destination and I saw hyung's other new friends. He said he wanted to introduce me to them.

"Hoseok-ah!!! Come here" one of the men said.
"Ayo guys, this is Taehyung"
"Hello, I'm Yoongi"
"and I'm Namjoon"

They smiled and shake my hand.

Yoongi first appearance

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Yoongi first appearance. Ayi 😍

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