Chapter 33: Reminisce About All

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Wheein POV

"Wheein-ah..." my mom called me while entering my room. She looks sad but at the same time, she feels relieved with what I choose.
"... are you sure about all these? Are you sure you don't wanna tell Taehyung that we're leaving next month?" she asked as she put the medicine beside my bed.

"Yes mom, I'm sure" I shortly answered
"Ok, I already prepared everything. Your dad's friend is living in the US and he said, he will help us to find Dr. Shin's friend." I just nod to my mom and she smiled.
"Drink your medicine" then she went out.

I'm too tired today. My loneliness is killing me little by little whenever I realize that I only have a month to be with him. Actually, I really wanted to go to the U.S as soon as possible but I want to attend Jin oppa and Byulyi unnie's wedding that's why I decided to tell my family to move our plan next month. I love Taehyung very much but I can't be selfish, I need to think about him too. What will happen to him when I die- hopefully not. I don't want him to waste his time taking care of me without any guarantee. I don't want him to stop his studies and I want him to be a successful man.

It's now 6:30 in the morning and I need to drink my medicine. Dr. Shin gave me a home medication temporarily and somehow, these medicines help me to ease my sudden pains. I stood up from my bed to get the medicines on the table beside my bed. After drinking my medicine, I suddenly saw my pink box above my closet. I climb up my study table and I get my pink box from the top. I didn't realize that I am smiling as I wipe the specks of dust covering the box.

"Omo, it's been so long since I opened this box," I said while carrying the box.

I was so happy when I saw what's inside the box. I saw my love letter to Taehyung.

"Boya... I didn't give these to him?" as what I remember, Taehyung asked me to give everything to him but I always forgot and it seems like he also forgot to collect these things due to his busy schedule. I read my love letter to him again and I can't help but tear up. We've come so far. I suddenly remember the times when I was so into him. When I skipped my boring classes in middle school just to see him from afar and when I need to act that I wanted to see Jimin in their classroom but in fact, I just wanted to see him.

After I read my love letter, I saw all my paintings. My paintings of him.

"I will give him all these" I decided to put every painting and my love letter inside my backpack. I will go to his house. I took a bath and I get ready to leave the house but as soon as I went out of my room, Hoseok oppa is there... ready to stop me.

"Wheein-ah where are you going?"
"Oppa, I want to go to Taehyung's place"
"I told you before that you can't go anywhere. It's dangerous Wheein-ah. What if you suddenly passed out again in the middle of nowhere. Stay here."
"Oppa please, I wanted to give these to Tae" then I showed my paintings to him.
"Give that to me, I will go..." but I stepped back and frowned at him.
"No, I also want to go on a date with him... for the last time" I sadly said and he looked down. I saw oppa's eyes and he's also hurt.
"I don't like to see you suffer Wheein-ah" my brother said and he hugged me.
"Let's just go to the U.S and start your medication Ok?"
"Nae oppa"
"But I want to drive you to Tae's place. I can't let you go on your own"
"Arasseo. Thank you oppa for everything" I said while still in my brother's arms.

Taehyung POV

Someone is knocking on my door early in the morning and I don't have any idea who it will be. I was busy preparing for a big event with Yongsun and the gang that's why I slept late last night. I don't want to wake up yet but I swiftly opened my eyes when I heard Wheein's voice calling my name from the outside. I hurriedly jumped out of my bed and I even tripped with my own feet. Then, I opened the door and I saw my girlfriend.

"Wheein-ah, why are you here? Oh my gosh, it's cold. Come inside" I carefully grabbed her and hugged her tightly.
"Omo, you're so cold. Why did you go out of your house? You can't go anywhere alone"
"Don't worry Taehyung-ah, my brother drive me here" she said and I broke our hug
"Where's hyung?"
"He just flew away after I went out from his car..."
"... but anyway Taehyung-ah, I am here to give you this" then she handed me her backpack. I opened the bag and I saw all her paintings and the love letter.

"Finally. Thank you Wheein-ah, I always forgot to get these whenever I go to your house. I'll put this in my room" then she followed me into my room and she looked at me while I happily post all her paintings on my wall.
"Baby look... this one is my favorite" I pointed to the Daegu Highland painting and I saw her smiled.
"Mine is that" then she pointed to the painting when I was in the library.

I can see the sadness in her eyes. She showed smiles on the outside but I know for sure that there's something wrong. I hold her hands and she smiled again. I went closer to her and she hugged me. Then I kissed her passionately.

"Taehyung-ah, let's go on a date," she said after our kiss.
"Yes, that's why I'm here. Let's enjoy this day and I want to spend this whole day with you"
"Arasseo Wheein-ah, let's go on a date. But anyway, when will you come back to Dr. Shin? He told me that you asked for home medication. Why is that?" I asked her but she didn't say anything. She just smiled and changed the topic.
"Take a bath, I'll wait for you here" she just said and lay down on my bed.

We spent the day outside together. We went to different places but the thing I observed is that she wanted to go to the places we visited before. We went to the cafe where I took her first-ever photoshoot and we went also to Han River and ride the paddle boat where we accidentally fell down the water.

"Taehyung-ah let's go now to Namsan Tower, let's check our lock" she cheerfully said while eating her bingsu.
"You mean the biggest lock in that tower?" I said and we both laugh loudly.
"I still remember how people gave us weird looks when we put that gigantic lock in there," I said while laughing. She looked at me and then she holds my hand and tiptoed. She kissed me lightly on the lips.

"Kaja Taehyung-ah" then I smiled.

We went to Namsan Tower and we saw there are only a few people today. Wheein energetically runs to the spot where we put our lock as soon as we go out of the high-speed elevator. But right after she got there, she stopped smiling. I moved quickly to see what happened and I saw our lock was vandalized.

I saw her face and she's on the verge of crying. I read the vandal and it says

"There's no forever"
"The owner will die"
"No lock can save their relationship"
"xxxxx there's no happy ending... xxxxx"

I hold her hand to tell her it's ok but she suddenly looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"Taehyung-ah, I think... I think they are right... I will die... No one can save this relationship" she hysterically said and run away from me.

I wasn't able to react quickly because I'm still processing what just happened. Then, I saw her go inside the cable car to go down the tower. I run fast and tried to chase her but unfortunately, the door of the cable car closed. We're looking at each other while the cable car is moving down. She pulled out her phone from her pocket without blinking and then suddenly my phone rings.

I answered the call and I saw her lips moving

"I'm sorry Taehyung-ah, Goodbye" then she hangs up the phone.

"I'm sorry Taehyung-ah, Goodbye" then she hangs up the phone

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I will post the Ending chapter tomorrow.
Goodnight 😘❤



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