Finn Shelby ~ Midnight Kisses

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You and Finn Shelby have been best friends since you were able to talk, your mother being close friends with the Shelby family, you had basically grown up with the Shelby boys at your side. You were the same age as Finn and were always getting yourself into mischief, him chasing you and your girlfriends around the yard until you turned round and swung him one, resulting in a play fight that had people cheering you both on.

As you both reached fifteen, the play fights continued but ended up in an awkward silence between yourselves from the close proximity. Finn's family had noticed the change in behaviour and realised that you were both going to fall in love with each other at some point, even though you both didn't know it at the time.

After two years, Finn's family were right - you two finally realised you loved each other and would do anything to be in the company of one another. When your family would have dinner with the Shelby's, Finn and yourself would sit as close as possible, resulting in you both holding hands under the table, sometimes Finn sliding his hand up to your thigh or further. Both of you believing that the others didn't know but in reality they had known for years that this was going to happen at some point.

You were each other's first kisses, first times and you loved each other dearly, sneaking out in the middle of the night to meet up and snog like there was no tomorrow was a regular thing for the two of you - one that you both knew how to hide well when stepping out into the cold night without a single noise. You both were taking your 'secret' relationship seriously and put one hundred percent into it, Finn's older brothers knowing full well what was going on but didn't rat you both out as they found it funny to watch you endure secret kisses and slight touches when you thought that no one was watching.

Finn, Isiah, your best friend Amy, and yourself sat in an alleyway behind the Garrison with drink - all of you too young to be served at a pub. Finn and yourself sat against one wall, your shoulders touching as your hands laced together and rested on your lap, while Isiah and Amy sat opposite, leaning against each other. The four of you each had a bottle of spirits in one hand, hammered off your faces from the drink Finn had borrowed from his brother's stash.

You watched Isiah and Amy flirt, sending smirks and winks to each other as they giggled endlessly. You felt Finn's hot breath on your neck, the alcohol heightening the pleasure of him being so close.

"I love you, Y/N. I want you so bad," he breathed against you ear, kissing the skin beneath it, then sucking it harshly, causing you to leap forward and let out a short moan. "Shhhhh," Finn cooed as you tightened your grip on his hand, showing him you needed him as much as he needed you. "I love you too, Finn." You breathed, the harsh kisses he was placing on your soft skin no doubt leaving marks for tomorrow. You turned and placed your arm around his neck and sat on his lap, bottle still in your hand as you brought your lips together, instantly pushing your tongue into his warm mouth, earning a deep soft moan from Finn as you deepened the kiss, his hands now gliding up your thigh and to your underwear. "Not here, Finn." You mumbled against his lips as you felt his fingertips briskly press against the place you needed him. You felt him nod and lock his lips against yours again, deepening the kiss until breaking it to trail kisses down to your collar bone leaving you utterly breathless.

"Well, well." You shot your eyes opened, your hand still deeply locked into Finn's hair as you sat on his lap. Unluckily for the two of you, Finn had one hand grabbing your ass and one rested on the inside of you thigh, rubbing soft circles as you made-out. Thomas Shelby stood tall over the four of you, Isiah and Amy about to burst out laughing that you had been caught as John and Arthur came to stand beside Tommy, smirking at the sight that you and Finn were in.

"Haha, new it!" John bellowed, rubbing his hands together. "You two are together, not so secret now is it?" John continued, watching as Finn and yourself shared confused glances. "You knew?" You asked in almost a whisper. "Of course we fucking knew! Any fool could tell you're both in love... it's just too obvious." Tommy piped in, still smirking at the sight in front of him.

"Oh Polly's so hearing about this. Our little brother pissed as fook and stuffing his tongue down the neck of the girl he loves! Made my evening, what a show!" Arthur bellowed, clearly intoxicated as he slurred slightly. Yourself and Finn once again sharing glances of embarrassment before Tommy continued. "Y/N, what would your parents think about you drunk in an alleyway, mhmm?" Smirking, he lit a cigarette and proceeded to inspect you with a smug grin plastered on his face. "I'm with Finn. It's not like I'm alone." You answered confidently, resting your head on Finn's shoulder as he nodded. "I wouldn't let anything harm her, Tommy." Finn spoke up, his hand playing soft circles on your thigh once more. "Oh, I know, Finn. I know." Tommy assured before gesturing for you to stand and watching as you did so, stumbling into Finn before giggling like young children.

"Isiah, take her home." Tommy gestured to Amy before turning to Finn and yourself who stood in each other's arms, completely oblivious to the presence of his three brothers due to the alcohol. You leant up and kissed Finn's lips passionately. "I fookin' love ya, Finn Shelby!" You slurred, grabbing on his coat before staring up at him. "And I fookin' love you, Y/N Y/L/N!" Finn bellowed loudly before engulfing you into a large hug, grasping for your ass.

Tommy's sigh somewhat sobered you up and you turned you head to see the Shelby boys staring at the two of you in utter amusement. Finn, instantly feeling your sudden wave of soberness, followed your line of sight and nodded at Tommy. "Take her home, sneak her upstairs and get into bed. We'll sober you up before you go home tomorrow, Y/N." Tommy stated clearly before gesturing for you to follow his instructions. "Thank you, Tommy." You sighed cheerfully as you intertwined your hand once more with Finn's and walked back to his shared house with Polly - the two of you in deep shit tomorrow morning.

Part 2 is coming soon!!! 😱💛

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