Tommy Shelby - In the wrong place, at the wrong time

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REQUESTED BY daynaa5xreynolds

You had recently started working as a maid in the house that belonged to the famous gangster Thomas Shelby. The work was mainly mutual, you would clear the dinner table for him, look after Charlie, help him clear his office and wait on him if he needed anything.

In your eyes, you thought Tommy was unlike any man you've ever met. He intrigued you to say the least, his mannerisms, his gestures and his decisions - he truly was a work of art that you could and would look at all day and everyday. The thing was, you wanted to act on your feelings but why would such a man of high power fall for someone like you? That was where you were wrong, Tommy felt the same way about you. Your mannerisms, your patience and kindness that you showed towards him always made him wonder what he did right to deserve somebody like you. He often found himself dreaming of what it would be like to be yours, how you would have your arms open for him when he came home, how you would help through everything and anything. Then there was the cold, brutal harsh slap of reality of it would never ever happen, and you both needed to come to terms with that.


Today, Tommy had invited his family round for Christmas dinner, he wanted to show a kind gesture to those who have stood by him through thick and thin. To be completely honest, you were dumbfounded when he had asked you to sit at his table and join him for dinner. Had he gone mad?

You were currently debating whether you should trust your instincts on the new Italian chefs that had recently started work in the kitchens. They didn't give you a good vibe, a vibe that you desperately wanted to let Tommy know about, but were too worried if you came across as disrespectful towards his decisions. You clearly had no idea that Tommy actually hadn't met the chefs before they got the job, otherwise you would've been spilling your true instincts out to him in a heartbeat.

As your mind wondered, you heard Mary bellow an instruction from across the dining table as you set cutlery in position.

"Y/N, can you run along downstairs and ask the chef what gravy he will be serving? Thanks, lovely." She smiled, gesturing for you to obey. "Of course." You nodded and headed towards the kitchen.

You entered the kitchen to see one of the new chefs, Antonio sitting on a stool, smoking a cigarette and peeling potatoes. "Where's head chef?" You asked, inspecting him closely.

"In there," he replied and pointed towards the closed kitchen door. Just as you were about to walk towards the kitchen, you heard the chef call for Antonio, watching as he picked up a pistol before he headed towards it. Following Antonio in to speak about the gravy situation, you saw him open the door and stop surprisingly.

He then began to speak in Italian, for which you didn't understand and resumed to walking in when Tommy suddenly pounced from behind the door and stabbed bended metal into his neck, pulling him across a counter. "Tommy, he's got a gun!" You announced, the scene that was unveiling itself made you want to curl in a ball or endlessly shoot the man who wanted to kill Tommy.

With that said, you couldn't register what was happening quick enough as Antonio pointed the gun at your chest and shot it. You fell to the floor with sharp pains rippling through your chest, the uncontrollable burning that you suddenly began to feel was overwhelming but had passed just as quickly as it had come. This action only infuriated Tommy more, causing for him to twist the metal deeper into his neck and swing him once more across the table, the yells of pain coming from the Italian man echoing against the walls. The trays went flying as the man skidded across the table, falling off the other side of the table. Tommy was by his side in an instant, pulling him up harshly and bending him over the table, pulling out a revolver in one swift motion.

"You're a black hand! How many came from New York?" Tommy spat, his grip on the man slipping for seconds before resuming, due to the thick blood smeared everywhere. "Eh, how many fucking came from New York?" he repeated harshly in his ear as he pointed the gun further into his head. The man once again spoke in Italian spitefully, making Tommy turn to the head chef with a piercing gaze.

"What did he say? Is that a curse or a number, what did he fucking say?" Tommy remarked, turning the gun to the standing plump man. "What did he fucking say?" he snarled as the man rose his hands in defence and fright.

"He said fuck you." the man yelled, Tommy's mood immediately changing from annoyance to anger. "Yeah?" he bellowed, pointing the gun back at Antonio's head and firing, spurts of blood splattering onto Tommy's face.

The dead man dropped to the floor as Tommy slowly strode towards the head chef, gun pointing at him. "Black hand means kill or be killed." he stated as the man cowered down the wall in surrender. "You go back to London, you tell Darby Sabini," Tommy breathed in between raspy breaths, lifting and dropping the gun in rhythm to his words. "He picked the wrong side in this war." he threatened. The blood seeping through your clothes was making you feel light-headed and dizzy, your head rested on your shoulder that held you up and you crawled backwards against the wall for support.

"Once we've dealt with the Americans, we go for him." Tommy stated, pointing the gun at the door in a gesture to go. "Go on, go." As the man stood up he turned to Tommy and froze. "Go. Oi, you tell anyone else, I'll come and find you." he breathed heavily and watched as the man left before rushing over to you and pressing his hand against your stomach.

"Stay with me, Y/N. I can't fucking lose you." Tommy breathed, his warm hands radiating through your stomach as he lifted you into his arms and carried you bridal style out of the kitchen and up into the living room. "Help!" he yelled, placing you on the sofa and began stroking your hair softly as you whimpered in pain. The last you saw before your heavy lidded eyes finally closed was Tommy's worried blue eyes searching yours as the maids helped you.


When you woke up, you were met with Tommy placing the Christmas presents you wrapped for Charlie in a sack. "Mr Shelby," you whispered, his eyes immediately finding yours. "How many times do I have to tell you, it's Tommy to you." He smiled, his hands playing with your hair once again. "Sorry," you chuckled, watching as his eyes sparkled down at you. "No, I'm sorry. You shouldn't have seen that." he implied, his hand caressing your cheek. "No, I had a bad feeling about him. I should've told you." you stated, cupping the nape of his neck with your palm. "I'm going back to Small Heath for a while. I'll come and visit you." He whispered sadly, searching your disappointed face. "I'll come with you," you stated for only Tommy to interrupt. "Not while I've got dodgy business and people after me. You're hurt, stay here until you at least heal." he sternly spoke, making you smile. "Say Merry Christmas to Charlie for me?" you smiled, watching as he laughed quietly. "Of course," he smiled before he connected your lips in a gentle kiss. It wasn't much, a butterfly kiss if that, but it was full of love and promises.

I hope this was alright? It was my first request and I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. Please, if you've got a request, place them in. I would love to do more! Thank you for reading.

Have a lovely day, my lovelies! ❤️

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