Michael Gray - Neglected Kisses

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The nightclub was thick with smoke, the tobacco and nicotine clouding your senses and sight as you danced along with your best friend Megan. Hands were twisting their way around your hips and waist as you bounced to the music, the smoke cloud so thick you were unable to make out who it was.

After the song had finished, Megan pulled you away from the grasping hands and led you both over to the bar, ordering two whiskeys on ice. That's when you saw him. There he was, elbow perched on the counter as he stared straight at you, your heart immediately quickening at the unforgotten memories. You hadn't seen Michael Gray in years, not since you broke things off.

You had originally stopped things straight when he had let the power of Tommy's business to his head. The once sweet and kind Michael had faded into a bitter and arrogant man you no longer knew. That was years ago and now as he was making his way over to you, you thought whether or not he had changed over the years.

He was wearing a three - pieced suit, his hair shaven short and smoothly styled to one side. You couldn't deny, he was good looking, as good looking as you had remembered. The familiar fluttering in your stomach and the quickening pace of your heart brought you back to so many emotions that you felt all that while ago. You hadn't felt like that since. Well, if you were being honest, you haven't felt like that since Michael, you haven't felt happy in a very long time. Hey, work, horrible people and dirty streets will do that to a person.

"You're looking amazing, Y/N." Michael breathed, utterly stunned at your appearance. Weird, you felt like you were wearing a lighter shade of 'I don't give a flying fuck anymore.'

"As do you, Michael." You smiled, the words rolling delicately off your tongue before Megan turned around and gasped at the scene.

"No! Not again, Y/N. You can do better than him. Don't do this to yourself again, babes." Megan announced, a snarky glance was thrown in Michael's direction. "Megs, it's okay. We're just talking. Thank you though." You pulled her to the side and whispered, looking back at Michael as you did so. "Okay, be careful." She implied and nodded from the dance floor that she was making herself across.

"So, how have you been?" You started, the whiskey circling in your hand. "In all honestly." Michael continued. "I've fucked up. When I lost you, I didn't care about anything anymore. You were so right, the fucking business got to my head and I'm so sorry, Y/N. I treated you like absolute shit and Megan's right, you don't deserve somebody like me." He proceeded. The once arrogant man that you couldn't find yourself to love was gone, your Michael had just shone through the cracks and he wanted to break through desperately. "Michael, I didn't recognise you. I couldn't bring myself to love a man I didn't know, you weren't my Michael anymore. You weren't the man I fell head over heels in love with." You breathed, the pounding music only just making it audible for the two of you to hear each other. "Let's go somewhere quieter," you suggested, clasping his hand in yours and leading him outside the club.

The fresh air was a refresher to say the least, but with Michael's hand inside of yours, you were a hot mess. "Michael, I've tried so hard to be happy without you, so bloody hard. I just can't, I love you." You smiled as he played his thumb over your knuckles. The sudden realisation of your words brought Michael's head up almost immediately. "You still love me?" Michael cheered, his tone changing to ecstatic and overjoyed. "Yes, I do. Now bloody give me a kiss," You stated as you pulled him towards you, the heat of your bodies radiating from the two of you.

The kiss was exactly how you remembered and dreamed of it to be; his soft warm lips like pillows that perfectly moulded against your own. This was your Michael and you were going to do anything you could to keep him.

"Ah yeah, just talking." Megan's stern voice bellowed, causing for the two of you to pull away and look at your friend. She was smiling which was definitely a good sign. "Knew it. Go on, have fun. I'm going home." She implied as she linked hands with a man and lead him towards her house.

Once Megan was out of sight, you turned back to Michael and let out a shaky laugh. "Well..." you started, only to be interrupted by Michael's finger pulling your chin up gently to look into his perfectly blue eyes. "I love you, too." He whispered, setting soft kisses full of love on your once neglected lips.

Loved writing this one! I'm so in love with Hozier's new song - Dinner and Diatribes! It's amazing, I recommend!

Have a lovely day, my lovelies! ❤️
- BubbleBaby893

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